3.3.3 Decision trees Flashcards
What are decision trees?
Set out diagrammatically, alternatives relating to a possible problem/issue and all possible outcomes that stem from these alternatives, together with the likelihood of different outcomes occurring and the associated financial consequences.
How have the numbers within a decision-tree been obtained?
market research using quantitative and qualitative measures.
How would you possibly conclude an answer using decision-trees?
Yes, but I would like more information to be a holistic before making a decision.
Should you make a decision based on the decision-tree?
No as ther may be unidentifiable factors that haven’t been account for in the market research.
What are decision-trees only as good as?
The data that has input into the decision tree.
What are the positives of using decision-trees?
+ simple, quick and easy
+ aids decision-making
+ addresses possible risks
+ helps consider all possible outcomes.
What are the negatives of using decision-trees?
- probabilities are just estimates
- could be impacted by bias
- can become complicated for long projects
- difficult to obtain meaningful and lots of data.
What are the squares in decision-trees?
decision nodules
What are the circles in decision-tree?
circular chance nodules