4. Sanbonmatsu & Kardes (1988): The effects of physiological arousal on information processing and persuasion Flashcards
investigate effects of physiological arousal on persuasion
manipulate physiological arousal, blood pressure readings were taken to assess the effectiveness
a consumer’s state of physiological arousal is influenced by 8
presence of others, physical exertion, various task demands, performance feedback, incentives, alcohol of caffeine, and exposure to emotionally-charged stimuli (fear-arousing/erotic ads)
generally, high arousal levels have been found to
disrupt information processing when the task is complex because they reduce the amount of processing capacity
Elaboration Likelihood Model of persuasion:
as the amount of processing capacity available decreases, consumers are less able to consider the attitudinal implications of the arguments in a persuasive message, and are more likely to process less complex information such as simple peripheral cues
Endorser status (a peripheral cue) may have a greater impact on brand attitudes under high than under moderate arousal levels, whereas argument strength (a central cue) may have a greater influence on brand attitudes under moderate than under high arousal levels
136 students, 2 (high or moderate arousal —> doing task 3 vs. 7 minutes after exercise) x 2 (strong or weak arguments —> about product in ad) x 2 (celebrity or non-celebrity endorser) factorial design
results hugh arousal 3
- high arousal states reduce the amount of processing capacity available for performing cognitive tasks,
- high arousal: endorser status (celebrity of non-celebrity) has a stronger influence on brand attitudes under high than under moderate levels of physiological arousal
- high arousal levels reduce the amount of processing capacity for elaborating on a message; thus, peripheral cues have a stronger effect on brand attitudes
results moderate arousal 3
- moderate level of arousal is crucial to motivate the person in elaboration process
- moderate arousal: argument strength has a greater impact under moderate than under high arousal levels
3the results are consistent with the Elaboration Likelihood Model of persuasion
we pay less attention to cues that need cognitive capacity to evaluate:
logical arguments has a greater effect on brand attitudes in moderate the in high arousal conditions
endorser status (peripheral cue) may have a greater impact on brand attitudes under high than under moderate arousal levels