2.5 flashcards
What is cohesion?
Hydrogen bonding between H2O molecules
What does cohesion do?
It creates water surface tension like when you place water drops on a coin
What is adhesion?
Hydrogen bonding between H2O molecules and other substances, makes capillary action
What is capillary action?
When water moves throughout an object defying gravity even, and draws more water towards it as it’s doing so, like when you dip the tip of the sleeve of your sweater/hoodie in water
How does electronegativity give water an unique trait?
Due to it’s polarity, water makes for a good solvent
Define hydrophilic
Hydrophilic is a substance that can mix with water, which can be the solute and makes a solution with water, like when you put soap in water, or lemon juice to make lemonade
Define Hydrophobic
When a substance is hydrophobic, it repels water, does not mix with water, and does not make a solution. Like water and oil not mixing and making two separate layers of the substances not mixing
How are hydrogen bonds?
They are stable
What can surface ice perform during the winter when water freezes?
The surface ice can insulate the water below which is how animals can live
What is seasonal turnover?
It is when ice melts, the cold water will sink down and will cycle the nutrients in the water
Define high specific heat
The energy required to heat up a substance by one degree celcius
Define Heat of vaporization
The amount of energy it takes for one gram of water to evaporate to become water vapor, hydrogen bonds must be completely broken