5.5 - 5.6 Immune Mediated Injury Flashcards
What is primary immunodeficiency?
- Caused by inherited defect in the immune system
- Innate host defenses (complement, phagocytes, NK-cells)
- Adaptive immunity (humoral or cellular)

What is secondary immunodeficiency?
- Caused by disease:
- Infection
- Malnutrition
- Ageing
- Immunosuppression
- Chemotherapy
- Manifests as increased susceptibility to infection and predisposition to some cancers.
- E.g. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) a disease caused by Human immunodeficiency virus I (HIV-I)
- Infection and depletion of CD4+ T cells
- Profound immunosuppression
- Opportunistic infections
- Secondary neoplasms
- Neurologic manifestations
What are the mechanisms of CD4+ T cell loss mediated by HIV-1?

What is the clinical course of a HIV infection?

What is the role of tolerance in autoimmunity?
- Immunological tolerance is when lymphocytes are unresponsive to antigen
- Self-tolerance – the lack of an immune responsiveness to one’s own tissue antigen – is a fundamental property of the immune system
- A breakdown in tolerance results in self-antigens becoming a target for the host immune response
- This is the basis of autoimmune disease
Where does tolerance occur?
- Central tolerance
- Central lymphoid organs (thymus and bone marrow)
- Immature lymphocytes that recognize self-antigen are killed or rendered harmless.
- Peripheral tolerance
- Occurs in periphery
- Tissues and lymph nodes

What happens in central tolerance for T cell tolerance?
- In developing T-cells, random somatic gene rearrangements generate diverse TCRs
- APC present self-antigens present in thymus in conjunction with MHC to immature CD4/CD8 thymocytes
- No signaling = apoptosis
- Weak MHC-reactivity = survival and maturation
- Strong MHC/self-peptide = Apoptosis

What is the role of tissue specific proteins AIRE in central T cell tolerance?
- AIRE – autoimmune regulator
- Transcription factor that induces expression of peripheral tissue antigens in the thymus
- Mutations in aire give rise to autoimmune disease

What is the efficiency of central T cell tolerance?
- Central Tolerance not 100% efficient
- Despite the AIRE not all self-antigens are present in the thymus
- Self reactive T cells can cause tissue injury unless they are deleted/suppressed in periphery
What are the four mechanisms of peripheral tolerance?
- Anergy
- Suppression
- Deletion (activation-induced cell death)
- Ignorance
What is anergy in T cell tolerance (peripheral tolerance)?
- When the T cell cannot respond to antigen
- T-cells require two signal for activation
- Recognition of peptide antigen with self-MHC
- Binding of CD28 to co-stimulatory molecule (B7)
- T-cell encounters self-antigen
- Co-stimulatory molecule not expressed on APC
- T-cell inhibitory receptor (CTLA-4) competes for B7

What is suppression in T cell tolerance (peripheral tolerance)?
- Tolerance due to regulatory lymphocytes (Treg)
- Express CD25 and transcription factor FoxP3
- Treg-cells recognize self antigen in the thymus and inhibit self reactive T cells that recognize the same antigen in the periphery
- Secretion of cytokines that dampen T cell response

What is deletion in T cell tolerance (peripheral tolerance)?
- Activation-induced cell death:
- Strong or repeated self-antigen recognition
- Engagement of death receptor Fas or expression of pro-apoptotic members of the Bcl family
- Apoptosis of mature lymphocytes

What is ignoral in T cell tolerance (peripheral tolerance)?
- Antigens are hidden from circulation (blood and lymph)
- Immune privileged site
- Some intracellular antigens
- Eye or testes immune cells do not get into those organs. Could recognise testes antigen but would never see it
What is gene tolerance for B cell tolerance (central tolerance)?
- B-cell encounters strongly cross- linking antigen in bone marrow
- Autoreactive B-cell rescued by gene rearrangement
- Receptor editing
- Deletion of self-reactive light chain gene and replacement

What is deletion as a means of B cell tolerance for central tolerance?
- B-cell encounters strongly cross-linking (multivalent) antigen in bone marrow
- Rescue by gene rearrangement fails
- Autoreactive B-cell eliminated by apoptosis

How is anergy seen in B cell tolerance (central tolerance)?
- B-cell encounters weakly cross-linking antigen of low valence in bone marrow
- Permanently unresponsive (anergic) even in the presence of T-cell help (tolerance)
- Do not survive

How is ignorance seen in B cell tolerance (central tolerance)?
- B-cells do not sense self-reactive antigen
- Low access
- Weak binding
- Low concentration
- Can react under certain conditions
Why is B cell tolerance less efficient than t cell tolerance?
- B cell tolerance is less efficient than T cell tolerance
- Relies upon efficient T cell tolerance
- Relies on lack of T helper cells specific for self antigens

What are the two mechanisms of causing autoimmunity?
- Inheritance of susceptibility genes
- Environmental triggers that promote activation of self-reactive lymphocytes.

