2.2 Preparation and Training Methods Flashcards
Principles of training
Progression - gradually increase training demand over time
Overload - above comfort zone to force adaptation (FITT)
Variance - range if activities to prevent boredom
Moderation - appropriate while maintaining healthy balanced lifestyle
What’s FITT
Frequency - how many sessions per week are performed
Intensity - how hard the sessions are
Time - how long the sessions or Intervals are
Type - method of training used
When designing a training programme, what should we include?
Test - eg programme for aerobic capacity should have baseline test of bleep test
Warm up - pulse raising activity will prepare body for exercise and reduce injury risk
Cool down - pulse lowering activity that prepares body for risk and reduces DOMS
What is periodisation?
The organised division of training into blocks each with a goal and a time frame so that performer can reach:
- physiological peak at right time
- avoid injury and burnout
- training is structured to give realistic and achievable goals
Definition of macro cycle + example
Long term training plan, usually over a year, to achieve a long term goal, eg a personal best at national championships
- broken down into meso cycles
Definition of meso cycle + example
Mid term training plan, usually 6 weeks to achieve a mid term goal, eg maintaining general fitness over a transition phase
- broken down into micro cycles
Definition of micro cycle + example
Short term training plan over 1-3 weeks, short term goal eg perfecting sprint start technique
- each cycle split into separate cycles focusing on each unit
What does the design of each meso cycle depend on?
What phase of training a performer is in within their year
Define tapering
Maintaining the intensity but decreasing the volume of training by one third to prepare for competition
What does a performer do in the off season
Off season, performer must undertake general conditioning to develop a base to build on in ore season = aerobic training, mobility training and strength and conditioning
What does a performer do in the pre season
Pre season, progressive overload is the focus of training
- increase intensity of training
What does a performer do in the competitive phase 3
- training load reduces with periods of lower intensity and adequate rest days to maintain fitness but stay injury free
- focus on strategies, tactics and game play
What does a performer do in the competitive phase 4
Tapering to achieve peak performance
2-3 weeks before performance training load is gradually reduced, and relief increased to ensure a performer is fully recovered with maximum fuel stores
What does a performer do in the transition phase
Low intensity aerobic work such as swimming, while receiving treatment
Define aerobic capacity
Ability of body to inspire, transport and utilise oxygen to perform sustained periods of aerobic activity
- dependent on efficiency of respiratory, cardiovascular and muscular systems
Define VO2 MAX (ml/kg/min)
Maximum volume of oxygen inspired, transported and utilised per minute during exhaustive exercise
4 factors that affect VO2 max levels
Physiological make up
How does physiological make up affect VO2 max
- greater the efficiency of respiratory, CV system and muscle cells to inspire, transport and utilise oxygen, the higher the VO2 max
- eg strong left ventricles, large lung capacities, capillarisation
How does age affect VO2 max
- from early 20s, decreases by around 1% a year
- less elasticity in heart and blood vessels
How does gender affect VO2 max
Females tend to have 15-30% less VO2 max than males at the same group
- women have higher fat content, smaller lung volumes
How does training affect VO2 max
Aerobic training will increase max by 10-20% as it forces long term adaptations such as increased strength of respiratory muscles, more mitochondria, myoglobin and haemoglobin
Define capillarisation
Formation and development of a network of capillaries to a part of the body, increased through aerobic training
Why is identifying and maintaining the correct training intensity essential to gain aerobic adaptations?
- if intensity too high, performer May fatigue and adapt anaerobically, eg build a tolerance to lactic acid
- if intensity too low, then no adaption will be made
Physiological changes at each % range of heart range
50-60 - basic endurance - very light 60-70 - targets fat burning - light 70-80 - aerobic zone - moderate 80-90 - lactate threshold - hard 90-100 - max performance capacity - maximum
What’s karvonens principle?
