2 Homeostasis, allostasis, adaptive responses to stressors Flashcards
- remaining stable while staying the same
- state in which systems are in balance
- state of equilibrium
- ideal “set point” despite alterations w/in the body
- ability to successfully adapt to changes
- intricate regulatory processes orchestrated by the brain
- dynamic process that maintains or re-establishes homeostasis in light of environmental + lifestyle changes
- physical, chem, or emo factor resulting in tension of body and mind (may be internal or external)
- actual physical + mental state that tension produces
- real or perceived threat to homeostasis
- direct consciously or indirect unconsciously sensed threat to the stability of the organism
General Adaptation Syndrome
3 stages
1 alarm
2 resistance/adaptation
3 exhaustion
General Adaptation Syndrome
aka GAS
-Selye has done a lot of research on adaptation syndrome
- 1st stage of Gen Adapt Synd
- fight-or-flight response due to stressful stimulus
- Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
- a stage in gen. adapt. synd
- activity of the nervous + endocrine systems in returning body to homeostasis
- a stage in gen. adapt. synd
- point where body can no longer return to homeostasis
- allostatic overload
Allostatic Overload
“cost” of body’s organs + tissues for an ineffectively regulated allostatic response
-a type of exhaustion which is a stage in gen. adapt. syndr
acute stress responses
1 elevation of cardiac output 2 vasomotor changes 3 lipolysis 4 glycogenolysis 5 insulin suppression 6 increased respiration 7 enhanced blood coagulation
catecholamines vs corticosteroids
catelocholamines cause epinephrine and norepinephrine - causes acute sress
corticosteroids like glucocorticoid causes chronic stress steroids
both released by adrenals
chronic stress responses
1 gluconeogenesis 2 protein catabolism 3 inhibits glucose uptake 4 suppress protein synth 5 stabilize vascular reactivity 6 immune response suppression
Norepinephrine responses
- constrict blood vessels + raise blood pressure [alpha receptor]
- reduce gastric secretions
- increase night + far vision
Epinephrine responses
- enhances myocardial contractility, incr heart rate, inc cardiac output [beta 1 receptor]
- causes bronchodilation [beta 2 receptor]
- incr the release of glucose fr liver [glycogenolysis] + elevates blood glucose levels
alpha + beta receptors
alpha - norepinephrine constrict blood vessels + raise blood pressure
beta 1 - epinephrine enhances myocardial contractility, incr heart rate, inc cardiac output
beta 2 - epinephrine causes bronchodilation
Adrenocortical Steroids responses
- critical for maintenance of homeostasis
- may synergize or antagonize effects of catecholamines
ex) cortisol + aldosterone
-primary glucocorticoid
Cortisol/Steroid responses
- affects protein metabolism (CATABOLISM)
- promotes appetite + food seeking behaviors
- has anti-inflammatory effects
primary mineralcorticoid
Aldosterone responses
- promotes reabsorption of sodium + water
- incr blood pressure
sex hormones responses
- affects stress responses, thus influencing allostasis
- may help explain gender responses during stress
ex) estrogen, testosterone, dehydropiandrosterone
8 effects of allostatic overload on nervous system
1 neuropsychological manifestations 2 nervous tic 3 fatigue 4 loss of motivation 5 anxiety 6 overeating 7 depression 8 insomnia
4 effects of allostatic overload on cardiovascular system
1 irregular heart rate + rhythm
2 hypertension
3 stroke
4 coronary artery disease
5 effects of allostatic overload on gastrointestinal system
1 gastritis 2 irritable bowel syndrome 3 diarrhea 4 nausea + vomit 5 ulcerative colitis
4 effects of allostatic overload on genitourinary system
1 diuresis
2 irritable bladder
3 sexual dysfunction
4 menstrual irregularity
5 effects of allostatic overload on integumentary system
1 eczema 2 psoriasis 3 neurodermatitis 4 acne 5 hair loss
3 effects of allostatic overload on respiratory system
1 increased respiration
2 asthma
3 hay fever
3 effects of allostatic overload on immune system
1 immunodeficiency
2 immunosuppression
3 autoimmune disease
2 effects of allostatic overload on endocrine system
1 hyperglycemia
2 diabetes mellitus
4 effects of allostatic overload on musculoskeletal system
1 tension headache
2 muscle contraction backache
3 rheumatoid arthritis
4 inflammatory diseases of connective tissue