What are the genetic factors that predispose one to autoimmunity?
- Disease runs in families
- Affects monozygotic twins > dizygotic twins
- Usually multiple genes, although can be caused by a single gene defect
- Genes that affect self tolerance:
- HLA genes
- Non-MHC genes
- Autoantigen availability and clearance (ie apoptosis)
- Control of lymphocyte activation (ie IL-2R, CTLA-4)
- Development – AIRE, responsible for presentation of peripheral tissue antigens in the thymus
What autoimmune diseases are linked to MHC genetic factors?
- Human MHC genes (HLA) are highly polymorphic
- Some autoimmune diseases are associated with HLA locus
- Thought that MHC genotype determines ability of T cells to respond to antigen

What changes to tissues are seen in autoimmunity?
- Inflammation
- May activate anergic autoreactive bystanders cells
- Secrete cytokines that impair regulatory T cells
- Tissue injury
- Tissue antigens may be altered by infection
- Cryptic epitopes may be exposed by infection
- Molecular mimicry
- Microbial antigens with cross-reactivity with autoantigens
- Drugs and toxins
- Drugs and toxins can bind self antigens so that they are recognized as foreign
Does all autoimmunity lead to disease?
- Not all autoimmunity leads to autoimmune disease
- Transient anti-nuclear antibodies are produced after viral infections, with no outcome in most cases
- Increase in the incidence of autoantibodies with increasing age - most show no evidence of autoimmunity
- Experimental models of autoreactivity often need triggering events to develop disease
When does autoimmune disease occur?
Autoimmune disease occurs when immune response to specific self-antigens (autoimmunity) contribute to the ongoing tissue damage that occurs in that disease
What is the difference between organ specific and systemic autoimmune disease?

What are hypersensitivities directed against?
- Pathogenic immune response directed against:
- Host own antigen-autoimmunity
- Microbe- immune response excessive or microbe persistent
- Inflammation
- Tissue damage
- Environmental antigens
- Immune response towards noninfectious and harmless antigens
What are the four different types of hypersensitivities?
- Type I – Immediate: IgE
- Type II – Antibody-mediated: IgG and IgM antibodies directed to cellular antigens
- Type III – Immune complex-mediated: Circulating IgG and IgM form complexes with antigen and are deposited
- Type IV – T cell-mediated (type IV): CD4 and CD8 T-cells and macrophages
What happens in type I hypersensitivity?
- Production of antibody (IgE) to innocuous antigens
- Allergic response
- Exposure to antigen
- Sensitization by production of IgE
- Atopic individual often develop multiple types of allergic disease (eczema, rhinitis, asthma)
- Non-atopic individuals may develop allergy to single antigen (penicillin, bee venom)
- Inappropriate (pathological) triggering of a defensive immune response normally (physiological) directed to helminths (multicellular parasites)
- Involves TH2 and B-cell class switch
How does initial priming in response to antigen occur for Type I hypersensitivity?
- APCs drive Th2 response
- IL-4 induces class switching
- IL-15 recruits and activates eosinophils
- IL-13 acts on epithelial cells to stimulate mucous secretion
- Th2 cells induce isotype switching to IgE

How does sensitisation occur in type 1 hypersensitivity?
- IgE opsonises local mast cells and basophils via FceRI
- Contain preformed granules of inflammatory mediators

What does repeat exposure do in type 1 hypersensitivity?
- Repeat Exposure
- Allergens bind IgE on mast cells
- Initiates rapid degranulation of inflammatory mediators
- Inflammatory mediators drive pathology

What is the role of Th2 CD4+ T cells in type 1 hypersensitivity?
- Activation and cytokine production:
• IL-4 induces class switching to IgE which binds mast cells
• IL-5 recruitment and activation of eosinophils
• IL-13 acts on epithelial cells and stimulate mucous secretion
What is the role of IgE in type 1 hypersensitivity?
- Binds FCεRI (high affinity) on mast cells (tissues) and basophils (circulation)
- Binds cells without antigen
- IgE present in tissues

What is the role of mast cells in type 1 hypersensitivity?
- Location/properties
- Mucosal and epithelial tissues, and connective tissue
- Alert immune system to local infection
- Have surface-bound IgE (via FcεR)
- Contain pre-formed granules
- Allergen-mediated IgE/ FcεR cross-linking causes granule exocytosis
- synthesis of inflammatory lipid mediators & cytokines & chemokines