Training HR = resting HR + %(max HR - resting HR)
What is continuous training and what’s the intensity and duration of it
Steady state low to moderate intensity work for a prolonged period of time
- intensity = 60-80 of max HR
- duration = 20-80 minutws
- what variables of it can be manipulated
- what is it
- what are its target intensity’s and duration
- duration, intensity, reps, sets, recovery time, which activity
- intensity = 80-95% of max HR (recovery = 40-50)
- Duration = 5 seconds to 8 minutes ( recovery = equal to length of work)
After how long will adaptations start to take place?
- following an aerobic intensity programme at correct intensity and duration for 3-5 times a week for 12 weeks, significant structural adaptations will take place
Structural adaptations to respiratory system after 12 weeks
- Stronger respiratory muscles = increased mechanics of breathing efficiency as increased maximal lung volume, decreased respiratory fatigue
- increased surface area of alveoli = increased external gaseous exchange
5 Structural adaptations to cardiovascular system after 12 weeks
- cardiac hypertrophy - increased SV and CO
- increased elasticity of arterial walls - increased efficiency of vascular shunt mechanism
- increased blood/plasma volume - lower blood viscosity
- increased RBC count - increase in oxygen carrying capacity
- capillarisation surrounding alveoli and SO muscle fibres - increased surface area for blood flow
(5) Structural adaptations of musculoskeletal system after aerobic training
- slow oxidative muscle fibre hypertrophy - increased potential for aerobic energy production
- increases size and density of mitochondria- increased utilisation of oxygen
- increased stores of myoglobin - increased storage/transport to mitochondria
- increased strength of connective tissue - tendons and ligaments strengthen
- increased bone mineral density - increased calcium absorption
- increased thickness of artivulsr cartilsge - increased synovial fluid production
- increased stores of glycogen and triglycerides - increased aerobic energy fuels - increased duration
Overall effects of respiratory adaptations
- alleviates symptoms of asthma
- easier to perform exercise
- increased volume of oxygen diffused into the bloodstream
- reduced onset of fatigue
Overall effects of cardiovascular system adaptations
- increased blood flow and oxygen transport to muscle cells
- lower risk of stroke, hypertension, coronary heart disease
Overall effets of musculoskeletal system adaptations
- increased capacity of aerobic energy production
- increased joint stability
- increased metabolic rate
- lower risk of injury
Cardiac hypertrophy definition
Training induced enlargement of the heart, increasing ventricular contractility
Hypertension definition
- chronic high blood pressure defined as consistently over 140/90 mmHg
CHD definition
Coronary heart disease - narrowing of coronary arteries reducing oxygenated blood flow to the cardiac muscle
Structural adaptations of metabolic function
- increased activity of aerobic enzymes = increased metabolism of triglycerides and glycogen
- decreased fat mass = increased lean mass
- decreased insulin résistance = improve glucose tolerance
Overall effect of structural adaptions to metabolic function
- increased use of fuel and oxygen to provide aerobic energy
- improved body composition
- easier to perform exercise, increases intensity and duration of performance
- fatigue at a lower rate
Four types of strength definition + example
Static - force applied against a resistance without any movement occurring - gymnasts holding crucifix
Dynamic - type of strength characterised by movement, either centric or concentric as muscle changes length - also known as power output, eg triple jump
Maximum - maximal amount of force in one singular contraction, eg one rep max - Olympic weightlifters
Explosive strength - ability to produce maximal amount of force in one/ a series of rapid contractions = elastic strength, eg, sprinting into the box in football
Define muscular endurance
Ability to sustain repeated muscular contractions over a period of time avoiding fatigue
Factors that affect strength
Cross sectional area - F = MA, greater the A = higher force produced
Fibre type - greater the proportion of type 2 = greater the strength over a short period of time
Gender - men have higher strength than females
Age - female peak 16-25, males peak 18-30
What will training programmes manipulate to target a particular type of strength
- weight or resistance
- number of reps
- number of sets
- work to relief ratio
How do plyo metrics work?
