37 Alterations in Function of Gallbladder and Exocrine Pancreas Flashcards
majority of gallstones are…
3 phases in formation of gallstones
1 SUPERSATURATION of bile w cholesterol ----causes precipitation of cholesterol 2 NUCLEATION of crystals 3 HYPOMOTILITY (stasis of bile) -----allows for stone growth
what determines likelihood of cholesterol gallstone formation?
relative concentrations of:
bile acids
helps keep cholesterol from precipitating into crystals in bile
Cholesterol Gallstone
risk factor
1 prolonged fasting/rapid weight loss 2 pregnancy 3 oral contraceptives 4 obesity 5 age 6 sex 7 variety of medical factors
Pigment stones
25% of gallbladders
- contains micture of pigment polymers + Ca salt
- black: most common, idiopath, assoc cirrhosis/hemolysis
- brown: more common in dvlping counties, assoc w bacteria/infection/parasite
aka gallstone
- nativ amrcn>white
- women>men
- adults may be asymptomatic, no treatment needed
- children usually fr underlying issue, need gallbladder removed
Biliary Colic
“colic”=sudden pain
- precipitated by meal
- persistent right upper ab pain, radiates to back
- N/V, sweating, flatus
- fatty food intolerance, belching, bloating, + epigastric burning
inflammation of pancreas
—autodigestion of pancreas fr enzyme activation
risk factors
- biliary tract disease
- hypertriglyceridemia
- ethanol-associated (66%)
3 pathways
1 obstructin of pancreatic duct by stone or other cause
2 acinar cell injury
3 defective intracellular transport
steady, boring pain in epigastrium or LUQ
- incr in severity
- severe tenderness on palpation
- radiates to back
- N/V
Lipase preferred test
–incr in AMYLASE + LIPASE during first 12 hrs
chronic pancreatitis can lead to___
diabetes mellitus due to destruction of islet cells