21-Civil Enginering Flashcards
- Engineering Mechanics, Strength ofMatetaialsand Structural Analysis.
1.1 Engineering Mechanics :UniL<> and Dimensions, SI UniL<>, Vectors, Conceptof Force, Concept of particle and rigid body.Concurrent, Non- Concurrent and parallel forcesin a plane, moment of force free body diagram,conditions of equilibtium, Ptinciple of virtual work,equi valent force system.First and Second Moment of area, Mass momentof Inertia.Static Friction.Kinematics and Kinetics:Kinematics in cartesian Co-ordinates, motionunder uniform and non-uniform acceleration,motion under gravity. Kinetics of partic le :Momentum and Energy principles, collision ofelastic bodies, rotation of rigid bodies.1.2 Strength of Materials:Simple Stress and Strain, Elastic constanL<>, axiallyloaded compression members, Shear force andbending moment, theory of simple bending, ShearStress disuaibution across cross sections, Beamsof uniform suaength.Deflection ofbeams: Mecaulay’s method, Mohr’sMoment area method, Conjugate beam method,unit load method. Torsion of Shafts, Elasticstability of columns, Euler’s, Rankine’s andSecamfmmulae.1.3 Structural Analysis :Castiglianio ‘s theorems I and 11, unit load method,of consistent deformation applied to beams andpin jointed trusses. Slope-deOeclion, momentdistributi on.Rolling loadc; and Influences lines : Influenceslines for Shear Force and Bending moment at asection of a beam. Criteria for maximum shear forceand bending Moment in beams traversed by asystem of moving loads. Influences lines forsimply supported plane pin jointed trusses.Arches : Three hinged, two hinged and fixedarches, rib shortening and temperature effecLc;.Mauaix mehods of analysis : Force method anddi splacement method of analysis of indeterminatebeams and rigid frames.Plastic Analysis of beams and frames : Theory ofplastic bending, plastic analysis, statical method,Mechani sm method.Unsymmetrical bending : Moment of inertia,product of inertia, position of Neutral Axis andPrincipal axes, calc ulation of bending stresses.CIVIL ENGINEERING 1
- Design of Structures :
- Design of Structures : Steel, Concrete andMasonry Structures.2.1 Structural Steel Design :Structural steel : Factors of s afeLy and loadfactors. Riveted, boiLed and welded j oints andconnecti ons. Design of tension and compressionmembers, beams of builL up section, riveted andwelded plate girders, gantry girders, sLancheonswith battens and lacings.2.2 Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures :Concept of mix design. Reinforced Concrete :Working Suaess and Limit StaLe method of designRecommendationsof l. S. codes. Design of oneway and two way slabs, stair-case slabs, simpleand continuous beams of rectangular, T and Lsections. Compression members under direct loadwith or without eccentricity.Cantilever and Counter forl Lype retaining walls.Water tanks :Design requiremenL<> for Rectangularand circular tanks resting on ground.Prestressed Concrete : Method<> and systems ofprestressing, anchorages, Analysis and designof sections for flexure based on working suaess,loss of prestress.Design of brick masonry as per I. S. CodesCIVIL ENGINEERING 2
- Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow andHyd1aaulicMachines:
- Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow andHyd1aaulicMachines:3.1 Fluid Mechanics :Fluid properties and their role in fluid moLion, fluidsLaLics including forces acLing on plane and curvesurfaces.KinemaLics and Dynamics ofFiuidOow: VelociLyand acceleraLions, sLream lines, equaLion ofcontinuiLy, irroLational and roLaLional Dow, velociLypoLenLial and sLream funcLions.ConLinuiLy, momenLum, energy equation, NavierSLOkes equaLion, Euler’s equaLion of moLion,application LO fluid flow problems, pipe flow, sluicegaLes, weirs.3.2 Dimensional Analysis and Similitude:Buckingham’s Pi-Lheorem, dimens ionl essparameLers.3.3 Laminar Flow:Laminar flow beLween parallel , sLaLionary andmoving pi aLes, flow through Lube.3.4 Boundary layer:Laminar and LurbulenL boundary layer on a OaLplaLe, laminar sub-layer, smooLh and roughboundaries, drag and lifL.TurbulenL flow Lhrough pipes: CharacLerisLics