Eccentric contraction into a concentric contraction, eccentric stored elastic energy which is transferred into concentric contraction
- neuromuscular system stimulated to adapt and after recruiting more motor units, initiate a stretch reflex
- risk of injury is high though
Strength training guidelines for each strength type
Max - 85-95%, 1-5 reps, 2-6 sets, 1:3+ ratio, 4-5 min rest
Explosive - 75-85%, 6-10 reps, 4-6 sets, 1:3 ratio, 3-5 rest
Advanced endurance- 50-75%, 15-20 reps, 3-5 sets, 1:2 ratio, 30-45 seconds
Variables to manipulate in circuit training
- work intensity
- work duration
- relief interval
- number of work:relief intervals
Physiological adaptations by the neural pathways to strength training
- increased recruitment of motor units and FG and FOG fibre types = increased force of contraction
- decreased inhibition of the stretch reflex - increased force of contraction from agonist
Overall - increase speed, strength and power output
Physiological adaptations made by muscle and connective tissues
- Muscular hypertrophy + hyperplasia = increased force of contraction
- increased number and size of contraction proteins and myofibrils = increased force of contraction
- increased strength of tendons and ligaments = increased joint stability
- increase bone density and mass = increased absorption of calcium
Overall effects to connective tissues and muscle from strength training
- increased muscle mass
- increased speed, strength and power output
- increases intensity of performance
- hypertrophic physique = more confidence
Physiological adaptations made in metabolic function to strength training
- increased ATP, phosphocreatine and glycogen stores = increased capacity for alacrity energy production
- increased enzyme activity = increased efficiency of anaerobic energy production
- increased tolerance and removal of lactic acid = increased anaerobic threshold
- increased muscle mass = improved body composition
Overall effects of strength training on metabolic function
- increased anaerobic fuel stores and energy production
- increased anaerobic threshold and delayed OBLA, which undresses the intensity and duration if performance
- increased metabolic rate, increased energy expenditure and managing weight
Define actin-myosin filaments
Proteins which form the contractile units of skeletal muscle
Difference between dynamic and static flexibility + example
Dynamic - range of motion about a joint with reference to a speed of movement, eg dancer performing a split leap at hip
Static - range of motion about a joint without a reference to a speed movement, eg gymnast holding a split balance on the beam
Factors affecting flexibility
Type of joint - ball and socket joints have a greater range of motion than hinge joints
Length and elasticity of surrounding connective tissue - greater the length and elasticity of surrounding muscle’ tendons and ligaments, greater the range of motion
Gender - females more flexible than males
Age - flexibility declines with age
Two types of stretching routine
- Maintenance stretching: performed as warmup to maintain current ROM about a joint
- Development stretching: designed to improve ROM about a joint
Two types of static stretching
Active stretching - performer moves the joint into fully stretched position themselves without assistance and holds for 10-30 seconds
Passive stretching - performer moves joint beyond point of resistance with assistance and holds for 10-30 seconds
What is isometric stretching
Performer isometrically contracts muscles while holding a stretched position for 7-20 seconds
- overcomes stretch reflex
- fast and effective way to develop increased static passive flexibility
- higher risk of damaging tensions and connective tissue, so should be avoided by u16
Proprioreceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) definition
stretching technique to desensitise the stretch reflex, whereby a performer completes a static passive stretch, isometrically contracts the agonist, relaxes and stretches further
Muscle spindle definition
sensory receptors within the muscle that detect stretch and relay the information to the brain
3 steps of PNF
- Static - with assistance from a partner, limb is kicked just past the point of resistance and held
- Contract - the agonist muddle isometrically contracts against a resistance partner for 6-10 seconds
- Relax - muscle relaxes and limb can be moved further into the stretch position
Process repeated 3 time, each time muscle spindles adapt to an increased length, delaying stretch reflex
What is ballistic stretching
Swinging or bouncing movements to create momentum to force the joint through its extreme range of motion
- for people already quite flexible
- prepares muscles and connective tissue for rapid movement
