31 Comparativos, preguntas de calle Flashcards
Recuerde que la baraja 30
También tiene comparativos
Uso de adjetivos para comparar
A los adjetivos de una o dos sílabas que terminan en “LE” o “Y”
Agrégueles “er” para comparar dos adjetivos
Agrégueles “est” para comparar tres o más sustantivos
Of the two projects, this will be
the cheaper, simpler and easier
Of the three projects, this will be
The cheapest, simplest and easiest
Con el resto de adjetivos de DOS o más sílabas
Se usa “more” para comparar dos sustantivos
“most” para comparar tres o más sustantivos
Of the two projects, this will be
more reliable and more athletic
Of the three projects, this will be
most reliable and most athletic
Evite la doble comparación
No usar “more” antes de un adjetivo terminado en “er”
No usar “most” antes de un adjetivo terminado en “est”
Cuando compare una persona dentro de un grupo, use “any other” no use simplemente “any”
NO ES CLARO: Angelo is taller than ANY boy in his class MEJOR: Angelo is taller than ANY OTHER boy in his class
The more expensive of these six cars may not be the better one
The MOST expensive of these six cars may not be the BEST one
Of the two bikes, Tony’s is the newest and most smooth to ride
Of the TWO bikes, Tony’s is the NEWER and SMOOTHER to ride
Ike is shorter than any boy in his class
Ike is shorter than any OTHER boy in his class
I’ve never seen more icy roads
I’ve never seen ICIER roads
Natasha is much more shorter than Brett
Natasha is much SHORTER than Brett
No one could feel more lazy than I today
No one could feel LAZIER than I today
Bridget is a better student than any girl I know
Bridget is better student than any OTHER girl I know
Comparing my two brothers’ rooms, Jay’s is the most neatest
Comparing my two brothers’ rooms, Jay’s is the NEATER
Escoja si debe ir:
1. un adjetivo o un adverbio
- Si es comparativo o superlativo
El adverbio termina en MENTE y nos indica
Cómo se ejecuta una acción
El adverbio modifica al VERBO
El adjetivo nos dice
Cómo es el sustantivo
Karen drives (Careful) XXXXXXX her brother does
Más cuidadosamente adverbio
No puedo decir más cuidado
A tiger is (beautiful) XXXXXXX a pig
A tiger is more beautiful than a pig
No puedo decir más bellamente
Tom’s apartment is (neat) XXXXXXX mine
is neater of mine
Modifica al sustantivo. Actúa como adjetivo
Dick’s apartment is (neat) XXXXXXX of all
The neatest
Modifica al sustantivo. Actúa como adjetivo
You write (neat) XXXXXXX I do
more neatly than
Modifica al verbo. Dice cómo escribo. Actúa como adverbio. Ojo nunca neaterly. Dos sílabas terminado en y
Ann writes neat XXXXXXX of all
the most neatly of
This autor explains her ideas (clear) XXXXXXX that one
more clearly that
Adverbio, modifica al verbo
A motorcycle is (dangerous) XXXXXXX a bycicle
more dangerous
Bob usually goes to bed (late) XXXXXXX his roommate
later than
Para mi es adverbio pero acá responden como adjetivo. Duda, preguntar
Anna pronounces her words (clear) XXXXXXX of all the students
the most clearly
A razor blade is usually (sharp) XXXXXXX a kitchen nife
sharper than
My son is (artistic) XXXXXXX my daughter
More artistic than
I eat (slow) XXXXXXX my husband does
more slowly than
Dos sujetos conectados por BOTH … AND
Toman el verbo en plural
Cuando dos sujetos están conectados por (el resto) NOT ONLY … BUT ALSO; EITHER ….. OR; NEITHER ….. NOR
El sujeto que está más cerca al verbo determina si este verbo va en singular o va en plural
BOTH the teacher AND the student XXXXXXX here
NEITHER the teacher NOR the student XXXXXXX here
NOT ONLY the teacher BUT ALSO the student XXXXXXX here
NOT ONLY the teacher BUT ALSO the studentS XXXXXXX here
NEITHER the teacher NOR the studentS XXXXXXX here
EITHER the teacher OR the studentS XXXXXXX here
EITHER the teachers OR the student XXXXXXX here
Either John will call Mary or Bob
John will call either Mary or Bob
Not only Sue saw the mouse but also the cat
Sue saw not only the mouse but also the cat
Both my mother talked to the teacher and my father
My mother talked both to the teacher and my father
Either Mr. Anderson or Ms. Wiggins are going to teach our class today
I enjoy not only reading novels but also magazines
I enjoy reading not only novels but also magazines
Oxygen is plentiful. Both air contains oxygen and water
Oxygen is plentiful. Air contains both oxygen and water
(BOTH AND) You have met his father. Have you met his mother?
