3 - Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology Flashcards
Overview of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology
The study of the structures of the body
The study of the functions of the body
The microscopic study of the structure of cells
The study of tissue
The study of the structure from egg to adult form
Developmental Anatomy
The study of the structures from the time of fertilization through the eighth week of gestation
The basic unit of life
Cephalad means
Towards the head
Antibodies are molecules of ___ involved in the immune response of the body
Etiology is the study of ______
The cause and origin of disease
The condition characterized by swelling, heat, redness, and pain is known as _____
In the Western anatomical position, the human body is _____
Standing erect, facing forward, arms at side, palms facing forward.
The pericaridal cavity is located within the _____
Thoracic cavity
The study of the tissues of the body is referred to as _______
A short, severe episode is referred to as _____
The ability of an organism to cause disease is referred to as ______
The human body is an ______
The increase in symptoms or severity of a condition is a(n)______
The ____ plane divides the body into upper and lower sections.
The disease of unknown origin is referred to as _____
Structures that can be studied without the aid of a microscope.
Gross anatomy
Study of changes in structures caused by disease.
Pathological anatomy
Study of a specific region in the body, such as the head or lower extremities.
Regional anatomy
Study of the body through x-rays.
Radiographic anatomy
Study of the body through observation and palpation.
Surface anatomy
Study of specific body systems.
Systemic anatomy
The study of nerves.
The study of cell function.
Cell physiology
The study of the acute responses and long-term adaptions of the body to physical activity or exercise.
Exercise physiology
The study of movement.
Groups of similar cells combine to form _________
A collection of tissues having a specific function.
Organs acting together to perform specific functions.
Organ systems
Which cavity holds the digestive organs, liver and spleen?
Abdominal cavity
Which cavity describes both the abdominal cavity below the diaphragm and the pelvic cavity?
Abdominopelvic cavity
Which cavity houses the urinary bladder, the rectum, and the internal reproductive organs?
Pelvic cavity
Which cavity is protected by the rib cage and contains the vital organs, such as the heart and lungs?
Thoracic cavity
Which cavity within the thoracic cavity protects the heart?
Pericardial cavity
Which cavity describes the combined thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities?
Ventral cavity
Which cavity houses the brain and the spinal cavity?
Cranial cavity
Which cavity houses the spinal cord?
Spinal cavity
Which body system protects the body; regulate body temperature; waste elimination; production of vitamin D; detects sensations such as hot, cold and pain, etc.?
Integumentary system
Which body system supports and protects the body; aids movements; houses cells that give rise to blood cells; stores minerals and fats?
Skeletal system
Which body system produces body movements, stabilizes posture and produces body heat?
Muscular system
Which body system regulates body activities through nerve impulses by detecting changes in body’s internal and/or external environment and reacting by causing muscle contractions or glandular secretions?
Nervous system
Which body system carries oxygen and nutrients to cells and carbon dioxide and other wastes away from cells; helps regulate acidity, temperature, and water content in bodily fluids; blood components aid immunity and repair of damaged blood vessels?
Cardiovascular system
Which body system protects against disease-causing organisms; returns proteins and other substances to blood and carries lipids from GI tract to blood?
Lymphatic system
Which body system transfers oxygen from inhaled air to the blood and carbon dioxide from blood to exhaled air; helps regulate pH of body fluids; allows vocal cords to produce sound through air flowing out of lungs?
Respiratory system
Which body system regulates the absorption of nutrients by physical and chemical breakdown of food and elimination of waste?
Digestive system
Which body system regulates body activities through release of hormones?
Endocrine system
Which body system produces, stores and eliminates waste products through urine; regulates blood volume, composition, and mineral balance; aids in red blood cell production?
Urinary system
Which body system produces gametes in gonads for reproduction; regulates reproductive and other processes through the release of hormones?
Reproductive system
Which directional term is used when it divides the body into anterior and posterior positions?
Frontal plane
The frontal plane is also called _______
Coronal plane
Which directional term is used when the body is divided into left and right sections?
Sagittal plane
Which directional term is used when it divides the body into upper and lower sections?
Transverse plane
What is another term for transverse plane?
Horizontal plane
What is the direction if it is toward the front or in front of?
Anterior or ventral
What direction is toward the tail or lower?
Caudal or inferior
What direction is toward the head or upper?
What direction is toward the head?
Cranial or superior
What direction is far from the surface?
What direction is away from a point of reference or farthest from the trunk?
What direction is toward the back or in back of?
Dorsal or posterior
What direction is away from the midline of the body?
What direction is toward the midline of the body?
What direction is toward or nearest the trunk or point of reference?
What direction is near the surface?
What pathology focuses on the study of tissues removed from a dead or living person to diagnose disease or cause of death?
Anatomical pathology
What type of pathology is actually a number of subdisciplines that are often referred to as laboratory medicine: chemistry, histology, microbiology and other specialties?
Clinical pathology
What is the study of how disease and trauma alter the normal functioning of the body?
What is an organism that lives in an oxygen environment?
What is the ability to walk?
What is an organism that lives in an oxygen-free environment?
What are the irregular structural characteristics of a cell that identify it as a malignant cancer cell?
An aplastic
What is an abnormal occurrence, especially in reference to birth defects?
A chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections.
A protein produced by the body as part of its defense against foreign bacteria or blood cells.
The prevention of sepsis by excluding or destroying microorganisms.
A substance that kills or prohibits the growth of microorganisms.
Free from germs.
A wasting away or decrease in size of a cell, tissue, organ, or part of the body caused by lack of nourishment, inactivity or loss of nerve supply.
A situation in which the body produces an immune response against its own organs or tissues, causing severe inflammation and chronic conditions.
Mcroorganisms capable of reproduction; some strains cause infection (and some are beneficial).
Referring to a tumor, or abnormal growth, that is not cancerous and does not invade nearby tissues or spread to other parts of the body.
Slow developing, recurring.
Characterized by diminishing capabilities
The identification of disease or trauma
An impairment of health that interferes with the body’s ability to function normally.
The prevention of sepsis by excluding or destroying microorganisms.
Characterizing a disease that exists in a location or group of people all the time.
A sudden outbreak of disease in numbers much higher than normal.
The study of the cause and origin of disease.
A marked increase in symptoms or severity of disease.
A mold, yeast, or mushroom.
Genetically passed from parent to child.
An increase in the number of cells in an organ or tissue.
Of unknown origin.
The invasion and growth of microorganisms that may cause cellular injury in tissue.
A protective response from the body in response to infection or injury characterized by swelling, heat, redness and pain.
Affecting only one part.
Cancerous; a growth with a tendency to invade and destroy nearby tissue and spread to other parts of the body.
Diseased or sick.
Any departure, subjective or objective, from a state of physiological or psychological well-being.
An abnormal growth of tissue that may be benign or malignant.
An epidemic that affects an expanded demographic area.
The origin and development of disease.
The study of disease.
The study of how disease and/or trauma alters the normal functioning of the body.
The evidence of disease as perceived by the doctor.
To destroy bacteria and other microorganisms.
The subjective evidence of disease as perceived by the patient.
A group of signs or symptoms characteristic of a particular disease or abnormal condition.
Affecting the whole body.
A physical injury or wound caused by an external force of violence, which may cause death or permanent disability. Is also used to describe severe emotional or phychological shock or distress.
The ability of an organism to cause disease.
An intracelullar parasite that causes disease.