4subcutaneous Flashcards
Subq Transmitted how?
Traumatic inoculation
Give the subcutaneous mycoses
Spcm Sporotrix Phaehypomycosis Chromoblastomycosis Myecytoma
Exception of subcutaneous
Colonies of sporothrix
Wrinkles in time
Results from inhalation of conidia which mimics chronic cavitary TB
Primary pulmonary sporotrichosis
Characteristic feature of sporothrix in microspic exam in GMS and pas
Asteroid body
Treatment of choice for sporothrix
Oral itraconazole
5 etiologic agents of chromoblastomycosis
Phialophora Cladosporium Rhinocladiella Fonsecea Foncesea compacta
T or f all chromoblastomycoses are dematiaceous fungi?
T, having melaninized walls
Special morphology in chromoblasto…
Medlar bodies( sclerotic brown conidiation)
Usual site of lesion of chromoblasto
Lower ex
Describe nodules of chromoblasto
With abscess
Black dots cover the warts
T or f? Elephantiasis do not occur in chromoblasto
T or f? Autoinoculation is possible with chromo
Diagnostic in chromoblasto
Medlar bodies