15. Jari kakinya terinjak orang Flashcards
First item (lit. plan) of the day was to see Jakarta, capital of Indonesia
Acara hari pertama ialah melihat Jakarta, ibu kota Indonesia
That bus full with people. Not surprising when he got on, his toes were stepped on (by) someone
Bis itu penuh dengan orang. Tak heran waktu dia naik, jari kakinya terinjak orang
“my foot not to be stepped on!” he shouted
Kaki saya jangan diinjak, teriaknya
Indonesian person who was standing near Bill replied: be advised, this is a public bus!
Orang Indonesia yang berdiri dekat Bill menjawab “maklum, ini bis rakyat!”
From M Bill change (lit. move) bus that (go) to Taman Mini
Dari M Bill pindah bis yang ke taman mini
Alr. long bus walk and stop many times, but how come not yet reach also?
Sudah lama bis berjalan dan berhenti berkali-kali, tapi kok belum sampai juga?
He asked to conductor: “please lower me at Taman Mini”
Dia bertanya kepada kondektur: “tolong turunkan saya di Taman Mini”
Conductor reply: “sorry sir, this bus not to Taman Mini but to Taman Jaya Ancol”
Kondektr menjawab, “maaf pak, bis ini tidak ke TM tapi ke TJA”
Clearly he already brought to another place
Jelas dia sudah terbawa ke tempat lain
But never mind. He never (not yet ever) see Taman Ancol
Tapi tidak apa. Dia belum pernah melihat TA
After going around for a moment in TJA, he thirsty and hungry
Sesudah berkeliling sebentar di TJA, dia haus dan lapar
He went into a warung
Dia masuk ke sebuah warung
Give me a glass ice syrup and a plate chicekn satay with rice, he ordered to the waiter
Minta segelas es sirup dan sepiring sate ayam dengan nasi, pesannya kepada pelayan
Bill’s tongue (felt) like it had been burnt
Lindah Bill seperti terbakar
He had accidentally swallowed some chillis
Cabe sudah termakan olehnya
From TJA he take bus again, now to Monas
Dari TJA dia naik bis lagi, sekarang ke Monas
After some times asking to passengers finally reach there
Setelah beberapa kali bertanya kepada penumpang akhirnya sampai di sana
This place is visited (by) many people every day
Tempat ini dikunjungi banyak orang setiap hari
When he was looking-looking, Bill unintentionally met with a young person named Sujono
Ketika sedang melihat-lihat, Bill tak sengaja berkenalan dengan seorang pemuda bernama S
He talked so long that did not realize time already 4 pm
Lama dia bercakap-cakap dengannya sehingga tak terasa waktu sudah jam 4 sore
Bill said to himself: “here easy make friends”
Bill berkata pada dirinya sendiri “di sini mudah mendapat teman”
It turns out Jono was a student of English who needed to practise his English
Ternyata Jono pelajar B Inggris yang perlu mempraktekkan B Inggrisnya
And unexpectedly before they parted
Dan terduga sebelum mereka berpisah
Jono said that he willing accompany Bill to Gunung Tangkuban Perahu tmr.
Jono mengatakan bahwa dia bersedia mengantarkan B ke Gunung TP besok
Bill very happy With Jono’s help he will not get lost again
Bill senang sekali. Dengan pertolongan Jono dia tidak akan tersesat lagi
Maybe Jono will be willing also accompanyhim to other places which are interesting
Mungkin Jono akan bersedia juga menemaninya ke tempat-tempat lain yang menarik
Bill smiled when he saw a pretty girl
B tersenyum waktu melihat gadis cantik
Jono laughed looking that monkey which is funny
K tertawa (tawa = laughter) melihat monyet yang lucu itu
Bill dozed off in train because very tired
B tertidur di kereta api karena capek sekali
They were late this morning
Mereka terlambat tadi pagi
Bill interested in art
B tertarik pada seni
He surprised see ghost
Dia terkejut melihat hantu
When B woke up at 7am, he saw on top table already laid out
Ketika B bangun jam 7 pagi, dia melihat di atas meja sudah terletak
clean clothes which were neatly ironed
pakaian bersih yang diseterikan rapi
After bathing and getting dressed he went down to hotel dining room
Sesudah mandi dan berpakaian dia turun ke ruang makan hotel
There breakfast also already made available
Di sana sarapan juga sudah tersedia