What immune mediators do mast cells release in type 1 hypersensitivity?
- Immune mediators - Immediate response:
- 5-30min
- Granule contents:
- Histamines
- Proteases
- Chemotactic factors
- Membrane phospholipids:
- Platelet activating factor
- Arachidonic acid (prostaglandin (D2), leukotrienes (B4, C4, D4)
- Response:
- Vasoldilation, vascular leakage, smooth muscle contraction, increased mucus secretion

What immune mediators are released by mast cells in the late phase reaction?
- 2-8hrs, lasting days
- Cytokines:
- TNF and chemokines – recruit and activate leukocytes
- IL-4, IL-5 – Th2
- IL-13 – mucous secretion
- Response:
- Leukocyte infiltration (neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes
- Epithelial damage
- bronchospasm

What are the tissue specific mechanisms of type 1 hypersensitivity?

What are the type 1 hypersensitivity systemic symptoms?
- Itching
- Hives
- Skin erythemia
- Respiratory difficulty
- Pulmonary bronchoconstriction
- Hypersecretion of mucous
- Laryngeal edema
- Vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea
- Gastrointestinal contraction
- Drop in blood pressure (anaphylactic shock)
- Systemic vasodilation
What genetic conditions give susceptibility to type 1 hypersensitivity?
- Genome-wide linkage scans:
- Cytokines that control Th2
- Adam33 (tissue remodeling)
- HLA molecules:
- IgE production to certain allergens is associated with particular haplotypes
What environmental conditions give rise to type I hypersensitivity?
- Atopic allergic disease is increased in economically advanced regions of the world
- Hygeiene hypothesis:
- Early childhood exposuire to infection protects against allergy by skewing immune response away from Th2 and IgE
- Counter regulation hypothesis:
- Exposure to infection down-regulates both Th1 and Th2 through activation of Tregs
- Less infection => less efficient Treg production
What is type II hypersensitivity?
- Antibody-Mediated Diseases
- Directed to normal cell or tissue antigens or cell surface or tissue matrix molecules that have been modified by chemical or microbial proteins.
- Antibodies (IgM and IgG) directed against tissue antigens
- Cell death and tissue damage
- Activation of the complement system
- Targeting cells for phagocytosis
- Inflammation
- Cell death and tissue damage
- Interfere with normal function
- Block or change the function of the antigen they have bound to
What is the first step of type II hypersensitivity?
Activation of complement system

What is the second step of type II hypersensitivity?
- Cell death and tissue damage:
- Phagocytosis by macrophages and neutrophils:
- Antibodies recognized by Fc receptors
- Complement recognized by C3b receptor
- Neutrophils release enzymes and ROS which damage tissue

What is the third and fourth step of type II hypersensitivity?
- Cell death and tissue damage:
- Tissue that’s too big for phagocytosis may be damaged by antibody-dependent cell- mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC)

What is an example of type 2 hypersensitivity where normal funciton is blocked?
- Block normal function
- Myasthenia gravis
- Antibodies directed against the acetylcholine receptors in motor end plates inhibit neuromuscular transmission and cause muscle weakness.

What is an example of type 2 hypersensitvity where normal funciton is changed?
- Change normal function
- Graves disease
- Autoantibodies against the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor on thyroid epithelium mimic TSH to cause excessive production of thyroid hormone

How is Rh disease of the newborn an example of type 2 hypersensitivity?
- Rhesus negative woman carries a Rhesus positive fetus
- Preformed maternal IgG antibody (previous pregnancy or transfusion) react with child’s RBC in utero
- Removal of RBC via complement activation
- Prevention; a Rh- woman carrying a Rh+ fetus is given anti-D (Rh antigen) antibodies, which attack and destroy the babies Rh+ cells before they can initiate the formation of antibodies by the mother

How is rheumatic heart disease an example of type II hypersensitivity?
- Acute, immune mediated, inflammatory disease
- Occurs following group A streptococcal infection (pharyngitis)
- Inflammation of the valves, myocardium, pericardium
- Certain streptoccocal strains induce host antibodies that cross react with host antigens.
- Damage host tissue

What is type 3 hypersensitivity?
- Immune complex disease
- Immune complexes are formed between antibody and antigen
- Exogenous antigen • Microbial protein
- Endogenous protein • Nucleoprotein
- Includes some of the most common immunologic diseases

