3.3.2 Section B: Human Fieldwork Flashcards
Hypotheses for human fieldwork enquiry:
How successful is the regeneration of Cardiff Bay?
- The environmental quality will be higher in Cardiff Bay compared to the surrounding area to the north that has not been regenerated.
- The environmental quality of the area will have improved between 1987-2023
- There will be a wide variety of land uses in Cardiff Bay for local residents and visitors.
- Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.
is the long-term upgrading of existing urban, rural, industrial and commercial areas to bring about social and economic change
When was the Cardiff Bay Regeneration Project set up and how large of an area was it set to regenerate?
set up in April 1987 to regenerate 1,100 hectares of old derelict docklands of Cardiff
What was the Cardiff Bay Regeneration Project part of?
part of the British gov’s Urban Development Programme to regenerate particularly deprives and run-down areas of British inner cities
Mission statement of Cardiff Bay Regeneration Project
“To put Cardiff on the international map a superlative maritime city, which will stand comparison with any such city in the world, thereby enhancing the image and economic well-being of Cardiff and Wales as a whole
2 main aims of the Cardiff Bay Regeneration Project:
- To promote development and provide a superb environment in which people will want to live, work and play.
- To bring forward a mix of development, which would create a wide range of job opportunities and reflect the hopes and aspirations of the communities of the area.
Why is Cardiff Bay suitable for our human fieldwork enquiry?
- Cardiff Bay was part of a nationally funded regeneration scheme. Therefore, we can test to see the extent to which it has been successful (environmentally, socially and economically)
- Our findings could be used to advise future regeneration projects
- It is the capital of Wales and therefore a commercial, retail and residential area so we should have many visitors and local residents to speak to
- For the same reasons, there will be many buildings so we can assess land-use
Risks when collecting data for human fieldwork enquiry:
- slips, trips and falls
- environmental factor (sun, rain)
- tricky people
- traffic
Mitigations for risks when collecting data for human fieldwork enquiry:
- slips, trips and falls - wear sensible shoes
- environmental factor (sun, rain) - take sunscreen and wear a hat to avoid heat stroke
- tricky people - avoid contact with “suspicious” people + stay in groups which would mean you would be less likely to get into difficulty if you were alone and if you did one of you could call a staff member if required
- traffic - cross at pedestrian crossing and look both ways before you do, this means you’d be much less likely to be involved in a collision with a vehicle
- getting lost - take a map and know where the agreed meeting location is
Mitigations for risks when collecting data for human fieldwork enquiry:
- slips, trips and falls - wear sensible shoes
- environmental factor (sun, rain) - take sunscreen and wear a hat to avoid heat stroke
- tricky people - avoid contact with “suspicious” people + stay in groups which would mean you would be less likely to get into difficulty if you were alone and if you did one of you could call a staff member if required
- traffic - cross at pedestrian crossing and look both ways before you do, this means you’d be much less likely to be involved in a collision with a vehicle
- getting lost - take a map and know where the agreed meeting location is
Data collection method and equipment used for the hypothesis “The environmental quality will be higher in Cardiff Bay compared to the surrounding area to the north that has not been regenerated.”:
- Primary – Environmental Quality Survey/assessment
- Clipboard
- Tablet (with Survey123 to record data)
Sampling used for the hypothesis “The environmental quality will be higher in Cardiff Bay compared to the surrounding area to the north that has not been regenerated.”:
- stratified (purposefully selected Bute street)
- systematic (we then sampled every 80m)
Justification for data collection method and sampling method used for the hypothesis “The environmental quality will be higher in Cardiff Bay compared to the surrounding area to the north that has not been regenerated.”:
- We used stratified sampling to purposefully select Bute Street as it provided a transect from Cardiff Bay into the surrounding area. We then used systematic sampling every 60m because to show change in area as you when up Bute’s street away from Cardiff Bay at regular intervals
- We did need to choose a survey that can be conducted quickly and easily
- An Environmental Quality Survey is also useful as the rating system remains the same between investigation areas and therefore makes comparison of areas easier
- They are subjective but this can be counteracted by completing in small groups to reach a consensus regarding the score or by using the mode of EQS completed by a number of students.
