cloning (SINGLE) Flashcards
Name the 2 methods of cloning animals.
Embryo transplants.
Adult cell cloning
Describe the process of adult cell cloning.
- Take an egg and remove the nucleus.
- Take the nucleus of an animal you want to clone from an adult cell.
- Insert the nucleus into the empty egg.
- Give the egg an electric shock to make it divide into an embryo.
- Place the embryo into the womb of a female.
- The embryo grows into a clone of the animal whose nucleus you placed into the egg.
What are the advantages of using tissue culture to clone plants?
- Clones can be produced very quickly.
- Clones can be produced with little space.
- Scientists can preserve rare species of plants.
Describe how to clone a plant using the tissue culture method.
- Scrape some cells from a plant.
- Place cells in a growth medium that contains hormones.
- These cells will grow into new plants that are clones of the parent plant.
Describe how to clone a plant by taking cuttings.
- Gardeners cut a small piece of the plant to be cloned.
- The cut end is dipped into hormones (auxin).
- The cutting is then planted into soil and it grows into a clone of the parent plant.
What are the advantages of embryo transplanting?
Hundreds of ‘ideal’ offspring can be produced every year from the best bull and cow.
Identify the main advantages of cloning plants and animals?
- Allows you to produce lots of ‘ideal’ offspring.
- Helps us to study diseases and age related disorders.
- Could allow us to preserve endangered species.
Why is tissue culture a better method of cloning than taking cuttings?
It is faster because you can grow more clones.
Identify the method of cloning shown below:

Adult cell cloning

Describe the embryo transplant process of cloning cattle (cows)
- Mate prize bull and cow.
- Allow an embryo to develop.
- Split embryo many times before they specialise.
- Put embryos into womb of surrogate cows.
- The embryos grow into calves. All have the same genes (are clones).
The two methods of cloning plants are…
- Taking cuttings
- Tissue culture
Identify the method of cloning shown below:

Embryo transplanting

What are the advantages of cloning plants by taking cuttings?
- Quick
- Cheap
- Simple
What are the disadvantages of cloning plants and animals?
- All clones have the same genes so could be wiped out by disease (reduced gene pool).
- Cloned organisms may not be as healthy as normal ones.
- Some people worry about cloning humans - unsuccessful attempt may result in disabled humans.