3.4.2 Corporate culture Flashcards
What is corporate culture?
Sums up the spirit, attitudes, behaviours and ethos of an organisation routine.
What are some characteristics of having a strong culture?
- focus on customer needs
- staff are motivated to reach a long-term aim
- united view with staff
- sticking together in times of crisis
- present after the founder has died
- better productivity
- easier recruitment
- consistency
- be iconic
What are some characteristics of having a weak culture?
- staff follow a script when talking to customers
- functions are individual (silo-mentality)
- internal politics + whistleblowing
- when in turmoil, qualified staff leave
- individual gains and conflict over power + money
- workers are subordinate (toxic culture)
- diseconomies of scale
- inconsistency and quality losses
What are the 4 types of culture?
1) Power
2) Role
3) Task
4) Person
Where is a power culture found?
Found in organisations in which there is one or a small group of power holders.
What are some characteristics of a power culture?
- encourages flexibility + swift decisions
- personal contact
- unethical decisions to please shareholders
Where is a role culture found?
Found in established organisations with formal developed rules.
What are some characteristics of a role culture?
- risk-averse
- power dependent upon position and status
- employees follow unexpected patterns
- bureaucratic and avoiding mistakes
- not ideal in dynamic markets
- functional structures, e.g. tall and flat
What is a task culture?
No single power source following a matrix structure as projects with representatives of different functions
What are some characteristics
- effective in dynamic markets due to flexibility
- powers lie in the expertise of group members
- the power shifts depending on task and expertise
What do task cultures link to?
Paternalistic and democratic
What do role cultures link to?
Autocratic or paternalistic style
What do power cultures link to?
Mainly autocratic leadership (Taylor)
What is a person culture?
A culture where people believe they are superior to the business.
Business is made of people with similar training, backgrounds and expertise meaning the employees are equally important
What is an example of a person culture?
A GP or doctors.
Where are person cultures found?
found in large organisations with leading officials
What do person cultures link to?
democratic leadership (laissez-faire)
How is a culture formed?
1) leadership style + founders personality
2) type of ownership + shares dilute the culture
3) recruitment policies + monoculture occur if there is a non-diverse recruitment process
What are some difficulties in changing the culture?
1) traditions/legacy and employees behaviour has been moulded over time (family-business)
2) production methods
3) one CEO/director vs staff (poor communication)
4) acknowledge by all staff (resistance), culture is deep-rooted and engrained.
What factors determine a businesses culture?
- objectives/mission
- ethical stance
- leadership/management style
- type/size of business
- tradition/heritage
- the attitude of the organisation to enterprise
- performance
- degree of competition
- location
- staff
What is an entrepreneurial culture?
similar to a web culture where power is in the centre
What is a cluster culture?
people aren’t connected
working alone powerful people
internal infrastructure connecting administration
How is organisational culture interlinked?
Interlinked as the leader determines the culture and leadership style
Why do cultures need to change?
- adapt to changes
- remain competitive
- new leader
- poor performance and poor ROCE
- industrial action
- social trends
- changes in the competitive structure
What are the types of competitive structure?
- monopolistic
- oligopoly
- monopolistic competition
- perfect competition
How do businesses manage culture successfully?
- clear 2-way communication
- clear vision
- provide training
- management by objectives
- ensure leadership style is appropriate
- consultation via quality circles, kaizen groups, works council, surveys, business research
- trade deal negotiations
- takes time
What are the negatives of a power culture?
- staff may not feel valued
- lower productivity
- increased absenteeism
- suited to small businesses
What are the positievs of a power culture?
+ full control by select invidivuals
+ short chains of command
+ good for dynamic market
What are the positives of a role culture?
+ follow rules –> consitency less risk
+ scientific objectives and decisions
+ lines of authority, improving delegation
What are the negatives of a role culture?
- slow
- not adaptable to change
- not good in dynamic markets
What are the positives of a task culture?
+ feel valued
+ emphasis on culture
+ flexible to changes`
What are the negatives of a task culture?
- constantly changing power
- hard to control
- may lead to a person culture as people become demotivated constantly working in teams
What are the positives of a person culture?
+ easy to obtain transfferable skills
+ employees are given freedom and are therefore motivated
+ values productivity and expertise
What are the negatives of a person culture?
- inconsistency and conflict
- can make the culture toxic
- stray away from objectives