Data collection method and equipment used for the hypothesis “The environmental quality of the area will have improved between 1987-2023.”:
- Primary and secondary – Re-photography - existing and own photos
- Camera phone
- Internet for existing photos
Sampling used for the hypothesis “The environmental quality of the area will have improved between 1987-2023.”:
Justification for data collection method and sampling method used for the hypothesis “The environmental quality of the area will have improved between 1987-2023.”:
- We used stratified sampling to purposefully select the areas wherephotographs had been taken in 1987
- This allowed us to easily make a side by side comparison to note similarities and differences between 1987 and 2023
- Even though we were restricted in the areas we could analyse (a photo had to have been taken in 1987) re-photography is a useful qualitative data source
- It allows us to compare visual aspects of Cardiff Bay between 1987 and 2023
Data collection method and equipment used for the hypothesis “There will be a wide variety of land uses in Cardiff Bay for local residents and visitors.”:
- Primary - Measuring of land-use using a map with key and tally for building use
- Clipboard
- Map
- Colouring pens and pen
Sampling used for the hypothesis “There will be a wide variety of land uses in Cardiff Bay for local residents and visitors.”:
- stratified
- systematic
Justification for data collection method and sampling method used for the hypothesis “There will be a wide variety of land uses in Cardiff Bay for local residents and visitors.”:
- This method can be more up to date than digital and physical maps
- Prior to the survey, we used stratified sampling tochoose a relevant area that will be representative of what we are investigating, meaning we didn’t miss any areas of interest
Data collection method and equipment used for the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.”:
- Primary – Questionnaire
- Clipboard
- Questionnaire & pen
Sampling used for the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.”:
- stratified
- random
Justification for data collection for hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.”:
- This allowed us to collect in depth opinions from the perspective of locals and visitors, which is integral to our investigation
- Face to face interviews canallow for more complex questions as interviewer is present to clarify wording and probe for more information
- It meant that we could speak to locals and visitors who might not be reached byphone and Internet questionnaires might not be able to reach
- We used stratified to select points of interest
- We used random so that we could speak to a range of locals and visitors
Data presentation method for the hypothesis “The environmental quality will be higher in Cardiff Bay compared to the surrounding area to the north that has not been regenerated.”:
plot of the transect on GIS and use of choropleth circles
Map and EQS survey for the hypothesis “The environmental quality will be higher in Cardiff Bay compared to the surrounding area to the north that has not been regenerated.”:
Justification for using map to present data for the hypothesis “The environmental quality will be higher in Cardiff Bay compared to the surrounding area to the north that has not been regenerated.”:
- The plot of the transect on GIS and use of chloropleth circles, will clearly show you how the environmental quality has changed with distance from the Cardiff Bay area
- This helps you to respond to the hypothesis
Data presentation method for the hypothesis “The environmental quality will be higher in Cardiff Bay compared to the surrounding area to the north that has not been regenerated.”:
Re-photography for the hypothesis “The environmental quality will be higher in Cardiff Bay compared to the surrounding area to the north that has not been regenerated.”:
Re-photography for the hypothesis “The environmental quality of the area will have improved between 1987-2023.”:
- Re-photography is a great method to use as you can annotate the photographs to show the change that has occurred
- This then helps make direct comparisons of the area in 1987 and 2023
Data presentation method for the hypothesis “There will be a wide variety of land uses in Cardiff Bay for local residents and visitors.”