- greater risk of injury and there is not sufficient time in the stretched position for the tissues to adapt
What is dynamic stretching
Stretching technique which involves taking a joint through its full ROM with control over the entry and exit of the stretch, such as a walking lunge
- less risk of injury while still preparing muscles and connective tissue for rapid movement
How long for body to adapt to flexibility programme
3-6 times a week for 6 weeks
Physiological adaptations in muscle and connective tissue to flexibility training
- Increased resting length = increased ROM about a joint as muscle spindles adapt to the increased length, reducing the stretch reflex stimulus
- increased elasticity = increased potential for static and dynamic flexibility as decreased inhibition from antagonist
Overall effects of flexibility training on muscle and connective tissues
Increased ROM sound a joint
- increased distance and efficiency for muscles to create force at speed
- decreased risk of injury during dynamic movements
- improves posture and alignment
what is atherosclerosis and what are its effects and consequences
Fatty plaque development in the arterial walls progressively narrowing the lumen and hardening the walls
- reduces space for blood flow, increases chance of blood clots forming
= arterial walls become thick and hardened, reducing their ability to vasodilate and constrict to regulate blood pressure
What is CHD caused by
Atherosclerosis, less blood getting to the hearts = less oxygen going to heart = angina/possible heart attack
How do heart attacks occur
If a piece of fatty plaque (atheroma) breaks away from an arterial wall, a blood clot will form
- if clot blocks up coronary artery = no oxygenated blood flow to the heart = heart attack
What are strokes caused by
Ischaemic - blockage in cerebral artery to brain (more likely)
Haemorrhagic - blood vessel bursting within or on surface of brain
Overall effects of training part 1
- reduce level of blood lipids, increase proportion of HDL to LDL
- prevent the hardening and loss of elasticity in arterial walls
- decrease blood viscosity and resistance to blood flow
- increase coronary circulation as coronary artérioles gain an increased diameter and density
Overall effects of training part 2
- lead to cardiac hypertrophy, ventricular centrality goes up and stroke volume = more efficient heart
- decrease body fat and help manage weight
- increase blood flow and oxygen transportation to muscle cells
- reduce risk of stroke by lowering BP
What is COPD?
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an umbrella term for the several conditions of the lungs where airways have become inflamed and narrow
- inflammation leads to permanent changes: thickening of bronchiole walls, increased mucus production, damage to alveoli and decrease in lung tissue elasticity
overall effects of training on respiratory system
- increased respiratory muscle strength
- decrease resting and sub maximal frequency of breathing
- with use of inspiratory muscle training, increase airflow and alleviate breathlessness
- maintain full use of lung tissue and elasticity
- increase surface area of alveoli and pulmonary capillaries
Continuous training
- steady state
- Low moderate intensity work
- Prolonged periods of time
- Jogging, swimming, cycling, rowing
- Stress aerobic energy system and slow oxidative muscle fibres
- Intensity 60-80% HrMax
- Duration 20-80 minutes
Fartlek training
- variation of continuous ‘speed play’
- Continuous steady state aerobic training interspersed with chaired higher intensity bouts and lower recovery periods
- Intensity varies throughout
- Mixture of sprints and terrains
- Active recovery (whilst performing)
- Games players!
Interval training
- periods of work followed by periods of rest
- Flexible and can be modified for most activities to improve both aerobic and anaerobic capacities such as;
- Duration/ intensity of work interval
- Number of reps and sets
- Duration of recovery interval
- Activity during recovery interval
High intensity interval training breakdown
- repeated bouts of high intensity work followed by varied recovery times for an overall period of 20-60 minutes
- Work intervals: 80-95% of HRMax intensity, 5 seconds to 8 minutes duration
- Recovery intervals: 40-50% HRMax intensity, 1:1 duration of rest
HIIT characteristics
- easily modified for people with varying fitness levels and can be performer in all sports
- Cycling, walking, swimming, cross training
- Aerobic capacity benefits over shorter times than continuous training
- Those with health conditions or living a sedentary lifestyle shouldn’t perform this first
- Longer recovery period with HIIT (DOMS)
American college of sports medicine
- recommends at least 20-30 minutes of moderate intensity activity
- 5x a week
- Strength training performer 2x a week