67D Flashcards
Acerbissimum tamen in vita mini accudisse tua vice fatebor.
I will confess however that the most bitter thing in life for me happened on your account.
Reddito me iam cive patriae, beneficio et iudicio absentis Caesaris Augusti, cum per te de restitutione mea M. Lepidus collega praesens interpellaretur, et ad eius pedes prostrata humi non modo non allevata sed tracta et servilem in modum rapsata, livoribus corporis repleta, cumfirmissimo animo eum admoneres edicti Caesaris cum gratulatione restitutionis meae atque, vocibus etiam contumeliosis et crudelibus exceptis vulneribus, palam conquereris ut auctor meorum periculorum notesceret.
With me restored as a citizen to my homeland, because of the kindness and judgement of the absent Caesar Augustus, when M. Lepidus, the present college was confronted through you by my restoration, and you prostrate on the ground at his feet, not only were you not lifted up but dragged and carried off in a servile manner, filled with bruises of your body, since you were reminding him of the edict of Caesar with the strongest spirit with the congratulations of my restoration, with insulting words and cruel wounds having been received you openly complained so that he became know as the author of my dangers.
Cui nocuit mox ea res.
Soon this thing harmed him.
Quid hac virtute efficacius praebere Caesari clementiae lcoum et cum custodia spiritus mei notare importunam crudelitatem Lepidi firma tua patientia.
What was more effective than this courage at providing an opportunity of Caesar’s clemency, and with concern for my life to call attention to the oppressive cruelty of Lepidus with your firm endurance.