53 - oedema Flashcards
Sx of congestive heart failure
SOB, fatigue, leg swelling, PND, orthopnea, pleural effusion, pitting oedema
Causes of CHF
CAD, MI, AF, HTN, alcohol, infection, cardiomyopathy.
Dx of CHF
Diagnose with echo.
CXR, ECG, BNP to isolate cause.
Mx of CHF
Modify lifestyle factors.
Treat with furosemide, start either ACE inhibitor or bisoprolol.
Add the other if still symptomatic.
Be wary of fluid overloading
DDx for oedema causes
Malnutrition (kwashiorkor) Heart failure Renal failure Liver failure Venous obstruction Lymphoedema Anaphylaxis
Causes of hypoproteinaemia
Malabsorption Malnutrition Liver disease (reduced albumin synthesis) Renal disease (increased loss in urine) Sepsis
Triad in nephrotic syndrome
What often increases in nephrotic
hyperlipiaemia - to compensate
What is meant by nephrosis
proteins pass through kidney to filtrate
most common cause of nephrotic syndrome
minimal change
Ix in nephrotic
Urine dip test. May need a kidney biopsy to identify cause.
Mx of minimal change
Sx/ signs of nephritic syndrome
Causes of nephritic syndrome
IgA nephropathy, HSP, Goodpasture, SLE, HUS, post-strep.
Blood tests and urine dip.
Rfs pre-eclampsia
obesity, DM, HTN, old age, twin pregnancies, smoking.
2 key feaures of pre-eclamosia
HTN and proteinura
Complications / risks with pre-eclampsia
May progress to HELLP, eclampsia, ARDS, stroke and AKI
Manage HTN in preg
Women have Labia
What do you also get?
Mx ?
Pre-eclampsia and tonic-clonic seizures. High blood pressure, proteinuria. Emergency, rapidly fatal for both mother and baby. Treat with MGSO4. Delivery is the only true treatment.
What is HELLP? Mx?
Haemolysis. Elevated Liver enzymes and Low Platlets.
Treat DIC with FFP
manage the HTN.