3.2.1 Growth Flashcards
What is growth?
An increase in size or status such as a takeover or merger
Why do businesses want to grow?
E.O.S + decreased unit cost market share achieve objectives exploit opportunities easier recruitment bigger brand (easier when diversifying) increased market power
What is economies of scale?
factors that cause average unit cost to fall as output increases.
What is diseconomies of scale?
factors that cause average unit cost to increase as output increases.
What is the minimum efficient scale?
The lowest scale necessary for a business to achieve economies of scale. Usually displayed on a U shaped graph.
What happens after the minimum efficient scale?
no further E.O.S benefits = diseconomies of scale
What happens if there is a high or low MES (Minimum efficient scale)
If high MES = high barriers to entry
If low MES = low barriers to entry
What are internal economies of scale?
when internal growth of a business causes reduced unit cost (firm specific)
What are the types of economies of scale?
1) purchasing economies
2) technical
3) managerial
4) marketing
5) network
6) financial
Explain internal purchasing economies of scale?
Buying in greater quantitatives usually results in lower price (Bulk-buying)
Explain technical economies of scale
The use of specialist equipment or processes to boost productivity.
Explain managerial economies of scale
Specialist managers employed which help reduce unit costs and boost efficiency.
Explain marketing economies of scale
Spreading a fixed marketing spread over a larger range of products and markets, customers.
Explain network economies of scale
adding extra customers or users to an existing network
Explain financial economies of scale
larger firms benefit from access to more and cheaper finance. Due to the fact that larger businesses have better credit scores and reliability.