land use map
Land use map for the hypothesis “There will be a wide variety of land uses in Cardiff Bay for local residents and visitors.”:
Justification for using land use map to present data for the hypothesis “There will be a wide variety of land uses in Cardiff Bay for local residents and visitors.”:
- The use of a land use maps makes it easier to see the most common usage of the area
- This enables you to make clearer comparisons of the land use and identify whether it is for the benefit of locals and visitors
Data presentation method for the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.”:
questionnaire → pie chart
Pie chart + reasons for the choices for the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.”:
Reasons for the choices:
- More greenery would help it be even better
- It could have a more cohesive design
- It’s a great place to visit
- It’s great to have so many eating places
Justification for using pie chart to present data for the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.”:
- A pie chart makes it easier to compare the viewpoints of people that were asked the questionnaire
- Combining this with their reasons, helps you to respond to the hypothesis accurately
What is the general trend in the map assessing the hypothesis “The environmental quality will be higher in Cardiff Bay compared to the surrounding area to the north that has not been regenerated.” and what evidence is there to support this?
- The environmental quality decreases with distance from Cardiff Bay, along the transect line
- The highest score was recorded in the Mermaid Quay area at 51 and this decreases with distance from this area towards the area to the North, with a final score of 26 and an overall decrease of 25 in the EQS
Explain the trend in the map that the environmental quality decreases with distance from Cardiff Bay, along the transect line for the hypothesis “The environmental quality will be higher in Cardiff Bay compared to the surrounding area to the north that has not been regenerated.”:
- The regeneration in Cardiff Bay has a higher environmental quality than the area to the north
- Therefore, as you move along the transect, building quality decreases and litter increases, as the area is increasingly less desirable than the tourist friendly area of the bay
How does the map for the hypothesis “The environmental quality will be higher in Cardiff Bay compared to the surrounding area to the north that has not been regenerated.” help us answer the question of whether the regeneration at Cardiff Bay has been successful?
indicates Cardiff Bay regeneration has been successful due to difference in EQA results at Cardiff Bay and further north of it
What is the general trend of the re-photography results for the hypothesis “The environmental quality of the area will have improved between 1987-2023.” and what evidence is there to support this?
- There are many differences between the two images and only one prominent similarity
- We can see that the Cardiff Pierheadbuilding is present in both images. Many buildings are now absent from themodern-dayphotograph
- The roof of the Dragon Centre can be seen in modern photograph
- There is a presence of water inpre-1987 image and an absence in the modern photograph
Are the re-photography results for the hypothesis “The environmental quality of the area will have improved between 1987-2023.” what you expected?
- Cardiff had the second highest tidal range in the world
- This meant that at low tide, the area had a pungent odour
- As part of the government’s regeneration scheme, a barrage was constructed and completed in 1999, creating a 500-acrefresh-water lake with more distinctive boundaries between land and water
- A decision was made to reclaim some land, hence the absence of water in the modern photo
- The absence of certain buildings could be explained byCardiff council’sdecision to demolish much of the original housing in Butetownin the 1950’s/60’s to make way for new modern housing estates and high-rise apartments
- The decision to keep the Pierhead building could be because the building has historical significance and is therefore a listed building
Is there any other evidence that supports the re-photography data and trends for the hypothesis “The environmental quality of the area will have improved between 1987-2023.”
- This is supported by other results such as Cardiff Bay having a higher environmental qualityin comparison to the surrounding area to the north
- It can be argued that the modern-day image is more visually appealing than the pre-regeneration image
How does the data from re-photography (for the hypothesis) answer the question on how successful regeneration has been in Cardiff Bay?
- shows success of regeneration in Cardiff Bay as shows clear improvement in facility visual aspects of the area - attracts more people
What is the general trend of the land use results for the hypothesis “There will be a wide variety of land uses in Cardiff Bay for local residents and visitors.” and what evidence is there to support this?
- There are many more food outlets than other services provided, such as shops and open spaces
- The number of food outlets is 23, compared to the second highest score which 4 for commercial use (shops and supermarkets) and a score of 1 for both open space and public services
Are the land use results for the hypothesis “There will be a wide variety of land uses in Cardiff Bay for local residents and visitors.” what you expected?
