30. Senses Flashcards
What are the 5 senses
Sight Hearing Touch Taste Smell
Rods vs. Cones
Light it detects
When it works
Rods Light it detects: Black and white When it works: Dim light Location: All over retina (R for rods and retina!!!) Cones Light it detects: Coloured light (C for cones and coloured!!!) When it works: Bright light Location: Fovea
Size of pupil in bright vs. dim light
bright- small pupil as more light available
dark-big pupil as less light available
pupil lets light into the eye so will change in size due to light entering the eye
Why does the pupil appear black
Does not absorb light, it passes light in to be absorbed by the retina
Labeling the eye
- Outside part of eye
- Second layer
- Third layer on inside
- thin layer at front of eye
- thicker part in front of eye
- Coloured part
- Space inbetween coloured part
- Muscle
- Connects lens to muscle
- Lens
- Liquid in front of eye
- Liquid at back of eye
- Part going to brain
- Spot just on top of 13
- Spot at back of eye near 13
- Sclera
- Chloroid
- Retina
- Conjunctiva
- Cornea
- Iris
- Pupil
- Ciliary muscle and body
- Suspensory ligaments
- Lens
- Aqueous Humour
- Vitreous humour (A before V)
- Optic nerve
- Blind spot
- Fovea
Function of sclera
Maintains shape of eyeball (S for shape and sclera)
Function of Chloroid
Contains blood vessels which supply eye with nutrients and oxygen
Function of Retina
contains rods and cones/ receptor cells
absorbs light
Function of Conjunctiva
Thin transparent layer which protects the cornea
Function of Cornea
Front transparent part of sclera. Focuses light rays on retina
Function of Iris
Controls amount of light entering the eye
Function of Pupil
Lets light into the eye
Function of Ciliary muscle/body
Controls shape of lens
Function of Suspensory ligament
Attach ciliary body to the lens and holds the lens in place
Function of Lens
Focuses light rays of retina
Function of Aqueous humour
watery liquid supplies lens and cornea with nutrients and keeps shape
Function of Vitreous humour
Maintains shape of eye-Gel
Function of Optic nerve
Carries impulses to brain
What is the blind spot
Contains no receptors so therefore is not sensitive to light. Exit point for optic nerve
Function of Fovea
Also called
Focuses the image and area of sharpest vision
Also called yellow spot
Functions of ear
Hearing and balance
Label parts of ear
Outer: Pinna, Ear canal, Eardrum
Middle: Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (ossicles), Oval window, Eustachian tube, Air
Inner: Semi circular canals, Auditory nerve, Cochlea, Fluid
Function of outer ear parts
Pinna: Outer visible ear, funnels sound into the ear canal. Made of cartilage
Ear canal: Carries sound to the ear drum. It has hairs and wax glands to trap dirt and germs.
Ear drum: membrane of skin which vibrates and passes sound into the middle ear
Middle Ear functions
Ossicles: 3 small bones which amplify sound
Oval window: Stirrup pushes up against this and vibrates causing the fluid in the inner ear to vibrate
Eustachian tube: Keeps air pressure equal on each side of the eardrum , preventing damage to the ear from changes in pressure
Inner Ear Functions
Cochlea: Sound vibrations pass through the fluid here and convert sound vibrations to electrical impulses Auditory nerve (cochlear): Picks up electrical impulses and sends the impulse to the brain allowing us to hear. Semi circular canals: Balance and posture
How do we hear (process)
Pinna passes sound toward the eardrum which then vibrates.
In turn this vibrates the ossicles which amplify the sound.
The stirrup pushes the oval window moving the fluid inside the ear.
Special hairs in the cochlea detect the movement and convert it to electrical impulses and send signals to the brain along the auditory nerve.
The brain then interprets these as sounds which we hear.
Ear defect
Causes: Overproduction of sticky fluid n the middle ear due to blockage of the eustachian tube. Fluid restricts movement in the ear drum and ossicles therefore effecting hearing
Treatment: Unblock the eustachian tube with drops. Grommets (inserted by surgery) allowing air into the middle ear forcing the fluid down the eustachian tube
Label parts of skin
- Top layer
- Second layer
- Bottom layer
- frog prints
- frog thumb
- muscle on hair
- Hair
- Gland on hair
- Curly worly (a. opening, b. middle, c. extra curly)
- Blood vessels
- Epidermis
- Dermis layer
- Adipose tissue
- Touch receptors
- Temperature sensors
- Erector muscle
- Hair follicle
- Sebaceous gland
- Sweat (a)pore, (b) duct, (c) gland.
- Capillaries
Epidermis layer parts and function
Top: Cornified layer,
Middle: Granular layer
Bottom: Malpignan layer
Function: Acts as barrier to prevent entry of pathogens
Function of Adipose tissue
Contains fat cells which provides insulation and protection
- Malpignan function
- Granular layer function
- Cornified layer
- Overall functions of Epidermis
- Contains melanin-gives skin colour, protects against UV rays, gives freckles when concentrated.
Divides to form new epidermis cells. Dead cells move to granular layer - Adds keratin to the dead cells to harden them, now known as cornified cells and move to cornified layer
- Cornified cells flake off. They become dead as no blood vessels
- Makes Vitamin D
Dermis layer function
Protection- has receptors to detect temperature and touch.
Excretion-sweat glands
Sebaceous gland
Produces: Oil called sebum
Importance: Keeps skin moist and stops it drying out
Temperature regulation in skin: If hot
- Sweat is produced
- Skin turns red as blood vessels dilate and bring blood to surface. This brings blood away from the bodys core (vasodilation)
- Hair follicles lie down- dont trap air so dont keep in heat
Temperature regulation in skin: If cold
- Shivering occurs-produce energy and therefore heat
- Hair stands up trapping air and heat. Due to erector muscle contracting (Piloerection)
- Skin doesnt go red-blood vessels constrict to prevent blood flow to surface so keeps heat near the bodys core. (Vasorestriction)
What does
- Vasorestricion
- Vasodilation
- Piloerection mean
- Blood vessels restricting to keep in heat
- Blood vessels dilating to bring heat to surface
- When the erector muscle contracts to make hair stand up
Overall skin function
- Prevent pathogen entry:epidermis
- Protection: Dermis, Adipose layer
- Insulation: Adipose
- Temperature regulation: Blood vessels, hair follicle
- Acts as a sense organ
Parts of tongue