National agency mandated to lead the health sector towards assuring quality health care for all Filipinos
Department of Health (DOH)
DOH VISION by 2030
- Global leader for attaining ____
- ____ health care system
- Equitable ____
(1) better health outcomes
(2) Competitive & responsive
(3) health financing
DOH Mission
To guarantee (1) ____, ____, and ____ health for all Filipinos, especially the poor, and to lead the quest for (2) ____
(1) equitable, sustainable, and quality
(2) excellence in health
Redirecting the FUNCTIONS and OPERATIONS of the DOH
Executive Order 102
Executive Order 102
Transformed from being the sole provider to being the provider of (1) ____ and (2) ____ provider for health
(1) specific health services
(2) technical assistance
Seeks to serve as the National technical authority on health; ensure the highest achievable standards of quality health care
Executive Order 102
To effectively fulfill its refocused MANDATE: required to undergo changes in roles; functions; organizational processes; corporate values; skills; technology, and structures
Executive Order 102
DOH Secretary
Dr. Teodoro J. Herbosa
June 2023 - Present
Major Roles: Leader in Health
- Planning & formulating ____ & ____.
- Monitoring & evaluating the ____.
- Advocating for ____ & ____.
- Serving as a ____ in disease control & prevention
- Providing ____ in health care financing & implementing the ____.
(1) policies of health programs and services
(2) implementation of health programs, projects, research, training & services
(3) health promotion & healthy lifestyle
(4) technical authority
(5) administrative & technical leadership / National Health Insurance Law
Major Roles: Enabler and Capacity Builder
- Providing ____ to LGUs, private sector, & other agencies in implementing health programs & services.
- Serving as the ____.
- Protecting ____ in the training & education of health care providers at ____ of the health care system
(1) logistical support
(2) lead agency in health & medical research
(3) standards of excellence / ll levels
Major Roles: Administrator of Specific Services
- Administrator of selected ____ that act as ____ for local health systems.
- Provide specific program components for conditions that affect large segments of the population, such as ____
- Develop strategies for responding to ____
- Provide leadership in health emergency preparedness & response services, including ____.
(1) health facilities at subnational levels / referral centers
(2) TB, malaria, schistosomiasis, HIV/AIDS & micronutrient deficiencies.
(3) emerging health needs.
(4) referral & networking systems for trauma, injuries & catastrophic events
A transfer of power & authority from the national government to LGUs
Devolution of health services is an integral part of the process of transforming LGUs into ____
self-reliant communities & active partners in nation-building
Legal Basis
Mandated by Sec. (1) ____ of the Local Government Code of (2) ____ - (3) ____
(1) 17
(2) 1991 (LGC)
(3) R.A. 7160
The code was enacted into law on (1) ____ pursuant to (2) ____ of the Philippine Constitution
(1) October 10, 1991
(2) Art. 13, Sec. 11
Advantages to the Community
Devolution will allow people to participate more in ____ and ____
policy and decision-making
Advantages to the Community
Devolution will enhance the ____ as an integrated and comprehensive approach in health development
HCDS (Health Care Delivery System)
Advantages to the Community
It aims to make ____ available to community at affordable cost, & according to their needs
essential goods, health & other social services
Advantages to the Community
With the health services becoming more aligned to local needs, people who ____
ordinarily would have difficulty getting such services will now be more easily reached
General Responsibilities of DOH After Devolution
- Formulation & development of ____.
- Formulation & implementation of ____.
- Formulation of guidelines, standards, & manuals of operations for ____ to ensure quality services at the local level.
- Issuance of ____ to existing laws.
- Promulgation of ____.
- Development of ____.
- ____ on health policies & programs.
(1) national health policies
(2) national health plans & programs
(3) health services & programs
(4) rules & regulations, licenses & accreditation pursuant
(5) national health standards, goals, priorities & indicators
(6) special health programs & projects
(7) Advocacy for legislation