- The regeneration in Cardiff Bay means that there is a wide variety of food outlets available for local residents and visitors
- However, these outnumber the amount of services that could be useful for local residents, such as shops, supermarkets and medical facilities
- Additionally, there are many opportunities for employment in the food sector but less opportunities for employment in the tertiary sector
- Therefore, although there is a wide diverse range of services, in terms of the evennessof number of services, there is a somewhat limited variety of land uses for local residents and visitors
Is there any other evidence that supports the land use data and trends for the hypothesis “There will be a wide variety of land uses in Cardiff Bay for local residents and visitors.”?
- This is supported by other results such as Cardiff Bay having a higher environmental quality in comparison to the surrounding area to the north
- Food outlets are often visually appealing to attract customers
- Re-photography also showed us that the area became more visually appealing and less industrial so having a wider variety of land uses to entertain and attract people to the area
How does the land use results for the hypothesis “There will be a wide variety of land uses in Cardiff Bay for local residents and visitors.” help answer the question on how successful regeneration in Cardiff Bay has been?
- tells us regeneration at Cardiff Bay has been partly successful as although there is a wide diverse range of services, in terms of the evennessof number of services, there is a somewhat limited variety of land uses for local residents and visitors which limits opportunities for locals in the area
- may lead to people moving away from Cardiff Bay to pursue careers that are not possible in Cardiff Bay due to its opportunities being limited to a few sectors
What is the general trend in the pie chart assessing the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.” and what evidence is there to support this?
- Most respondents have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay
- In response to the statement‘The regeneration of Cardiff has created asuperb environment where all people of Cardiff areable to work, live and play’ approximately 35% were in strong agreement, 45% agreedand 20% disagreed
- Therefore, 80% of the responses were positive
- Reasons given included ‘it’s a great place to visit’, ‘it’s great to have so many eatingplaces’
- Negative responses included ‘more greenery wouldhelp it beeven better’, ‘it couldhave a more cohesivedesign
Are the pie chart results for the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.” what you expected?
- Locals and visitors largely perceive Cardiff Bay positively agreeing that the regeneration of Cardiff has created asuperb environment where allpeople of Cardiff areable to work, live and play
- Although the response, ‘it’s a great place to visit’ doesn’t tell us why, one respondent appreciated the choice of food outlets
- In terms of improvements, more greenery was suggested as an improvement, as was a more cohesive design
- This could mean Cardiff Bay could be more of a united whole – perhaps the respondent felt the area was too spread out
What other evidence supports the pie chart results and data for the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.”?
- This is supported by other results such as Cardiff Bay having a higher environmental quality in comparison to the surrounding area to the north and that food outlets are often visually appealing to attract customers
- Re-photography also told us that that the area became far more visually appealing with more entertainment facilities available - this would make locals and visitors have a largely positive view of Cardiff
- This questionnaire data shows that most respondents have a positive perception of Cardiff Bay.
How does the pie chart data for the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.” help answer the questions how successful has the regeneration of Cardiff Bay been?
- “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.”
- What is the general trend in the pie chart assessing the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.” and what evidence is there to support this?
- Most respondents have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay
- In response to the statement‘The regeneration of Cardiff has created asuperb environment where all people of Cardiff areable to work, live and play’ approximately 35% were in strong agreement, 45% agreedand 20% disagreed
- Therefore, 80% of the responses were positive
- Reasons given included ‘it’s a great place to visit’, ‘it’s great to have so many eatingplaces’
- Negative responses included ‘more greenery wouldhelp it beeven better’, ‘it couldhave a more cohesivedesign
- Are the pie chart results for the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.” what you expected?
