A family-nurse contact allows the health worker to assess the home and family situations in order to provide the necessary nursing care and health related acitivites
Home Visit
A professional face to face contact made by a public health nurse to the patient or the family to provide health care services
Home Visit
Purposes of Home Visits
- To give nursing care to the sick, ____, and teach them regarding subsequent care
- To assess the ____ of the patient and their family
- To give ____
- To establish ____
- To make use of the ____ and promote utilization of ____
(1) postpartum mother and newborn
(2) living condition
(3) health teachings
(4) close relationships
(5) inter-referral system / community service
Principles of Home Visits
- Must have ____
- Planning should make use of all ____
- Give priority to the ____
- Should involve the ____ in planning and delivery of care
- Plan should be ____
(1) purpose or objective
(2) available info about the patient and their family
(3) essential needs
(4) individual and family
(5) flexible
Steps in Conducting Home Visits
- ____
- State the ____
- ____ the patient and determine the ____
- Put the bag in ____ then proceed to perform the ____
- Perform the ____ needed and give ____
- Record all ____
- Make appointment for a ____
(1) Greet the patient and introduce yourself
(2) purpose of the visit
(3) Observe / health needs
(4) a convenient place / bag technique
(5) nursing care / health teachings
(6) important data, observation, and care rendered
(7) return home visit
An essential and indispensable equipment of PHN which they have to carry along during home visits containing articles necessary for giving care
Public Health Bag
A tool by which the nurse during her visit will be able to perform nursing procedure with ease and deftness
Bag Technique
Purposes of Bag Technique
- To minimize if not to prevent (1) ____
- To work (2) ____
(1) spread of infection
(2) efficiently and rapidly
Principles in the Use of the Bag
- Should contain ____
- The bag and its contents should be ____ as often as possible
- Supplies ____
- Bag and its contents should be ____
- Consider the bag and its contents ____ while articles belonging to the patient as ____
- Arrangement of the contants should be the ____
- Do ____ as frequently as the situation calls for
- When used for a CD case should be ____ before keeping and re-using
(1) articles, supplies, and equipment for emergency needs
(2) cleaned
(3) replaced and ready for use at any time
(4) well protected from contact with any articles in the home of patients
(5) clean and sterile / dirty and contaminated
(6) one most convenient to the user
(7) handwashing
(8) thoroughly cleansed and disinfected
Contents of the Bag
Front of the bag left to right
Thermometer (digital), penlight, tape measure
Contents of the Bag
On the right rear of the bag
Medicine dropper
Contents of the Bag
On the left rear end
Medicine glass, baby scale, bandage scissor
Contents of the Bag
Back of the bag left to right
70% alcohol, aromatic spirit of ammonia, liquid soap, cotton containers (wet & dry), and betadine
Contents of the Bag
Center of the bag
Hemostat, forcep, mayo scissor, sterile dressing (OS & CB), roller bandage, syringe and needles in container, cotton applicator, micropore (in plastic), cord clamp, face mask (in plastic), sterile gloves, clean gloves, rubber section, breast pump, cotton pledgets, tongue depressor, kidney basin, medicine tray, ice bag/hot water bag
Contents of the Bag
On top pile center of bag
Hand towel (in plastic), soap in soap dish (in plastic), plastic apron, plastic, manila paper
Contents of the Bag
- ____ in back pocket of bag
- ____ carried separately
- ____ (preferably black)
- Paper waste bag
- BP apparatus
- Umbrella
Steps in Performing Bag Technique (1-7)
- After entering patient’s home, take out ____. Clean side must be out and folder part touching the table
- Lay paper on flat surface of either ____
- Place bag at ____ to perform interventions
- Open bag and take out ____
- Wash hands using ____
- Take out the ____ from the bag and put it on observing proper technique
- Remove from bag all the ____
(1) newspaper/manila paper/ plastic cover
(2) table, chest or box, if non use floor
(3) a place most convenient for the nurse
(4) towel and soap in soap dish and waste paper bag
(5) running water, pouring method or perform alcohol rub
(6) apron
(7) necessary articles needed for the specific care
Steps in Performing Bag Technique cont’ (8-14)
- ____
- Proceed in peforming the ____
- After giving the treatment, ____, discard properly the ____, and perform ____
- Open the bag and ____. Close the back w/o locking it
- Remove apron, folding it away from the person, the ____
- ____, place it inside the bag and close the bag
- Take the ____ and have a talk with the patient/relative. Write down all the ____. Provide ____.
(8) Close bag without locking it
(9) necessary nursing care treatment
(10) clean all things that were used / receptacle / handwashing
(11) return all the things that were used in proper placed after cleaning them
(12) soiled side in and the clean side out
(13) Fold the lining
(14) record / necessary data / health teaching
Note: the paper and plastic lining should be discarded after use