513B - Compensation and Leave Administrative Order (21- Leave Policy) Flashcards
Employees absent and failing to comply with leave rules will be placed in what status in EIS?
Absent without leave (AWOL)
An extended vacation is how many days?
Five or more
If employee is going on extended leave for more than _____ days for vacation or military they must turn their car in to motor pool.
The commanding officer SHALL use discretion in determining if a home visit to check employee on sick leave is required. T/f
Employee can be put on temporary light duty If medical, psychological , or physical disability is treatable and not more that how long?
1 year
Employee without enough leave time to cover their days are placed in what status in EIS?
Leave without pay (LWOP)
Priority of light duty assignments will go to those officers IOD. T/f
Can officers on temporary limited light duty carry firearms ?
Yes as long as it’s concealed
Can officer on limited light duty have take home car?
Can officers on limited light duty do secondary employment that does not exercise police authority?
Can officers on limited light duty work overtime?
What is the limit for training hours for police/corrections military reservists?
240 hours per fiscal year (30 days)
Who determines appropriate amount of bereavement leave for employee?
If activated for military duty over _____ days, issued laptop, radios, and citation books must be turned in.
45 days
If military duty extends over how many days, assigned vehicle must be turned in.
30 calendar days
If placed on Administrative Leave after critical incident, can officer use take home car?
If employee goes on terminal leave, do they need to turn car in?
A civilian employee working a four day work week must use an accrued holiday within how many days?
Two weeks
What is the leave time limit for civilian military reservists?
240 hours per calendar year
When deployed military reservist returns to work, they must furnish a DD-214 to personnel within how many days?
60 days
A leave of absence without pay for extraordinary cases and for compelling reasons can be granted for under 6 months with final approval up to who?
Employees Director
A request for leave for an extended vacation of 5 days or more shall take precedence over an individual’s request for ______ or _____ days of leave.
1 or 2
Sick leave requests will be initiated each day via EIS Unless the illness is extended past ______ days. At which time the leave can be input in work cycle increments.
10 days
The request for Temporary Medical Limited Duty Form is routed through the CoC to the ______ _____ who recommends approval or disapproval and forwards it to the Chief. The _____ forwards it to the ______ who will make final determination and route form to Personnel Division medical section designee.
Assistant Chief
An employee on temporary limited duty will only be allowed to drive a SO vehicle during work hours after receiving approval from a _______ or higher authority.
Employees on temporary limited duty may be transferred to different temporary assignments at the discretion of the applicable _____ to best meet the needs of the SO.
The employees _____ or designee shall be notified upon granting an employee bereavement leave.
Chief or designee
Officers on military leave greater than 45 days may keep their assigned firearms if authorized by their respective _____ or higher authority.
Upon release from active duty deployment but prior to re-issueance of equipment and return to duty, the employee is to notify the __________________of the desired date of return to duty.
Chief of Human Resources
At the discretion of the _______________the employee may be required to undergo a return to duty psychological or physical evaluation by a COJ physician .
Chief of Human Resources
For a leave of absence under 6 months without pay, employee shall submit a written request to the Personnel Division medical section designee and it will be routed through the CoC to the ____ of their Division specifying reason, length of time needed, and verifying documents.
For a leave of absence over 6 months employees shall submit the Leave of Absence without pay request to the Human Resources Division Medical Section designee. After approval by the _______ of Human Resources Division or the appropriate _____, the form shall be forwarded to the City of Jacksonville _______ of Employee Services for final approval.
Chief of Division
Chief of Employee Services
When employee is involved in a critical incident, ADL with pay may be granted by an ________ Chief or above or higher authority.
Assistant Chief
The duration of paid ADL will be determined by the appropriate ________ or higher authority.
Any officer whose actions result in death or SBI shall be placed on ADL by the ________ __________ of Major Case or higher authority.
Assistant Chief of Major Case
The officer will be on limit duty status pending review of the incident by the _______ or his designee regarding the officers ability to return to his duty assignment safely and effectively.
An employee on terminal leave CoC shall notify the ______ of Human Resources so that employee can be placed on an administrative roll call until the employees end date.
Chief of Human Resources
Who owns the Compensation and Leave Administrative Order?
Chief of Human Resources
Wellness appointment must be cancelled within how many hours?
24 hours
Disincentives for failing to pass PAT go into effect how soon?
If they don’t pass within thirty day grace period
Officers have how long to complete modified Wellness Examination?
3 hours
Office have how many hours to complete full Wellness Examination?
Five hours
Who is notified if Examination exceeds time?
Supervisors must check EIS rosters how often?
Each working day
Supervisors must establish a _______ in EIS.
Leave of Absence without Pay can only be used for full time employees that have prior approval from who?
Department Director
Who is responsible for ensuring all procedures related to IOD reporting are initiated and completed?
Commanding Officer
Who has to initiate the FTO relationship in EIS?
How is the recruits call sign listed in EIS?
“A” after FTO call sign
When is SD used in EIS?
Employee is working but out of County
When employee leaves Unit, who initiates transfer?
When assignment or attendance changes after the beginning of the shift for Patrol or Investigation Divisons, who is notified?
Supervisor contacts Communications center watch supervisor
An employee who is AWOL from their position for _____ consecutive days is considered to have abandoned their position.
3 days
Probationary Personnel who wish to take leave for more than one work cycle must get permission from who?
Assistant Chief
Probationary employee who want to take leave during their last 30 calendar days must get permission from who?
Division Chief
Employee who is drafted, or volunteers for active military duty shall be granted what kind of leave?
Leave of Absence without pay
Employees who are deploying under military orders for more than 180 days will report to Human Resources Division for what?
Exit interview