3. Ada berapa hari dalam setahun? Flashcards
How many days are there in a year?
Ada berapa hari dalam setahun?
I know that! There are 365 days, sometimes 366 days
Aku tahu itu! Ada 365 hari, kadang-kadang 366 hari
How many weeks are there in a year? (52)
Ada berapa minggu dalam setahun? (Ada 52 minggu)
How many days are there in December?
Ada berapa hari dalam bulan Desember?
I think there are 31 days
Aku kira 31 hari
Indeed you boy clever!
Memang, kamu anak pandai!
What day is it today? I can’t remember.
Hari ini tanggal berapa? Tak ingat
It’s mum’s birthday. You (father) forgot to give present!
Hari ulang tahun Ibu. Ayah lupa memberi hadiah!
He also has a house of his own
Dia juga punya rumah sendiri
Hartono family is not rich, but also not poor.
Keluarga Hartono tidak kaya, tapi juga tidak miskin
driver’s license
SIM (surat ijin mengemudi)
Does he have a problem?
Apa dia ada soal?
Where is my briefcase?
Tas kantorku ada di mana?
Under the table in the guest room, Sir.
Di bawah meja di ruang tamu Pak
In the drawer of the desk of the study room
Di dalam laci meja tulis di kamar belajar