2Monosaccharides Flashcards
Base all sugars on which molecule?
CHO l H- C - OH* l CH2O
Most sugars are _____handed sugar
Aldose sugars have ____
Aldehyde group
Remember the six types of aldose sugars:
(3) D – glyceraldehyde,
(4) D – erythrose,
(5) D – ribose,
(6) D – glucose, D – mannose, D – galactose
D-Erythrose structure (4)
H O \ // H-C-OH l H-C-OH* l CH2OH
D-Threose structure (4)
H O \ // C l OH-C-H l H- C- OH* l CH2OH
D-Ribose structure(5)
H O \ // C l H-C-OH* l H-C-OH* l H-C-OH* l CH2OH
Just know similar to ribose
H O \ // C l HO-C-H l H- C-OH l H- C-OH l CH2OH
D-Xylose structure (5)
Just remember similar to ribose
H O \ // C l H-C-OH l HO-C-H l H- C-OH l CH2OH
The reference compound for naming D and L isomers of sugars is:
D-Glucose structure
H O \ // C l H- C-OH l OH-C-H l H- C-OH l H- C-OH l CH2OH
D- Mannose structure
(Only c#2 changed from glucose)
H O \ // C l HO-C-H l HO-C-H l H- C-OH l H- C-OH l CH2OH
D-Galactose (6Carbons)
C#4 is different
H O \ // C l H-C-OH l HO-C-H l HO-C-H l H- C-OH l CH2OH
What is epimeric pair?
D- glucose and D-mannose
Two major classes- the Aldose and ketose sugars
Glyceraldehyde (an aldotriose)
H O \ // C l H- C-OH l H- C-OH l H
Dihydroxyacetone (a ketotriose)
H l H- C-OH l C=O l H- C-OH l H
Ketose Sugars-2 structures to know
Dihydroxyacetone (3 carbons) CH2OH l C=O l CH2OH
D-fructose (6carbon) CH2OH l C=O l HO-C-H l H- C-OH l H- C-OH l CH2OH
Similar to glucose except ketone at C#2
Which of the following is an epimeric pair?
2 isomers differ in configuration at one stereo center
D-glucose and D-mannose
Which of the following monosaccharides is not an Aldose?
When the linear form of glucose cyclizes, the product is an:
Draw glyceraldehyde. How many stereoisomers can there be?
Draw glycerol. How many stereoisomers are there?
D-glucose is epimeric ex on carbon #2. What did it become?
Is D-2 deoxyglucose the same thing as D-2-deoxygalactose?
What biochemical feature is common in cellulose and is not found in glycogen?
Beta 1-4 bonds
Glycogen has alpha 1-4 bond
Which of the following monosaccharides is not an Aldose ?
Hemiacetal is made up of:
Aldehyde + Alcohol
Hemiacetal can react with additional alcohols and form…
Acetal + water
This reaction makes it less spontaneous and more stable. Split out water and more difficult.
Ketone + alcohol=
Hemiketal can react with additional alcohol to form
2 glucose molecules react:
Carbon #4 alcohol + hemiacetal carbon #1
Disaccharide form with acetal linkage
Glc(alpha 1➡️4) Glc
Reducing sugar because of the right side of the right sugar it still has a free carbon number one which is a hemiacetal which can still open up to form an aldehyde and therefore still has the ability to become a reducing sugar.
Galactose+ glucose
Reducing sugar
Gal(Beta1➡️4) Glc
Galactose is almost identical to glucose but carbon number four is flipped compared to glucose so the OH group will be on top and the H group will be on bottom
Reducing sugar because the hemiacetal on the right still has the anime roc carbon free, carbon#1 is free. Hemiactrals can open up freely to aldehydes.
Glucose + Fructose
Table sugar- sucrose
- not a reducing sugar* both a mimetic carbons tied up in bonding to each other
Glc(alpha1↔️2Beta) Fru
Has an acetal and ketal bond at same time. Glucose c#1 is alpha conformation with OH group coming down from it but connected to anime roc carbon of fructose, which is a ketose) so form a ketone derivative on #2 of fructose.
2 animeric carbons of glucose attached to each other
Not a reducing sugar
Glc(alpha1↔️1 alpha) Glc
Which two sugars is not a reducing sugar?
Sucrose and trehalose