356B - Tactical Support Unit Order Flashcards
Who owns the Tactical Support Unit Order?
Commanding officer of Tactical Support
What is primary mission for Criminal Apprehension Unit?
Serve arrest warrants for investigations Division Major Case Section
What is barricaded subject?
- Armed
- Involved in criminal act or threat to lives of others
- In a position of advantage
- Refuse to submit to arrest
A group of 3-4 officers, ideally with a supervisor, tasked with taking subject into custody upon surrender is called what?
Apprehension Team
What is Priority of Life Matrix in descending order?
Tactical (SWAT) officers
Should an emergency breach be considered for an armed suicidal or barricaded subject?
A group of at least 4 officers with breaching capacity is called a what?
Hostage Rescue Team
A group, usually 4-5 SWAT officers and a supervisor who are tasked with rapidly responding to a crisis during a pre-planned event is called what?
Quick Reaction Force (QRF)
Can QRF assist Bomb Squad?
Yes by providing over watch Security
Who must approve of any other utilization of QRF?
Assistant Chief of Special Operations or higher authority within Homeland Security CofC
Who requests SWAT?
On scene Watch Commander or higher authority
Any non emergency request for search warrant service should be made to who?
Assistant SWAT Commander who is supervisor of SWAT Administrative Unit
What are duties of supervisor at scene of barricaded or armed suicidal subject?
- Is it bona fide?
- Notify Watch Commander
- Establish inner perimeter
- Assemble Apprehension Team
- Establish communication with subject
- Establish outer perimeter
- Establish CP and notify HQ
- Solicit surrender without unnecessary risk to officers/public
- Evacuate?
- Start and update First Responder Intelligence Form
- Start on search and or arrest warrant
- Baker Act?
- Get media staging area set
- If subject fails to surrender, Watch Commander calls SWAT Commander
What are duties of supervisor at hostage situation?
- Is it bona fide?
- Notify Watch Commander
- Establish inner perimeter
- Assemble HRT for emergency entry, to take subject into custody, receive any hostages that have escaped
- Establish communication with subject
- Establish outer perimeter
- Evacuate?
- Start and update First Responder Intelligence Form
- Start arrest or search warrant
- Set media staging area
- Keep note of demands, timelines, Threats made by suspect
- Watch Commander initiates Contact with SWAT Commander
Who has authority over activity within inner perimeter?
SWAT command staff
Who has command authority over activities in outer perimeter, crowd control, and support Function?
Patrol Watch Commander
Final decision concerning length of negotiations, use of force, chemical munitions rest with who?
Division Chief
Who arranges for chase/ surveillance vehicles?
Commanding officer in charge or designee
Command of barricaded subject or hostage situation within jail or prison rests with who?
Highest on duty facility Commander until relieved by higher authority
Forced entry made be made at any time during SWAT call out, tactical operation, or high risk warrant service. At who’s direction will the forced entry be made?
SWAT Commander or higher authority