5. Khan & Dhar (2010): Price-framing effects on the purchase of hedonic and utilitarian bundles Flashcards
this article examines
the conditions under which framing a discount as savings on certain items of cross-category bundles is more effective for increasing bundle purchase
three experiments show that the purchase of a cross-category bundle is more likely when the discount is framed as savings on the relatively hedonic component rather than on the utilitarian component or on the total bundle
a discount provides a justification that increases the likelihood of hedonic purchases but has little impact on utilitarian consumption
purchasing hedonic goods is often associated with
guilt and greater need for justification
In heterogeneous bundles, discounting a hedonic item is more effective in increasing bundle purchase than discounting a utilitarian item; framing an equivalent discount on different items does not affect purchase likelihood in homogeneous bundles
many different discount frames: two hedonic, two utilitarian, mix
the bundle offers a discount, where the first option is framed as a discount on the utilitarian product vs. on the hedonic product
Study 1`condtiond
six different two-pair bundles, hedonic: grill, fondue set vs. utilitarian: office chair, printer
study 2 conditions
hedonic: sweater with university logo, utilitarian: textbook
study 3 conditons
hedonic: box of chocolate, utilitarian: set of three binders, vs. discount on whole bundle
Hedonic vs. utilitarian
‘imagine you are looking for a grill, as you are about to order, you see a bundle deal offering a discount if you buy a fondue set along with the grill’ fondue set: $79 (hedonic product) and grill $79 (utilitarian product) > 20$ discount, if bought together
Hedonic vs. utilitarian which product should be discounted?
the hedonic product
likelihood of a bundle purchase was significantly higher when
the discount was framed as savings on the hedonic items
framing the bundle discount as hedonic product discount is more effective
why hedonic?
having the discount on the hedonic option makes us feel less guilty, guilt reduction
Anchoring bias
cognitive bias for an individual to rely too heavily on an initial piece of information offered (known as the anchor) when making decisions
these starting points might be random, unrelated and meaningless
we usually have insufficient adjustment afterwards
Arbitrary anchoring
study by Ariely et al. (2003):
method and result
social security number as an anchor and respondents deny the impact of the anchor
students needed to write down the last two digits of their social security numbers
people with high social security numbers paid a lot more than people with low numbers