(Someone must tell her about her illness)
It is essential that she XXXXXXX the truth about her illness.
(Open your suitcases for inspection. )
The customs official demanded that all passengers XXXXXXX their suitcases
(Ann, you should take some art courses.)
The counselor recommended that Ann XXXXXXX some art courses.
(All parts of the motor must work correctly.)
It is vital that all parts of the motor XXXXXXX in proper working order.
(Please mail all packages at the central office.)
The director requests that all packages XXXXXXX at the central office.
(Soldiers must obey their officers.)
It is imperative that soldiers XXXXXXX their officers.
(We must remember to give the baby sitter certain phone numbers to call in case ofemergency.)
It is important that the babysitter XXXXXXX phone numbers to call in case of emergency
El subjuntivo con THAT más sujeto más verbo en SIMPLE FORM. Ojo el verbo NO va precedido de TO ni en pasado ni en futuro. Puede ir en VOZ PASIVA
Usado en oraciones que usualmente llevan THAT o que lo omiten. Está expreso o tácito.
Cuando se pide, se aconseja, se ordena que alguien haga algo. Causativos
The teacher demands that we
BE on time
Ojo no lleva TO
I insisted that he
PAY me the money
OJO nunca payS
I recommended that she
NOT GO to the concert
Ojo no lleva TO
It´s important that they
BE TOLD the truth
Voz pasiva
Después de
suggest that
Reommend that
Puede ir Should más el verbo en base form
Muchas palabras terminadas en EVER
Dan la idea de ANY
Significa CUALQUIERA y es positivo. No hay doble negación con ANY
Whoever wants to come is welcome
Anyone who wants to come is welcome
He makes friends easily with who(m)ever he meets
He makes friends easily with anyone who(m) he meets
He always says whatever comes into his mind
He always says anything that comes into his mind
There are four good programs on TV at eight o´clock. We can watch WICHEVER program you prefer
We can watch any of the four programs that you prefer
You may leave WHENEVER you wish
You may leave at any time that you wish
She can go wherever she wants to go
She can go anyplace that she wants to go
HOWEVER (Como quiera)
The students may dress however they please
The students may dress in any way that they please
Orillarse en la carretera
Oríllese y pare
He asked me where XXXXXXX
A. did I live B. I lived
C. do you live D. that I lived
B. I lived
"Does anybody know XXXXXXX on the ground?" "Your guess is as good as mine." A. how long this plane will be B. how long will be this plane C. how long will this plane be D. that how long this plane will be
A. how long this plane will be
“This restaurant is very expensive!” “It is, but order XXXXXXX want. Your birthday is a very special occasion.”
A. what is it you B. what do you
C. whatever you D. whatever you do
C. whatever you
Why did Beth ask you XXXXXXX a bicycle?
A. that if you had B. do you have
C. that you had D. if you had
D. if you had
“What did your grammar teacher want to talk to you about?” “I did badly on the last test. She XXXXXXX study for it.”
A. said why didn’t I B. asked why didn’t I
C. said why I didn’t D. asked why I didn’t
D. asked why I didn’t
“Why are you staring out the window? What XXXXXXX about?” “Nothing.”
A. you are thinking B. you think
C. are you thinking D. do you are thinking
C. are you thinking
“I can’t decide what color I want for my bedroom. What do you think?” “You should choose XXXXXXX color you want. You ‘re the one who will have to live with it.”
A. whichever that B. whatever
C. however D. that what
B. whatever
- “Did you remember to tell Marge XXXXXXX she should bring to the meeting tomorrow?” “Oh, my gosh! I completely forgot! I’m sorry.”
A. that B. what
C. If D. that what
B. what
“My aunt has been feeling bad since Uncle George died. Is it because she’s depressed?” “I think so. XXXXXXX can cause debilitating physical symptoms is a medical fact.”
A. Depression B. That depression it
C. That depression D. It is that depression
A. Depression
There was an earthquake on the coast yesterday. Fortunately, there was no loss of life. However, because of the danger of collapsing sea walls, it was essential that the area XXXXXXX evacuated quickly.
