32 Preguntas de calle Flashcards
You want to know whose car this is
How much does the car cost?
You want to know how much the car costs
What time do you get up?
You want to know what time I get up
How long have you been in the US?
You want to know how long I have been in the US
What kind of car do you have?
You want to know what kind of car I have
Where were you last night
You want to know where I were last night
Why didn´t you come yesterday?
You want to know why I didn´t come yesterday
What kind of car does she like?
You want to know what kind of car she likes
Where is the teacher from?
You want to know where the teacher is from
Who is the Colombian prime minister?
You want to know who the Colombian prime minister is
Which camera do you want to see?
You want to know which camera I want to see
Why do you like blue color
You want to know why I like blue color
What are you going to do after the class?
You want to know what I am going to do after the class
From whom did he borrow that money?
You want to know from whom he borrowed that money
You want to know whom he borrowed that money from
Where were you born
You want to know where I was born
What color are your eyes?
You want to know what color my eyes are
Whose is this phone?
You want to know whose phone this is
Which camera do you wish to look at?
You want to know what camera I wish to look at
Why does she ask for help?
You want to know why she asks for help
When did you get this nice purse?
You want to know when I got this nice purse
Where is Dali Museum located?
You want to know where Dali Museum is located
Who is your brother
You want to know who my brother is
Who are you going to talk with?
You want to know who I am going to talk with
You want to know to whom I am going to talk (Formal)
How many times did you go to China last year?
You want to know how many times I went to China last year
What are you going to do tomorrow
You want to know what I am going to do tomorrow
You want to know how far it is from my house to school
What kind of phone did you buy?
You want to know what kind of phone I bought
How often do you go to the market?
You want to know how often I go to the market
To whom did you give this gift?
You want to know to whom I gave this gift
- (Will it rain?) I wonder XXXXXXX
if/whether it will rain
- (When will it rain?) I wonder XXXXXXX
when it will rain
- (Is Sam at home?)
I don’t know XXXXXXX at home.
if / wheter / whether or not
Sam is
- (Where is Sam?)
I don’t know XXXXXXX
where Sam is
- (Did Jane call?)
if / wheter / whether or not
Jane called
(What time did she call?
What time she called
- (Why is the earth called “the water planet”?)
Do you know XXXXXXX “the water planet”?
why the earth is called
- (How far is it from New York City to Jakarta?)
I Wonder XXXXXXX from New York to Jakarta.
how far it is
- (Has Susan ever been in Portugal?)
I Wonder XXXXXXX in Portugal.
if / wheter / whether or not
Susan has ever been
- (Does she speak Portuguese?)
I wonder XXXXXXX Portuguese.
wheter she speaks
- (Who did Ann play tennis with?)
I Wonder XXXXXXX tennis with.
Who Ann played
- (Who won the tennis match?)
I Wonder XXXXXXX the tennis match.
Who won
- (Did Ann win?)
wheter or not Ann won
- (Do all creatures, including fish and insects, feel pain in the same way as humans do?)
I Wonder XXXXXXX pain in the same way as humans do.
whether all creatures feel
- (Can birds communicate with each other?)
Do you know XXXXXXX with each other?
whether or not birds can communicate
(How do birds communicate with each other?)
Have you ever studied XXXXXXX with each other?
How birds communicate
- (Where is the nearest post office?)
Do you know XXXXXXX
where the nearest post office is
(Is there a post office near here?)
Do you know XXXXXXX near here
whether there is a post office
What did she say?
What she said surprised me
What should they do?
What they should do is obvious
Wheter she comes or not is unimportant to me
Wheter she comes or not is unimportant to me
Qué distancia hay desde acá hasta Las Vegas?
Qué edad debe tener una persona para conseguir una licencia de conducir?
How old does a person have to be to get a driver´s license?
Cuántas letras hay en el alfabeto inglés?
How many letters are there in the English Alphabet?
Cuál quiere? (Él)
Wich one does he want?
Cuando son imperativas la preguntas,
no llevan sujeto
Qué pasó?
What happened?
Nunca what it happened?
Quién abrió la puerta?