- Locals and visitors largely perceive Cardiff Bay positively agreeing that the regeneration of Cardiff has created asuperb environment where allpeople of Cardiff areable to work, live and play
- Although the response, ‘it’s a great place to visit’ doesn’t tell us why, one respondent appreciated the choice of food outlets
- In terms of improvements, more greenery was suggested as an improvement, as was a more cohesive design
- This could mean Cardiff Bay could be more of a united whole – perhaps the respondent felt the area was too spread out
- What other evidence supports the pie chart results and data for the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.”?
- This is supported by other results such as Cardiff Bay having a higher environmental quality in comparison to the surrounding area to the north and that food outlets are often visually appealing to attract customers
- Re-photography also told us that that the area became far more visually appealing with more entertainment facilities available - this would make locals and visitors have a largely positive view of Cardiff
- This questionnaire data shows that most respondents have a positive perception of Cardiff Bay.
- How does the pie chart data for the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.” help answer the questions how successful has the regeneration of Cardiff Bay been?
- shows it has been successful - 80% agreed
- What is the general trend in the pie chart assessing the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.” and what evidence is there to support this?
Conclusion for the hypothesis “The environmental quality will be higher in Cardiff Bay compared to the surrounding area to the north that has not been regenerated.”:
- The environmental quality decreases along the transect with distance from Cardiff Bay towards the north
- The highest score was recorded in the Mermaid Quay area at51, whereas the final score towards the north was 26
- This shows that the regeneration in Cardiff Bay has a higher environmental quality than the area to the north
- Therefore, as you move along the transect, building quality decreases and litter increases, as the area isincreasingly less desirable than the tourist friendly area of the bay
- This indicates that the Cardiff Bay regeneration has beensuccessful to great extent and therefore, we can accept our hypothesis
Conclusion for the hypothesis “The environmental quality of the area will have improved between 1987-2023.”:
- It could be argued that the 500-acrefresh-waterlake is more visually appealing than tidal flats
- Additionally, the Dragon Centre has a modern architectural design, perhaps more appealing than the industrialbuildings that pre-date it
- The purposeful decision made during regeneration to keep thePierhead building could be because the building has historical and architectural significance and istherefore a listed building
- This data alone does notindicate that the CardiffBay regeneration has beensuccessful as aesthetics are subjective and therefore, we should reject this hypothesis
Conclusion for the hypothesis “There will be a wide variety of land uses in Cardiff Bay for local residents and visitors.”:
- There is a lack of variety in the land use shown in the Cardiff Bay area
- It is mainly focussed in proving eating establishments that would appeal to both locals and tourists
- This means that we can reject the hypothesis, as while there is some variety to the types of eateries, there is a limited range of land uses for local residents and visitors
- This tells us that the success of the regeneration is limited, as most opportunities are focused on a small part
Conclusion for the hypothesis “Local residents and visitors will have a largely positive perception of Cardiff Bay.”:
- The results from the questionnaire indicate that we can accept the hypothesis that people have a positive perception of Cardiff Bay. 80% of the responses agreed with the statement, indicating that they have a positive perception of Cardiff Bay
- This shows us that the regeneration of Cardiff Bay has been successful in turning a run-down area into one that is being used and creates a positive view of Cardiff Bay
- There don’t seem to be any anomalous results in this area but the lack of justification for some of the choices, leave an area for improvement in order to be fully confident in these conclusions
Overall conclusion for “How successful has the regeneration of Cardiff Bay been?”
- Our enquiry is significant as it lets the public know whether the costs put into the regeneration were well-used.
- It may also help other people planning regeneration projects to see what is and isn’t effective when it comes to regenerating an area.
- We found that the regeneration at Cardiff Bay has been partially successful.
- The most important data that supports our conclusion was the EQS because it shows how Cardiff Bay had a higher environmental quality than the area ti the North showing how it had been successfully regenerated.
- An unexpected result is that we cannot accept the hypothesis that the environmental quality has improved. This is due to the data we collected (re-photography) being subjective.
- Another unexpected result is that there was not a variety of land uses for visitors and residents as most of the land use was used for food so opportunities would only be focused on a small part of the tertiary sector. This would limit regeneration in the area.
