1.5 Enzymes Flashcards
Hwo does the binding of enzymes to transition states compare to binding of substrate or product?
- Enzymes bind transition states best
- Enzyme active sites are complimentary to the transition state of the reaction so they bind better than the substrates
- Additional interactions also lower activation barrier

How do enzymes lower the activation energy?
- Enzyme catalysed reactions are characterised by the formation of acomplex between enzyme and substrate
- Stabilisation of the transition state through tight binding of the enzyme

What are the three catalytic mechanisms enzymes may take?
- Acid base catalysis - give and take protons
- Covalent catalysis - change reaction paths
- metal ion catalysis - use redox cofactors, pKa shifters
Why are enzymes so important in metabolism?
Living organisms must be able to catalyse the conversion of carbon fuel sources into cellular energy (ATP) in an approopriate time scale
What causes phenylketonuria?
A deficiency in the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase.

What are cofactors and coenzymes?
- additional chemical components that enzymes require for activity
- Either small inorganic molecules called cofactors eg Mg2+, K
- More complex molecules called coenzymes that transiently carry funcitonal groups during catalysis of a reaction
What are some of the most common types of enzymes?

What are kinases?
They catalyse the phosphoryl transfer from one molecule (usually ATP) to another for example hexokinase

What is the phosphorylase enzyme?
Catalyses the covalent addition of inorganic phosphate (Pi) to a moelcules
Eg glycogen phosphorylase

What is the phosphatase enzyme?
It catalyses the cleavage of a phosphate to yield the dephosphorylated product and Pi
Example glucose-6-phosphatase

What is the dehydrogenase enzyme?
It catalyses a redox reaction commonly using NADH/NAD+, NADPH/NADP+ or FADH2/FAD as cofactors
Example glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase

What does the mutase enzyme do?
Catalyses the shift of a phosphoryl group from one atom to another within the same molecule
Example phosphoglycerate mutase

What does the isomerase enzymes do?
Catalyses the conversion of one isomer to another, triose phosphate isomerase

What does the hydratase enzyme type do?
Catalyses the addition/removal of water e.g enolase

What does synthase enzyme do?
Catalyses the synthesis of a product.
Example citrate synthase

What is the binding free energy?
The difference between the activation energies of the uncatalysed and catalysed reactions caused by the enzyme binding the transition state

WHy does the rate of reaction decrease over time for enzyme substrate reaction?

- S is depleted by conversion to products
- The reaciton is reversible so as [P] increases the rate of the reverse reaction increases
- The enzyme may be unstable under the reaction conditions
What is the relationship between the initial rate of reaction and the concentration of enzyme?

How do you work out what the Km for an enzyme is?
- Determine Vo at varying [S]
- Plot Vo as a function of [S] and see the concentration of substrate at which Vo is half of Vmax

In michaelis menten theory what is the form of the enzyme substrate reaction?

What are the four assumptions used in michaelis menten theory?

What is the michaelis menten equation?

What is the rate determining step in michaelis menten kinetics?
The conversion of ES to E and P
What is the steady state assumption for michaelis menten kinetics?
Vo represents the steady state where [ES] remains constant.
Right when the reaction starts the rate of formation of ES = the rate of ES breakdown

How does steady state assumption impact equilibria?

What equation is used for the double reciprocal plot?

What are the axis of each double reciprocal plot?
x axis is 1/[S]
the y axis is 1/Vo

What is on the intercepts of the double reciprocal plots?
X intercepts represents the -1/Km
Y intercept is 1/Vmax

What is the slope of the double reciprocal plot?

What is the relationship between Kd and Km?
Km has the Steady State assumption and takes account of the catalytic step

What is the turnover number and where does it come from?
- In michaelis menten kinetics K2 is the rate constant for the rate limiting step
- Called Kcat or the turnover number
- Means the number of molecules of substrate converted to product (S to P) per unit time per enzyme molecule saturated with substrate (when [ES] = [Et]

What is the specifity constant?
- It is Kcat/Km
- Defined as the rate constant for the conversion of E+S to E+P
- It reflects both substrate affinity and catalytic efficiency, high value indicates more efficient use of the substrate
What are irreversible inhibitors defined as?
They bind covalently to the active site, destroy a functional group essential for enzyme activity, or form a stable non covalent complex with the enzyme (suicide inhibitors)
What are reversible inhibitors defined as?
They bind reversibly to the enzymes and inhibit the enzyme either by competitive, uncompetitive or mixed modes of inhibition
What changes in the michaelis menten equation are seen due to competitive inhibition?
There is an alpha constant added in front of Km

How does the double reciprocal plot change for a competitive inhibition?
As alpha increase the gradient increases so x intercept gets closer to the right

How does the michaelis menten equation change with uncompetitive inhibition?
And alpha’ constant gets added in front of [S]

How does the shape of the double reciprocal plot change with uncompetitive inhibition?
The line gets translated up the y axis with increasing alpha prime

How does the michaelis menten equation change with the mixed inhibition?
alpha gets added to Km and alpha’ to [S]

How does mixed inhibition change the shape of the double reciprocal plot?

What do allosteric enzymes do?
- Regulate metabolic pathways by changing activity in response to chagnes in the concentration of molecules around them
- Allosteric enzymes are regulated by compounds called allosteric modulators or allosteric effectors
What are the types of allosteric modulators and how do they bind?
- Positive modulators’ activate and ‘negative modulators’ inhibit allosteric enzymes
- Modulators bind reversibly and non-covalently to the enzyme – they can ‘come and go’
How does a positive allosteric regulator work?

How do allosteric regulators change the shape of Vo and [S] graph?
- As S (e.g.forATCase, S is Asp or carbamyl phosphate) binds, there is a transition from the T state to the R state to give a sigmoidal V0 versus S plot
- A relatively small increase in S on the steep part of the curve causes a relatively large increase in V0

What is the role of ATCase?
It catalyses the first step in the E coli pathway to produce the nucleotides UTP and finally CTP

How is ATCase seen to be an allosteric enzyme?
- CTP inhibits ATCase at high levels so its a negative modulator
- HIgh ATP levels in the bacteria indicate the growth of the cell and the need for more CTP, so ATP is a positive modulator

What is the structure of ATCase?
It has complex quaternary structure of 12 subunits
- 6 catalytic subunits, arranged as 2 x trimeric complexes. The catalytic subunits function cooperatively
- 6 regulatory subunits, arranged as 3x dimeric complexes

How does the shape of the Vo vs [S] plot change with modulators?
- As ATP increases, the V0 vs [S] plot becomes more hyperbola-like
- As CTP increases, the V0 vs [S] plot shifts to the right – the substrate concentration at 1⁄2 V0 (K0.5) increases