A. to be B. will be
C. be D. is
C. be
XXXXXXX saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What the woman was B. The woman was
C. That the woman was D. What was the woman
A. What the woman was
He asked me where XXXXXXX
A. did I ‘live B. I lived
C. do you live D. that I lived
B. I lived
- I talked to Bob two weeks ago. I thought he wanted to know about my cat, but I misunderstood him. He asked me where XXXXXXX, not my cat.
A. is my hat B my hat was
C. my hat is D. was my hat
B my hat was
“The people in the apartment upstairs must have a lot of children.” “I don’t know how many XXXXXXX, but it sounds like they have a dozen.”
A. children do they have B. do they have children
C. children they have D. they have children
C. children they have
Do you know XXXXXXX ? I myself have no idea.
A. how many years the earth is
B. how old the earth is
C. how long is the earth D. how much time has been the earth
B. how old the earth is
“There’s too much noise in this room. I can’t understand what XXXXXXX “Neither can I”
A. is the professor saying B. is saying the professor
C. that the professor is saying
D. the professor is saying
D. the professor is saying
When I was little,’ my father gave me some advice. He said XXXXXXX talk to strangers.
A. I shouldn’t B. that shouldn’t
B. C. don’t D. that I don’t
A. I shouldn’t
“I didn’t expect Ann’s husband to be here at the opera with her.” “I’m surprised, too. Ann must have insisted that XXXXXXX with her.”
A. he come B. he comes
C. he Came D. he had come
A. he come
“Ms. Wright, can you give me a little extra help typing some letters today?” “Sorry, I can’t. The boss has an urgent report for me to write- She demanded that it XXXXXXX on her desk by 5 P.M. today.”
A. was B: will be
C. is D be
D be
‘Did you tell Carol where XXXXXXX us this evening?”
“Yes, I did. I can’t understand why she is late.”
A. should she meet B. she to meet
C. she meets D. to meet
D. to meet
A fortune-teller predicted XXXXXXX inherit a lot of money before the end of the year.
A. that I would B. that I
C. what I will D. what I
A. that I would
Ojo en el parcial puse C error
“Bill Frazer seems like a good person for the job, but we don’t know why he left his last job.” “I know why. He told me XXXXXXX a serious policy disagreement with his boss last January.”
A. if he’d had B. he’d had
C. what he’d had D. that what he had
B. he’d had
"Is it true that you fell asleep in class yesterday and began to snore?" -"Unfortunately, yes. XXXXXXX is unbelievable! I'm very embarrassed." A. That I could do such a thing it B. That I could do such a thing C. I could do such a thing it D. I could do such a thing
B. That I could do such a thing
“Officer, can you tell me how to get to Springfield?”
“Sure. What part of Springfield XXXXXXX to go to?”
A. do you want B. you want
C. that you want D. where you want
A. do you want
“Is it true XXXXXXX the law says there is no smoking in restaurants in this city?” “Yes. That law was passed last year.”
A. that what B. what
C. If D. That
D. That
A scientific observer of wildlife must note every detail of how XXXXXXX in their environment: their eating and sleeping habits, their social relationships, and their methods of self-protection.
A. do animals live B. live animals
C. do live animals D. animals live
D. animals live
Escriba la pregunta que se ajuste a la respuesta
También póngala en forma de oración
l. He needs (some news disks for his computer).
QUESTION. What does he need for his computer?
NOUN CLAUSE: DO YOU KNOW what does he need for his computer?
- He called (yesterday).
QUESTION: When did he call?
NOUN CLAUSE: PLEASE TELL me when he called
- He wants to (see all his friends) after he gets here.
QUESTION: Who does he want to see after he gets here?
NOUN CLAUSE: DO YOU KNOW who he wants to see after he gets here?
- It was (his) idea to have a party.
QUESTION: Whose idea was it to have a party?
NOUN CLAUSE: CAN YOU TELL ME whose idea it was to have a party?
- Answer: I like English grammar. (Yes, I do.)
