25 - Modalities Flashcards
Traditional Asian massage; uses no oil, involves stretching, squeezing, and massaging to stimulate the body to become and/or remain healthy; focuses on improving muscle condition and the circulation of ki. It combines bodywork along the meridians with nutrition, detoxification, herbal therapy and exercise.
Process of movement re-education to identify and rid the body of faulty postures by replacing habit with conscious movement. Developed by Frederick Matthias Alexander.
Alexander technique
The use of muscle testing strengths and weaknesses or imbalances in the body. Developed by George Goodhart; popularized by Dr. John Thie.
Applied kinesiology
The use of essential oils to restore and to heal
A form of massage in which the barefoot therapist stands on the table, using overhead bars for leverage and then using the feet to perform deep compression and effleurage strokes.
Ashiatsu bar therapy
A combination of deep tissue and other massage combined with movement education. Developed by Judith Aston.
Aston patterning
Part of the total Ayurvedic philosophy of health and medicine; techniques that focus on detoxification and restoration of health.
Ayurvedic massage
The use of dermatomes (areas of innervation) of connective tissue to identify problems; based on the theory that imbalance anywhere in the body is imbalance in the total body.
A combination of breathing, exercise, and phsychotherapy aimed at releasing past traumas that are stored in the tissues. Developed by Alexander Lowen.
A specific series of rolling moves across superficial muscles, tendons, and nerves to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system into reorganizing areas holding tension or strain.
Bowen therapy
A light technique of dragging and pulling the skin to release the superficial fascia
Connective tissue massage
A technique that focuses on releasing blockages in the flow of the craniosacral fluid and releasing emotional trauma. Upledger, Milne, and Sutherland are known for their techniques.
Craniosacral massage
Deep pressure massage applied with fingers, thumbs, elbows, etc to release deeper tissues
Deep tissue massage
A body/mind/spirit modality consisting of very light Swedish massage aimed at inducing deep states of relaxation
A process of unlearning restrictive movement habits and replacing them with efficient, graceful movement.
A type of bodywork consisting of 11 sessions of structural work combined with vocal work aimed at bringing consciousness to posture and movement.
Massage performed with heated stones placed and/or rubbed on the body
Hot stone massage
The use of water in any of its forms for relaxation or rehabilitation: ice, heat, whirlpool baths, wet or dry saunas.
The study of muscle movement. Also refers to several different modalities of muscle testing to restore health and balance to the body.
Massage grounded in Hawaiian spiritual tradition; many different techniques exist but all are performed in a rhythmic dance usually accompanied by ceremonial music and incorporating ceremonial ritual. Auntie Margaret is regarded as the modern authority, which is said to be 5000 years old.
Massage of the lymph nodes and lymph system. Developed by Dr. Hans Vodder.
Lymphatic drainage massage
Bodywork performed for the purpose of injury repair and rehabilitation from pathological conditions
Medical massage
The movement part of Trager work, involving the conscious initiation if movement on the part of the client and then allowing the muscle to go to its natural place.
Any method directed at treating restrictions or adhesions in the fascia and muscles
Myofascial release
Trigger point therapy that includes re-education of the muscle. Developed by Bonnie Prudden.
A technique directed at returning the body to a state of structural balance; also referred to as trigger point therapy. Developed in Europe by Leif and Chaitow, popularized in America by Paul St. John and Janet Travell.
Neuromuscular therapy (NMT)
Gentle work to release deep tension and restore structural balance; the client is placed in the most comfortable position that alleviates pain, and the therapist works to find the problem from that standpoint.
Movement and exercise aimed at lengthening and strengthening muscles.
Based on the principle that every cell has both negative and positive poles, the gentle touch to manipulate the tissue and restore balance; a body/mind/spirit integrative approach.
A body/mind/spirit modality that incorporates breath work, deep fascial work, and emotional work to restore structural balance to the body.
Postural integration
A technique during which a muscle is stretched to resistance and held for 10 seconds, followed by the client contracting the muscle for 5 seconds.
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)
Treating the reflex points found on the hands, feet, and ears that correspond to internal tissues and organs.
A method in which the practitioner channels universal energy directed at the healing of the client.
Deep structural realignment that takes place over the course of 10 sessions.
Breathing and relaxation techniques accompanied by rebalancing alignment and increasing flexibility using nonintrusive touching, verbal interaction, and breathing.
Rosen method
A body/mind/spirit approach combining psychotherapy with movements, postures, talk therapy, dreamwork and other techniques.
A form of Japanese acupressure traditionally performed with the client fully clothed on a mat on the floor.
A sports massage technique aimed at breaking up scar tissue and stretching the muscles. Developed by Stuart Taws.
A body/mind/spirit modality that combines bodywork and psychotherapy.
The massage of athletes, with attention to their special needs and contraindications
Sports massage
Also referred to as Rolfing; deep structural realignment that takes place over the course of 10 sessions.
Structural integration
Therapeutic massage focused mainly on relaxation. Charles Fayette and George Henry Taylor are credited with bringing it to the US.
Swedish massage
Work performed on the floor that consists of many assisted yoga-like positionings of the body, along with gentle rocking and stretching.
Thai massage
Hydrotherapy using heated seawater
Energy work focused on balancing the body’s aura through gentle above-the-body manipulations of the energy field. Developed by Dolores Krieger and Dora Kunz.
Therapeutic touch
A form of applied kinesiology using muscle testing to determine weaknesses in structure. Treatment is to strengthen the weakness and/or release tightness in the opposing side by performing balances on the meridians. Developed by John Thie, DC.
Touch For Health
Gentle rocking and other nonintrusive movements to facilitate the release of deep physical and emotional restrictions. The hook-up, a natural state of being similar to a meditative state, is used to connect the practitioner with the energy of the client.
A technique directed at returning the body to a state of structural balance; also referred to as neuromuscular therapy. Developed in Europe by Leif and Chaitow, popularized in America by Paul St. John and Janet Travell.
Trigger Point therapy
Gentle soft tissue massage of the internal organs to release adhesions
Visceral manipulation
Shiatsu performed in a warm pool of water
Treatments performed with the client fully clothed and in a seated position, progressing to a reclining position; focuses on integrating the physical body with energetic body. Developed by Fritz Smith.
Zero balancing