Yes, I have met both his father and his mother.
(BOTH AND) Wheat is grown in Kansas. Is corn grown in Kansas?
Both wheat and corn are grown in Kansas
(BOTH AND) He buys used cars. Does he sell used cars?
He both buys and sells used cars
(BOTH AND) You had lunch with your friends. Did you have dinner with them?
You had both lunch and dinner with your friends
(NOT ONLY BUT ALSO) I know you lost your wallet. Did you lose your keys too?
I lost not only my wallet but also my keys.
(NOT ONLY BUT ALSO) I know you are studying math. Are you studying chemistry too?
Yes, I’m studying not only math but also chemistry.
(NOT ONLY BUT ALSO) I know she goes to school. Does she have a full-time job too?
I know she not only goes to school but also has a full time job
(NOT ONLY BUT ALSO) I know he bought a coat. Did he buy a new pair of shoes too?
I know he not only bought a coat but also a new pair of shoes
(EITHER OR) Omar has youY book, or Rosa has your book. Is that right? —+
Yes, either Omar or Rosa has my book.
(EITHER OR) You’re going to give your friend a book for her birthday, or you’re going to give her a pen.
You´re going to give your friend for her birthday either a book or a pen
(EITHER OR) Your sister will meet you at the airport, or your brother will meet you there. Right?
Either my sister or my brother will meet me at the airport
(EITHER OR) They can go swimming, or they can play tennis. Is that right?
They can either go swimming or play tennis
(EITHER OR) You’ll go to New Orleans for your vacation or you’ll go to Miami. Right?
You´ll go either to New Orleans or to Miami for your vacation.
(NEITHER NOR) He doesn’t like coffee. Does he like tea?
No, he likes neither coffee nor tea
(NEITHER NOR) Her husband doesn’t speak English. Do her children speak English?
Neither her husband nor her children speak English
(NEITHER NOR) The students aren’t wide awake today. Is the teacher wide awake today?
Neither the students nor the teacher is wide awake
(NEITHER NOR) They don´t have a refrigerator for their apartment. Do they have a stove?
They have neither a refrigerator nor a stove for
Ojo con la doble negación
(NEITHER NOR) She doesn’t enjoy hunting. Does she enjoy fishing?
She enjoys neither hunting nor fishing
Ojo con la doble negación
(NEITHER NOR) The result wasn’t good. Was the result bad?
The result was neither good nor bad
Ojo con la doble negación
He isn´t from Hong Kong, she isn´t from Mexico
They are neither from Hong Kong nor from Mexico
Ojo con la doble negación
l . He was tired. That’s XXXXXXX he went home early.
- Do you know XXXXXXX the meeting will be over?
- This pen isn’t mine. I wonder XXXXXXX pen it is.
- Did you hear about XXXXXXX happened last night?
- Someone robbed the market XXXXXXX my sister works.
- She saw the man XXXXXXX took the money.
- She was afraid. That’s XXXXXXX she didn’t call the police.
- The robber turned off the lights XXXXXXX he left the supermarket.
- Nobody knows XXXXXXX he went.
