2.8 Epigenetics Flashcards

What is epigenetics?
Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene expression that occur without changes in DNA sequence.
Epigenetic changes are mitotically heritable
In what way can epigenetic modifications be reset?
- Some epigenetic marks around implantation will persist for the entire lifetime
- Germ cell and early embryonic development is where epigenetic marks are removed (break in the cycle)

Name the five epigenetic alterations
- DNA methylation
- Post translational histone modification
- Non coding RNAs
- Histone Variants
- Nucleosome remodelling/chromatin remodelling
Where does DNA methylation occur
- At CpG dinucleotides in mammals, regions where C is followed by G base
- A 5-methyl group is added

How does DNA methylation occur?
- DNA methylation is laid down by de novo methyltransferases, DNMT3A and DNMT3B in mammals

How is DNA methylation symmetrical?
- The new daughter strand of DNA (green) is not methylated
- Because it is semi conservative you still have one strand with methylation
- Maintenance DNMT1 lays down methylation on the other strand, recognising hemi methylated DNA

Apart from CpG islands where else does DNA methylation occur?

What is ICF syndrome?
- Immunodeficiency, Chromosomal instability and Facial Anomolies syndrome
- Very rare, autosomal recessive disorder with variable phenotypes
What causes ICF syndrome?
- Mutation in DNA methyltransferase 3B (DNMT3B)
- Hypomethylation of a small amount of the gemone in patients - not enough methylation
- Pericentromeric repeats at centromeres of chromosome 1, 9, 16 related to chromosomal instability
- Hypomethylation of CpG islands on inactive X chromosome in females, Y chromosome in males
- Some other genes, related neurogenesis, immune funciton, craniofacial patterning, which all relate to phenotypes in patients
When does DNA demethylation happen?
- It is mitotically heritable, due to action of maintenance methyltransferase DNMT1
- DNA demethylation is shown to occur in early development, in primordial germ cell development and at later specific stages of differentiation
How is DNA demethylation achieved?

In what ways can DNA methylation cause silencing?
- It can interfere with transcription factor binding
- Result in the binding of methyl-CpG binding proteins which recruit other factors that alter chromatin state
Where do histone tail modifications occur?

What is histone acetylation?
- Acetylation is correlated with gene activity, partly due to reduced positive charge of histone.
- Not mitotically heritablem not strictly epigenetic, chromatin mark

What is histone methylation?
- Histone methylation does not alter the charge of the histone
- It can correlate either with transcriptional activity or inactivity, depending on which histone tail residue is methylated
- Mono, di and tri methylation exist

Why do histone tail modifications correlate with different chromatin states?
- Histone tail modifications are “read” by other chromatin proteins
- The interacting chromatin proteins may alter chromatin packaging or bring about other histone modifications
- They don’t cause altered gene expression but instead mark euchromatin or heterochromatin to be bound by other factors that themselves can alter accessibiility
What is the role of histone tails and chromatin proteins?
- Modified histone tails act as docking sites for other chromatin proteins
- Proteins that bind Me or Ac at specific residues alter chromatin packaging or bring about additional epigenetic charges

What are 3 examples of chromodomain proteins?
- CHD1 - ATP dependent chromatin remodeller
- HP1 - essential heterochromatin protein, can recruit DNA methyltransferase 1
- CBX2 - part of polycomb repressive complex that lays down H2AK119ub, another epigenetic mark

What are two examples of long non coding RNAs?
- X inactivation (e.g. Xist)
- Genomic imprinting (e.g. Kcnq1OT1, Snrpn, Airn)
What are some of the possible mechanisms for long non coding RNAs?
The common feature is that there is the formation of RNA - protein complexes that influence the regulation of gene expression

How do long non coding RNAs guide epigenetic complexes of proteins?
- Sequence complementarity allows the lncRNA to guide the epigenetic modifier complex to a specific location in the DNA

What is X Chromosome inactivation?
- X inactivation is an epigenetic dosage compensation mechanism in mammals, so that males and females have the same dose of genes on the X chromosome.
- Random X inactivation occurs at gastrulation in the embryo, then this epigenetic state is mitotically inherited by each daughter cell

How does X inactivation manifest visually in cats?
- There is a ginger colour gene G, and the null allele giving a black coat (g)
- Additional coat colour genes for white bellies
- Coat colour patches and X inactivation maintained for the lifetime of the female mammal, due to mitotic heritability of epigenetic marks on the inactive X

What epigenetic marks are needed for the inactive X chromosome?
- Xist long non coding RNA bound
- Low levels of histone acetylation
- Accumulation of H3K27me and H3K9me
- DNA methylation of inactivated CpG islands
What is Xist?
- Xist is aa 17kb long non-coding RNA that is critical for X inactivation
- Xist expression from one of the X chromosomes is the first detectable event of X inactivation
- Xist is expressed from the chromosoem that will become the inactive X
- Xist RNA coats the inactive X elect in cis
How does Xist influence epigenetic silencing?
- Xist RNA binds Hnrnpk, which then recruits polycomb repressive complex 1, which imparts H2AK119ub
- H2AK119ub recruits polycomb repressive complex 2, which imparts H3K27me

In 2015 what extra step of Xist X inactivation method was discovered?
Xist binds Spen. Spen may activate Hdac3 to enable deacetylation

How heritable is X inactivation?
X inactivation status is stable and mitotically heritable. If paternal X was inactivated in the founder cell, all daughter cells will also have the paternal X chromosome inactivated

What is Rett Syndrome?
- X-linked neurodevelopmental syndrome caused by mutations in a methyl binding domain protein MeCP2
- MeCP2 is encoded on the X chromosome
- Lethal in males before birth (hemizygous)
- Heterozygous females survive because they are mosaics
What happens in there is XCI skewing with Rett Syndrome?
- X inactivation skewing is where is is usually an equal chance of either X chromosome being inactive, but can have uneven split
- XmutX: if skewing is such that Xmut is silenced 80% of the time it is less severe. If skewed so X is silenced 80% of the time then more severe
How could Rett Syndrome possible be treated?
- Try to switch on the inactive X in the brain of Rett patients, meaning wild type copy of MeCP2 was made to bring about normal function.
- This requires removing many epigenetic marks on the inactive X. the large number of redundant epigenetic marks results in vary stable silencing