5.3 Career Development Flashcards
General Course that a person choose to pursue throughout his working life
Types of Career Paths
- Traditional
- Lateral
- Network
- Dual-Career Path
- Adding Value to Your Career - view that knowledge must be ever expanding and continual development is a must.
- Demotion - moving a worker to a lower level of duties and responsibilities
- Free Agent - people who take charge of all or a part of their career by being their own boss or working with others in ways that fit their particular needs or wants.
Career Management
The process of planning an employee’s progress towards a professional goal and then acting on those plans through a variety of methods
Career Development
Process an individual may undergo to evolve their occupational status. Lifelong.
Formal vs Informal
- Short-term training programs, education that can help build skills sets for a particular job
- Includes mentorship opportunities, networking events, online courses, internships and volunteering experiences
Methods in Career Development
Manager/Employee Self-Service
Discussions with Knowledgable Individuals
Company Material
Career Planning and Management Development
- on-going process whereby an individual set career goals and identifies the means to achieve them
- Consists of all learning experience provided by an organization resulting in upgrading skills nad knowledge required in current and future managers
Types of Management Development
- Succession Planning
- Mentoring -individual career, personal and professional growth
- Coaching - focus on performance
- Reverse Monitoring
Steps in Doing a Performance Appraisal
- Specify the goal of the appraisal
- Define environmental and cultural limitations
- Who will Evaluate?
- Choose a Technique
- Train Evaluators
- Evaluate
- Make a Decision based on goals
- Communicate Results
Graphic Rating Scale vs Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales
- List several job dimensions and range of performance for each trait [Trait and Score for EACH trait]
- Anchors numerical rating scale with specific illustrative examples of good and bad performance
Alternative ranking Method vs Paired Comparison vs Forced Distribution
- Best to Worst on a trait or Best to worst traits on an individual
- For every trait, we compare it to another employee
- Pre-determined percentages of rates into performance categories [Tier List with limited slots]
Computer and Web-based Performance vs Electronic Performance Monitoring
- Compilation of computerized notes then merging these with ratings for employees on several performance traits
- Manager can look at employees’ computer
Performance Management
Identify, measure and developing the performance of individuals and teams, and aligning their performance with org. goals.
Other Appraisal methods
Conversation Days
Critical Incident Report
Narrative Forms/Report
Management My Objectives
Job Withdrawal
Actions intended to place physical and psychological distance between employees and their work environment
Turnover? What is voluntary turnover?
- Rate of employees who leave the firm
- Employees voluntarily leave the organizations, maybe due to dissatisfaction etc.
Glass Ceiling vs Glass Cliff
- A ceiling that restricts a certain individual or group to get promoted
- Women are promoted to higher positions during times of crises
Dismissal vs Transfer
- Move from one job to another
- Involuntary termination