4.3.4: Blood groups and transfusion medicine Flashcards
How many equine blood groups are there and what are they called?
- 7 groups
- A, C, D, K, P, Q, U
- Lowercase letters represent allelic factors
- Aa, Qa, Ca are the most immunogenic blood groups
- Majority of horses lack naturally occurring antibodies
How should you select an equine blood donor?
- Donors should ideally be geldings
- Aa, Qa, Ca = most immunogenic blood groups so ideally from a breed (e.g. standardbred) with a low prevalence of these
- Cross-matching is essential
What are the feline blood groups and which ones have antibodies against each other?
- Types: A, B and AB (rare)
- Type A carry weak anti-Type B antibodies
- Type B carry very strong anti-Type A antibodies
- Type AB carry no antibodies against type A or B
- Mik = newly recognised blood group in DSH
What happens if you give Type A blood to a Type B cat?
- Severe acute intravascular haemolysis of Type A blood
- Within seconds of receiving transfusion
- May be fatal!
What happens if you give Type B blood to a Type A cat?
- Extravascular haemolysis (milder clinical signs than intravascular)
- Low half-life of RBCs
- PCV will fall to pre-transfusion level within days
True/false: in an emergency, you can get away without blood-typing donor and recipient cats.
Always blood-type even in an emergency!
What is feline neonatal isoerythrolysis?
- When Type A or AB kittens are born from a Type B queen
- “Fading” kittens
- Breeders should be urged to type the queen (and then the tom if the queen is found to be Type B)
What canine blood groups are there and which one(s) have most transfusion significance?
- DEA 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; DAL; Kai 1 and 2
- We no longer use subgroups e.g. 1.1, 1.2 etc.
- DEA 1 antigen has the most transfusion significance (highly antigenic) and is the one we have a commercial test kit for
- 70% of dogs are DEA 1 +ve
- 30% of dogs are DEA 1 -ve
True/false: most dogs do not have pre-formed antibodies against non-self canine blood types.
What blood type should you give to a DEA 1 +ve dog?
DEA 1+ve blood
Where possible give +ve to +ve, and -ve to -ve
True/false: in an emergency, you can give a canine patient DEA 1-ve blood.
But in emergencies only; this is not recommended.
What happens if you give DEA 1 +ve blood to a DEA 1 -ve patient?
- You will sensitise them
- This means if they later have more DEA 1 +Ve blood, they could suffer an acute haemolytic transfusion reaction which could be fatal!
What happens if you give DEA 1 -ve blood to a DEA 1 +ve dog?
- No adverse effects
- However this is not a good use of DEA 1 -ve blood (this is in the minority and should be reserved for DEA 1 -ve patients)
What is cross-matching and why would you do it?
Cross-matching: in-vitro tests looking for potential reactions between a donor’s and a patient’s blood. These show as agglutination or haemolysis.
* Cross-match for additional blood groups that don’t have specific in-house tests
When should you cross-match?
- Cats have naturally occurring antibodies -> cross-match prior to transfusion and definitely prior to subsequent transfusion
- Cross-match dogs if recipient has been previously transfused >4 days prior/ if history of previous transfusion reaction/ if transfusion history unknown
What are some imminent triggers for blood transfusion?
- Evidence for circulatory collapse
- Rapid drop in PCV to <20% in dogs
- Rapid drop in PCV to <15% in cats
- Absolute PCV of 15-20% depending on history and clinical signs
- PCV <10-12% -> organ hypoxia is imminent!
- Signs of organ hypoxia e.g. CNS
- Concern that PCV will fall over period of time when transfusion would be difficult to organise
What is a single unit of whole blood? What is fresh vs stored?
* Fresh = transfused within 8 hrs collection. Contains all blood components.
* Stored = refrigerated<4C and stored for up to 3 weeks. Lacks platelets, WBCs, and labile clotting factors e.g. Factors V and VIII and vWF.
* Generally used in acute blood loss/active bleeding
Cryoprecipitate and its uses
- Cryoprecipitate: plasma fraction separated from fresh frozen plasm
- Contains concentrated labile clotting factors including fibrinogen, vWF, Factor VIII
- Shelf life 1 year
- Used in pre-treatment for vWD
Autologous transfusion and its benefits
Autologous transfusion: the collection of blood from a single patient and re-transfusion back to the same patient when required.
✅ Reducing potential for exposure to allogenic blood
✅ Reduces risk of new infectious diseases
✅ Reduces chances of transfusion reactions
✅ Immediate availability
Canine blood donors must be…
- Fit and healthy
- 1-8 y.o.
- > 25kg
- Good temperament
- Never travelled abroad
- Vaccinated
- Not on any medication
Feline blood donors must be…
- Healthy
- 1-8 y.o.
- > 4kg lean bodyweight
- Preferably indoor cat
- (Do FeLV/FIV testing if outdoor cat)
What sedative/ anaesthetic combination could you give to a feline blood donor?
Ketamine + midazolam
Volume to transfuse =
(Target PCV- recipient PCV)/ Donor PCV x kg x N
Where N = 90 (dogs), N= 60 (cats)
2ml tranfused whole blood/kg of recipient weight raises PCV by
1ml transfused pRBCs/kg recipient weight raises PCV by
What is an appropriate transfusion rate?
- In the stable patient: 0.5-1.0ml/kg/hr; monitor for 15-30 mins for reaction, then can increase to 4-6ml/kg/hr
- The unit should be given within 4hrs
- In an emergency (severe acute haemorrhage), give red cells as fast as necessary
Clinical presentation of transfusion reaction
- Increase in temperature
- Change in HR/RR
- Change in mm colour
- Visible oedema
- GI signs
More severe signs also possible
Clinical signs of acute haemolytic transfusion reaction
This occurs when there is blood type incompatibility
* Fever
* Tachycardia
* Dyspnoea
* Muscle tremors
* Vomiting
* Weakness
* Collapse
* Haemoglobinaemia
* Haemoglobinuria
* Shock
* Death
Treatment of acute haemolytic transfusion reaction
- Stop transfusion immediately
- Give IV fluids
- ± corticosteroids
Delayed haemolytic reaction
- Extravascular haemolysis
- Occurs 3-21 days post-treatment
- -> reduced lifespan of donated erythrocytes
Clinical signs and treatment of delayed haemolytic reaction
- Hyperbilirubinaemia
- ± bilirubinuria
Specific treatment not generally required