3 Race and immigration 1918-1939 Flashcards
1920 Alien Orders Act
‘aliens’ had to register with the police before seeking jobs, or deportation was a punishment
Affect of WWI
how many indian, african, and west indian troops were involved in WW1?
- 1m indian soldiers
- 0.5 african troops
- west indian volunteers on the western front
affect of ww1
demobilisation of the army affect on race and immigration
white racist violence towards other races increased.
1925 Special Restrictions Act
‘coloured’ seamen had to prove their british citizenship to immigration authorities.
white jobs payed..
4x more than asian jobs
League of Coloured People established by Harold Moody in 1931 aims:
- expose the colour bar
- end discrimnination
- campaigned for equal rights to healthcare
Unions that protested against discrimination
CPGB (communist party of great britain) and the IASB (international african service beureau)
born radical and member of the CPGB name?
Shapurji Saklatvala: an indian born radical
What did the CPGB organise?
the CPGB campaigned against the BUF after they incited anti-semitism in London, 10,000 people marched to stop the BUF
C.L.R James and George Padmore
established the International African Opinion Newspaper: encouraged people to lobby their MPs for black rights .
the colour bar
black and asian people excluded from employment, refused services but the government did nothing