Psychological factors that can influence an individual in physical activities Group dynamics Flashcards
two or more interacting
connected via a social relationship
common objective
- norms and values
- group/collective identity
Tuckmans model of group development
4 stages of group formation:
sometimes revert to previous stage) & may over lap
1. forming
2. storming
3. norming
4. performing
5. mourning
- get to know each other = find obj
- early social relationships form = best behaviour
- respect for each other but may not work together
- coach - directive manner
-compete & power struggles
-small alliances form
-types of leaders emerge
-less experience members = no compromise
-coach help
most difficult stage = failure
- agree how to work together (rules/behaviour etc)
- behaviours established
- trust = accept criticism and new ideas
- leader emerge/start to take responsibility
- coach = more of a consultant
- reached = best performance
- one unit =high levels of interdependence & motivation
- experienced and skill members make decisions independently
- consultation is expected and leadership devolved, authority
occurs when a team breaks up as the task has been completed
3 factors affecting how quickly a team moves through the stages and why do some teams over/under perform?
3-difficulty of task
-England football vs Club football
-how parts become whole and group dynamics
- tendency for a group to stick together & remain united
- pursuit of goals/objs satisfaction of its members needs
- task
- social
- group outcomes
- individual outcomes
- co-action (others do task at same time but separate) e.g. rowing
- interaction(group works together to produce result) e.g. goalie and striker in same team
Carrons 4 antecedents to cohesion
antecedents = something which comes before
- influencing group cohesion
1. environmental - size of group & time available (structure)
- larger = productive, chance of social loafing decrease
- too large = sub division cliques
- personal factors:
- similarity/dissimilarity of members - leadership
- coach gets on with members - team
- success = more = wanted = increase cohesion (focus)
- experience = learn for future,
- competition threats bond team & eliminate cliques
- group stability/status/ability/productivity
types of cohesion
- task: group bound to achieve a common goal and focus on task
- social: social bonds, social attractiveness and relationships, good for communication
both are high =best
- just social = sub groups, social in & outside of team
- task = override social problems = prize important
faulty group processes (Steiner)
-team potential vs actually perform
actual productivity = potential productivity - losses due to faulty group processes
- motivation losses (loss of concentration, arousal)
- coordination losses (lack of teamwork,tactical choices)
ringelmann effect
- motivational losses = more as group size increases
- bigger=individuals contribution decreases - productive
- reason for loss = social loafing
e.g. tug of war: bigger groups, each individual pulled less hard than in smaller groups - due to motivational decrease more than co-ordinational problems
social loafing
- caused by decrease in motivation to work hard
- effect of group processes on group performance
- “loss of individual effort in group due to reduced motivation”
happen due to:
- evalued, not try as hard
- more people= personal contribution = little effects =try less= feel other aren’t pulling their weight you don’t either
- reduced = believe their efforts and contributions are monitored
- social loafing less common in coaction situations and more coactors the less social loafing there is
group performance dependant on:
- faulty processes
- ringelmann effect
- social loafing
how could a coach achieve/help to aid cohesion in their players? (achieving cohesion for a coach)
- open communication channels
- challenging - realistic goals (consensus)
- agreed norms of behaviour
- role clarity = formal/informal leaders
- evidence & values to contributions
- team meetings = conflicts
- distinctiveness e.g. kit/routines
- encourage self sacrifice more (skilled= help less)
- identify social loafers
- minimise difference in status between players
e.g. coach for England team suffering from group losses:
motivation losses:
- different teams (club rivalry)
- devalued by club= social loafer (help by giving individual goals)
- Ringelmann effect = big squad no motivation know won’t have much time on pitch (help through rewards)
co-ordinational losses:
- difft goals/tactics/obj = clash when together
- conflict (personality/power/position) - no trust