Psychological factors that can influence an individual in physical activities. Arousal Flashcards
State of general preparedness of the body for action, involving physical and psychological factors
over and under aroused = bad for performance
4 positive Cognitive signs of arousal
- Better focus/concentration
- More aware of environmental cues
- Narrowing of attentions = ignore irrelevant stimuli
- Decreased reaction time
Somatic signs (physical)
Increase HR, breathing rate Sweating/clammy hands Dry mouth Constant need to urinate Nausea feeling/butterflies in stomach muscle tensions Increase blood pressure, hormone levels
High levels of arousal lead to negative impacts…
Anxiety and apprehension Tension and increase body tension Negative self talk Problems sleeping Lack of concentration Fear and anger
Overaroused = negative affect on performance
Theories on arosual
- Drive theory
- Inverted U theory
- Catastrophe theory
drive theory
-motivation = drive = not always improve (unrealistic)
-drive = chance of increase = more effort
high arousal=less info processed -> dominant response
-proportional liner relationship
novice = faulty DR = poor vs elite = correct = improve
-researched by Hull (1943) and Spence,Spence (1966)
P=f(DxH) performance = drive x habit
evaluation of drive theory
- beginners = hard under pressure vs elite = better
-performance not always increase at highly arousing
challenge elite if highly aroused
complex = lot of info to process - high - reduce = cues
simple not thinking = perform well high arousal
dominant response
stand out response that performer thinks is correct
inverted u theory
optimum arousal,
-increase arousal improves performance to
optimal ‘zone’ at moderate levels of arousal
-performance increases with arousal up to an optimum ‘zone’ any further arousal = reduced performance level
evaluation of inverted u theory
-sports people = become over-aroused decrease in performance
doesnt account difference between somatic and cognitive anxiety on performance
point of optimal performance/arousal affected by:
- performance skill level:
novice vs elite - type of skill:
fine vs gross, simple vs complex - performer personality
introverts vs extroverts
catastrophe theory
-arousal improves until optimal performance = dramatic reduction beyond optimal
somatic anxiety low & cognitive anxiety increase
-both heightened at same rate= catastrophe
-able to reduce levels after over-arousal, = recover to sub-optimal level
evaluation of catastrophe theory
- explain stress management (deep breathing) = successful athletes over-aroused
- effect of somatic and cognitive anxiety
- doesn’t indicate why somatic and cognitive anxiety have observed effect on performance
zone of optimal functioning ZOF
- from inverted u theory that ‘zone of optimal performance not point’
- get into the zone = ultimate experience in sport
zone: area of controlled arousal and high level performance
6 characteristics of performance in the ZOF
1-effortless (subconscious control) 2-confidence, calm under pressure 3-total control/focus 4-smooth (timing action - perfect) 5-highest level of performance 6-peak flow experience
- belief in the fitness and preparations,
- believe in optimal environmental conditions for event
4 ways to find your own zone:
1-mental practice
4-positive self talk
peak flow
ultimate intrinsic experience/positive psychological state
+ve attitude supreme confidence focus and efficiency
-extension of zone
-no psychological or physiological basis - +ve effect
development of flow experience
promoted by intrinsic motives -> positive mental attitude, confidence, relaxation and anxiety control
peak flow and zone
top level performance & complete anxiety control
3 factors what can affect peak flow performance
- poor mental preparation/not optimal arousal levels (coach= train in metal rehearsal/ visualisation)
- environmental influences, (crowd or poor referee) (coach= give performer coping strategies)
- effect injury or fatigue stop player keeping up with flow experience (coach =focus on fitness in training and make sure confident with injury)
what is arousal caused by?
Good/bad performance
Competition vs training
reticular activating system
controlling/measure level of adrenaline in body,
extrovert: low activation level=tolerate increase in arousal
introvert: high adrenaline level naturally perform best at low arousal