He didn’t talk to Jane. He talked to someone else.
I wonder who he talked to.
She didn’t go to work. She went somewhere else.
I wonder where she went.
They didn’t use our typewriter. They used someone else’s typewriter.
I wonder whose typewriter they used.
Did you see the boy? He took my dictionary.
Did you see the boy who took my dictionary?
I know a place. You can have good ice cream there.
I know a place where you can have good ice cream.
We live next to an old woman. Her favorite pastime is gardening.
We live next to an old woman whose favorite pastime is gardening.
- A: Where (Ruth, go) XXXXXXX? She’s not in her room. B: I don’t know. Ask Tina. She might know where (Ruth, go) XXXXXXX
Where (my eraser, be) XXXXXXX? Didn’t I lend it to you?
B: I don’t have it. Ask Sally where XXXXXXX I think I saw her using it. (it, be)
A: I heard that Sam changed his mind about going on the picnic. Why XXXXXXX to stay home? Is something wrong? (he, decide)
B: I don’t know. Maybe Jane can tell us why XXXXXXX not to come with us. Let’s ask her. I hope he’s okay. (he, decide)
A: Whose book XXXXXXX? (this,be)
B: It’s not mine. I don’t know whose XXXXXXX. (it, be)
A: Did Jack get enough food when he went to the market? How much fish XXXXXXX ? It takes a lot of fish to feed 12 people. (he, buy)
B: Just relax. I don’t know exactly how much fish XXXXXXX, but I’m sure there’ll be enough for dinner for all of us. (he, buy)
- A: The door isn’t locked! Why XXXXXXX it before he left? (Fred, lock, not)
B: Why ask me? How am I supposed to know why XXXXXXX it? Maybe he just forgot. (he, lock, not)
- A: The Lee family are recent immigrants, aren’t they? How long XXXXXXX in this country? (they, be)
B: I have no idea. Would you like me to ask Mr. Lee how long XXXXXXX here? I’ll be seeing him this afternoon. (he and his family, live)
- A: I need a math tutor. Do you know who XXXXXXX? (John’s tutor, be)
B: No. Let me ask Phil. Excuse me, Phil? Who XXXXXXX Do you know? (John’s tutor, be)
- A: You’re a student here? I’m a student here, too. Tell me what clases XXXXXXX this term. Maybe we’re in some of the same classes. (you, take)
B: Math 4, English 2, History 6, and Chemistry 101. What classes XXXXXXX (you, take)
- A: Help! Quickl Look at that road sign! Which road XXXXXXX to take? (we, be supposed)
B: You’re the driver! Don’t look at me! I don’t know which road XXXXXXX to take. I’ve never been here before in mv entire life (we, be supposed)
Tom will be here (next week).
NOUN CLAUSE: Please tell me
When Will Tom be here?
Please tell me when Tom will be here
He is coming (because he Wants to visit his friends).
NOUN CLAUSE: Please tell me
Why is he coming?
Please tell me why he is coming
He’ll be on flight (645, not flight 742).
NOUN CLAUSE: Please tell me
Which flight will he be on?
Please tell me wich flight he will be on
Recordar que cu{ando se debe escoger la pregunta es con WHICH
(Jim Hunter) is going to meet him at the airport.
NOUN CLAUSE: Please tell me
Where is Jim hunter to meet him?
Please tell me where Jim Haunter is going to meet him
Tom’s address is (4149 Riverside Road).
NOUN CLAUSE: Please tell me
What´s Tom´s adress?
Please tell me what Tom´s adress is
- He was (in Chicago) last week.
NOUN CLAUSE: Please tell me
Where was he last week?
Please tell me where he was last week
He has been working for IBM* (since 1998).
NOUN CLAUSE: Do you Know
How long has he been working for IBM?
Do you know how long he has been working for IBM?
He has (an IBM) computer at home.
NOUN CLAUSE: Do you know
What kind of computer does he have he at home?
Do you know what kind of computer he has at home?