Who opened the door?
nunca who did open the door ó who it opened the door
Por favor dime cuál es tu nombre
Please tell me what your name is
Nadie parece saber cuándo llegará María
No one seems to know when Maria will arrive
Me pregunto por qué Bob estuvo tarde para clase
I wonder why Bob was late for class
No sé que significa esa palabra
I don´t know what that word means
Qué significa esa palabra?
What does that word mean?
Me pregunto si el profesor sabe la respuesta
I wonder whether the teacher knows the answer
Lo que ellos deberían hacer acerca del hueco en el techo es su principal problema
What they should do about the hole in their roof is their main problem
Le preguntaré si a ella le gustaría algo de café o no
I will ask if she would like some coffe or not
Asegúrese de decirle al doctor dónde le duele
Be sure to tell the doctor where it hurts
Por qué soy feliz es algo que no puedo explicar
Why I am happy is something I can´t explain
Me pregunto si Tom sabe acerca de la reunión
I wonder if Tom knows about the meeting or not
No entiendo por qué el carro no funciona adecuadamente
I don´t understand why the car is not running properly
Questions words
followed by infinitives
Yo no sé dónde comprar la carne para el estofado de cordero
I don´t know where TO BUY the meat for the lamb stew
Tom no puede decidir si estarse en casa o ir a la película
Tom can´t decide whether TO STAY home or TO GO to the movie
Jack no sabe cómo arreglar la tostadora
Jack doesn´t know how TO FIX the toaster
Jason se está preguntando si buscar otro trabajo
Jason is wondering whether TO LOOK for another job
if he looks for (Mejor la primera)
Ann quiere saber dónde conseguir un mapa de la ciudad
Ann wants to know where TO GET a map of the city
Al está tratando de decidir si ir a la reunión
Al is trying to decide whether TO GO to the meeting
if he goes to (Mejor la primera)
Necesito saber a qué hora recogerte
I need to know what time TO PICK you up
No sé a quién hablarle sobre este problema
I don´t know who TO TALK TO about this problem
No puedo decidir si tomar una siesta o hacer la tarea
I can´t decide whether TO TAKE a nap or TO DO my homework
Mi consejero no puede averiguar cómo resolver este problema para mi
My advisor can´t figure out how TO SOLVE this problem for me
No estoy seguro dónde decirles que nos encontremos
I¨m not sure where TO TELL them to meet us
No recuerdo cuánto cocinar esta carne
I don´t remember how long TO COOK this meat
No puedo decidir qué vestir para la ceremonia
I can´t decide what TO WEAR to the ceremony
Tienes que decirme qué tanto café hacer para la reunión
You have to tell me how much coffee TO MAKE for the meeting
Susan no puede decidir qué ensayo usar para el concurso
Susan can´t decide what essay TO USE for the contest
Alice no puede decidir si tomar un año sabático y viajar o continuar trabjando y ahorrar dinero
Alice can´t decide whether TO TAKE a year off from work and TO TRAVEL or TO KEEP working and TO SAVE money
Convierta la pregunta
a frase que empieza por Wonder
Did she borrow your dictionary?
I wonder if she borrowed your dictionary
How long does a butterfly live?
I wonder how long a butterfly lives
When was the first book written?
I wonder when the first book was written
How far is it to Miami?
I wonder how far it is to Miami
Whose book is this
I wonder whose book this is
Cambie a preguntas
que empiecen con COULD YOU PLEASE
Does this bus go downtown?
Could you please tell me if this bus goes downtown
How much does this book cost?
Could you please tell me how much this book costs
When is flight 62 expected to arrive?
Could you please tell me when flight 62 is expected to arrive
Where is the nearest phone?
Could you please tell me where the nearest phone is
Is this word spelled correctly?
Could you please tell me if this word is spelled correctly
What time is it?
Could you please tell me what time it is
Is this information correct?
Could you please tell me if this information is correct
How much does it cost to flight from Chicago to NY?
Could you please tell me how much it costs to flight from Chicago to NY
Where is the bus station?
Could you please tell me where the bus station is
Whose pen is this?
Could you please tell me whose pen this is