Question: Do you like English grammar
Noun Clause: MR. D WANTS TO KNOW if we like English grammar
“Work tonight” (Boss to female employee)
The boss insisted that she ….
work tonight
“Give a bath” (To family dog)
It´s necessary that the family dog ….
be given a bath or
It´s necessary that a bath be given to the family dog
“Pick up the toys” (Mother to son)
She has demended that her son …..
Pick up the toys
“Ask for directions” (Wife to husband)
The wife suggested that her husband ….
(Should) ask for directions
“Always tell the truth” to a jury
It´s important that the truth ……
always be told to a jury or
That a jury be told the truth
Diana is intelligent. She is very creative (Both … and)
Diana is both intelligent and very creative
You may begin working tomorrow or you may begin next week (Either … or)
You may begin working either tomorrow or next week
Michael didn´t tell his mother about the trouble he had gotten into. He didn´t tell his father about the trouble he had gotten into (Neither … nor)
Michael told neither his mother nor his father about the trouble he had gotten into
Se usa told para eliminar la doble negación. Lo coloqué mal en el examen. Puse Michael didn´t tell neither his …
Success in karate requires balance and skill. Success in karate requires concentration and mental alertness. (Not only …. but also)
Success in karate requires not only balance and skill but also concentration and mental alertness.
- “I want a sandwich,” Elena said.
Elena said she wanted a sandwich
“I’m going to move to Ohio,” said Bruce.
Bruce informed me that he was going to move to Ohio
- “Did you enjoy your trip?” asked Kim.
Kim asked me if I had enjoyed my trip
- Oscar asked, “What are you talking about?”
Oscar asked me what was I talking about
- Maria asked, “Have you seen my grammar book?”
Maria wanted to know if I had seen her gramar book
- Yuko said, “I don’t want to go.”
Yuko said that he didn´t want to go
- Sam asked, “Where is Nadia?”
Sam wanted to know Where was Nevada
- “Can you help me with my report?” asked David.
David asked me if I could help him with his report
- “I may be late,” said Mike.
Mike told me he might be late
- Felix said, “You should work harder.”
Felix told me he should work harder
- Rosa said, “I have to go downtown.”
Rosa said she had to go downtown
- “Why is the sky blue?” my young daughter often asks.
My young daughter often asks me why was the sky blue
- My mother asked, “Why are you tired?”
My mother wondered why was I tired
- “I will come to the meeting,” said Pedro.
Pedro told me that he would come to the meeting
- Ms. Adams just asked Ms. Chang, “Will you be in class tomorrow?”
Ms. Adams wanted to know if Ms. Chang would be in class the day after
- -‘The sun rises in the east,” said Mr. Clark.
Mr. Clark, an elementary school teacher, explained to his students that the sun rised in the east
- “Someday we’ll be in contact with beings from outer space.”
The scientist predicted that someday we would be in contact with beings from outer space
- “I think I’ll go to the library to study.”
Joe said that he thaught he would go to the library to study
- “Does Omar know what he’s doing?”
I Wondered if Omar knew what he was doing
“Is what I’ve heard true?”
I Wondered if what he had Heard was true
’ ‘Are vou in a hurry, Mr. Bascomb “ asked Suzy.
She asked him if he was in a hurry.
“Can you give me a few minutes of your time?”
She asked him if he could give her a few minutes of his time.
l . “Are you satisfied with your campaign so far?”
She asked him If he was satisfied with his campaign so far
“Do you expect to win the election?”
She asked him if he expected to win the election
- “Did you hear Otis’ last speech?”
She asked him if he had heard Otis´ last speech
- ’ ‘Are you going to debate Otis 9 “
She asked him if he was going to debate Otis
- “Do you plan to appear on television?”
She asked him he planned to appear on TV
“Have you spent a lot of money on your campaign?”
She asked him he had spent a lot of money on his campaign
- “Did you fire your secretary?”
She asked him if he had fired his secretary
- “Does your wife help you?”
She asked him if his wife helped him
- “Can you improve city government?’
She asked him if he could improve city government
- “Can you bring more business to Wick-am City?”
She asked him if he could bring more business to the city
- “Will you provide more jobs? “
She asked him if he would provide more jobs