What happens to immune complexes under normal circumstances (not type 3 hypersensitivity)?
- Under normal circumstances
- Immune complexes are formed between antibody and antigen
- Removed from circulation by the action of complement
- Activation of complement => C3b deposited on immune complex
- Binds to CR1 receptor on erythrocytes
- Removed by CR1 and FcR bearing phagocytic cells in spleen and liver

How do immune complexes cause disease in type 3 hypersensitivity?
- Immune complexes cause disease when they are produced in large amounts – persistent infection, autoimmune disease, constant environmental exposure
- inadequately cleared – limited Fc receptors
- deposit in tissue (basement membranes of blood vessels, kidney, joints)
- induce inflammatory reaction
- Systemic: immune complexes formed in the circulation and deposited in many tissues Eg SLE
- Localized: immune complexes are deposited in specific tissues
What happens when complement is activated in type 3 hypersensitivity?

What sort of pathological lesions are seen in type 3 hypersensitivity?
- Vasculitis in blood vessels
- Fibrinoid necrosis associated with vasculitis
- Protein deposition in tissue as a result of the inflammatory reaction
- Glomerulonephritis in renal glomeruli
- Rheumatoid Arthritis with immune complexes causing inflammation of flexible joints
How is arthus reaction an example of type 3 hypersensitivity (local)?
- Pre-existing antibodies (through previous exposure to antigen)
- Complex with antigen as it diffuses across the vascular wall
- Induce inflammatory reaction
- Edema, hemorrhage, occasionally ulceration
- Rapid time course-4-10 hours

How is acute post infection glomerulonephritis an example of type 3 local hypersensitivity?
- Can occur following group A streptococcal infection of skin or pharynx
- Immune complexes between streptococcal antigens and antibodies form in circulation and deposit in glomeruli or form in situ
- Acute inflammation in glomeruli
How is systemic lupus erythematosus and example of systemic type 3 hypersensitivity?
- Multi-system autoimmune disease
- Failure to maintain self-tolerance large array of autoantibody
- Clinical manifestation
- Unpredictable,
- Remitting, Relapsing,
- Acute, Insidious
- Effects any organ through deposition of immune complexes in basement membrane
- Skin, kidney, serosal membranes, joints, heart

What is the mechanism of SLE in type 3 systemic hypersensitivity?
- Increased generation/ defect in clearance of antigens (in particular nuclear antigens) released by apoptotic cells and the failure of T- and B-cell tolerance to these self antigens.
- Antibodies
- Nuclear proteins
- Cytoplasmic proteins
- Protein:Phospholipid complexes
- Surface antigens of blood vessels
What factors make one susceptible to type 3 hypersensitivity for SLE?

What is type IV hypersensitivity triggered by?
- AKA Delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH)
- Due to persisting antigen specific T cells (CD4 or CD8)
- Triggered by intracellular antigen

What is the mechanism of type IV hypersensitivity that is CD4 T cell mediated?
- TH1 CD4+ T-cells secrete cytokines
- Recruitment of macrophages
- When the organism, or stimulating agent persists, macrophages and T cells accumulate at the antigen site in large numbers and result in pathology

How is the tuberculin reaction an example of type 4 hypersensitivity that is CD4 T cell mediated?
- In individuals previously sensitized to tubercle bacillus: Vaccination or infection
- Tuberculin (M. tuberculosis peptides and carb) injected intradermally.
- Results in T cell-mediated inflammatory response
- Morphology of tuberculin reaction
- Local erythema (reddening) and induration (hardening)
- Perivascular accumulation of CD4+ helper T cells and macrophages
- Secretion of cytokines increased microvascular permeability
- Edema and fibrin deposition

How is Mtb granuloma formation an example of type IV hypersensitivity that is CD4 T cell mediated?
- CD4+ infiltrate replaced by macrophages (2-3 weeks)
- Macrophages activated–flat and eosinophilic
- Fuse in presence of cytokines (giant cells)
- Granuloma:
- Giant cells
- Surrounded by lymphocytes
- Enclosing ring of fibroblasts
- Tuberculosis
- Inhaled and deposited in lung
- Phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages
- Resist killing
- Present antigen to CD4 T cells
- Initiate granuloma formation

What do CD8+ T cells do in type IV hypersensitivity?
CD8+ T-cell mediated:
• CD8+ CTLs kill antigen-expressing target cells

How is poison ivy an example of CD8 T cell mediated Type IV hypersensitivity?
- CD8+ T-cell response to contact with pentadecacatechol
- Chemical in poison ivy
- Lipid soluble
- Crosses cell membrane
- Modifies intracellular proteins
- Results in modified peptides presented by MHC I
- CD8+ T-cell response which directly kill cells