Alternative primary data collection for questionnaire:
- Online Surveys (using social media, Survey Monkey, etc)
- Publish your survey/ questionnaire online to reach a larger sample, using your own social media platform (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc).
- Qualitative Larger sample sizes are achieved, depending on your following and privacy settings
- Demographic questions allow for you to sample your data so it is representative
- Due to the nature of social media, sampling can only done by volunteering
- This means individuals are more likely to be truthful, but can cause data to not be representative of the population (excluding those who are not proficient in using mobile devices etc.)
- However, while the results may slightly change, face to face questionnaires were useful as it meant that I did not miss the elderly age-group who may not be as proficient in use of technology and therefore I think my conclusion is still reliable
Limitations of using EQS:
- subjective - survey depends on opinions slightly
- only did survey on 1 street but another street may have have completely different results
Effects of limitations of EQS on accuracy of results:
- don’t affect accuracy a lot as multiple people take survey in same location
- provides average opinions that reflect general response
Effects of limitations of EQS on validity of conclusions: Effects of limitations of EQS on validity of conclusions:
- not much of an effect as survey still provides accurate results to help us answer our enquiry Q’s
- however conc’s can be more valid by extending survey locations to further back/answer enquiry
Improvements for EQS:
- survey multiple streets in area using same systematic sampling
Effects of improvements on EQS:
- increase sample size and data to provide more accurate results due to a wider range of samples that reflects the whole surrounding area
Limitations of re-photography:
- aesthetics is subjective
- relies on past photos of location (may not be available)
- limited number of photos
Effects of limitations of re-photography on accuracy of results:
- don’t affect accuracy as a limited no. of only reduce our sample size, not the accuracy of the data
- however, data could be affected if the modern photo isn’t taken in correct location
Effects of limitations of re-photography on validity of conclusions:
- limitations affect validity as subjective improvements mean we can’t prove our hypothesis as this data alone doesn’t indicate Cardiff bay’s regeneration was successful
Improvements of re-photography:
- take pic (modern) from same location as old photo
- count how many of same things are in each photo provided both photos have same type of things in them e.g. building in both pics
Effects of improvements on re-photography:
- will provide quantitative data to support our hypothesis instead of subjective qualitative data
- will make our results more accurate and therefore increase the validity of the conclusions we draw from them
Limitations of using land-use map:
- time consuming
- difficult to map multi-storey building that have dif. uses one each floor
- difficult to distinguish colours for uses if someone can’t see the colours v. well e.g. colourblind → not v. accessible
Effects of limitations of land-use map on accuracy of results:
affects accuracy as land-use map may only record ground floor uses which could change the results
Effects of limitations of land-use map validity of conclusion:
- validity of conc remains the same as land-use map mays till show use of majority of buildings and not many buildings in Cardiff ay have di. uses on dif. floors
- so conclusion remains mostly valid
Improvements to land-use map:
- use symbols as well as colours to show dif. uses
- clearly label which buildings have multiple storeys
Effects of improvements on land-use map:
makes our data more accessible and clearer to analyse
Limitations of face-to-face questionnaires:
- may not be honest results
- only interview people who are willing
- small sample size
- time, location and weather may limit no. of pedestrians interviewed
Effects of limitations of face-to-face questionnaires on accuracy of results:
- doesn’t affect accuracy as much as all participants asked the sam Q’s
- sample size mainly affects accuracy
Effects of limitations of face-to-face questionnaires on validity of conclusions:
- slightly invalid as can still see regeneration scheme affect on public
- however we can’t justify these results due to lack of clarification from some pedestrians
Improvements for face-to-face questionnaires:
- produce an online survey and publish it on social media for people to answer about their experience of Cardiff Bay
Effects of improvements on face-to-face questionnaires:
online survey gets more people to answer our survey and not limited by time & location of survey and weather during it