ofLurbulenL fl ow, velociLy disLribution and variaLionof pipe fricLion facLor, hydraulic grade line andLOLa] energy line.3.5 Open Channel Flow:Uniform and non-uniform flows, momenLum andenergy correcLion facLors, specific energy andspecific force, critical depLh, rapidly varied flow,hydraulic j ump, gradually varied flow,classificaLion of surface profiles, contml secLion,sLep method of inLegration of varied Dow equation.3.6 Hydraulic Machines and Hydropower:Hydraulic Lurbines, Lypes classificaLion, Choiceof Lurbines performance parameLers, conLrols,characLeris tics, specific speed.Principles of hydropower developmenl.CIVIL ENGINEERING 3
- Geotechnical Engineering:
Soil Type and Structure-gradation and particlesize distribution-consistency limits.Water in soil-capillary and structural-effective stress and pore water pressure-permeability concepL-filed and laboratory determination ofpermeability-Seepage pressure-quick sandconditions-Shear strength determinationMohrCoulomb concept.Compaction of soil-Laboratory and filed Lest.Compressibility and consolidation conceptconsolidationtheory-consolidation seulementanalysis.Earth pressure theory and analysis for retainingwalls, Application for sheet piles and Bracedexcavation.Bearing capacity of soil-approaches for analysisFiledtests-seulemenl analysis- stability ofslope of earth walk.Subsuface exploration of soils-methodsFoundation-Type and selection criteria forfoundation of structures-Design criteria forfoundation-Analysis of distribution of stressfor footings and pile-pile group action-pileload Lest.Ground improvement techniques.CIVIL ENGINEERING 4
- Construction Technology, Equipment, Planningand Management
- Construction Technology, Equipment, Planningand Management1.1 Construction TechnologyEngineering Materials :Physical properties of construction materials withrespect Lo their use in construction-Stones,Bricks and Tiles; Lime, Cement, different types ofMortars and Concrete.Specific use of ferro cement, fibre reinforced C.C., High stenglh concrete.Timber; Properties defects-commonpreservation treatments.Use and selection of materials for specific use likeLow Cost Housing, Mass Housing, High RiseBuildings.1.2 Construction:Masonry principles using Brick, stone, Blocksconstructiondetailing and strengthcharacteristics.Types of plastering, pointing, flooring, roofingand construction features.Common repairs in buildings.Principle of functional planning of building forresidents and specific use-Building codeprovisions.Basic principles of detailed and approximateestimating-specification writing and rateanalysis-principles of valuation of real properly.Machinery for earthwork, concreting and theirspecific uses-Factors affecting selection ofequipments-operating cost of equipmenL<>.1.3 CONSTRUCTION PLANNING ANDMANAGEMENT:Construction acti vi Ly-schedules—organizaLionfor construction industry-Quality assurancepdnciples.Use Basic principle of network-analysis in fmmof CPM and PERT -their use in constructionmonitoring, Cost optimization and resourceallocation.Basic principles of Economic analysis andmethods.Project profitability-Basic principles of Bootapproach to financial planning-simple toll fixationcriterions.CIVIL ENGINEERING 5
- Surveying and Transportation Engineuing
2.1 Surveying : Common method<> and instrumenL—classificationand geomeuaical design elements and standardsfor Roads.Pavement structure for fle xible and rigidpa vemenL<>- Design principles and methodologyof pavemenL
- Hydrology, Water Resources and Engineering :
3.1 Hydrology:Hydrological cycle, precipitation, evaporation,transpiration, infilLraLion, overland flow,hydrograph, flood frequency analyses, floodrouting through a reservoir, channel flowrouling-Muskingam method.3.2 Ground Waterflow:Specific yield, storage coefficient, coefficient ofpermeability, confined and unconfined aquifers,aquifers, aquitards, radial Dow into a well underconfined and unconfined conditions.3.3 Water Resources Engineering :Ground and surface water resources, single andmultipurpose projects, storage capacity ofreservoirs, reservoir losses, reservoirsedimentation.3.4 Irrigation Engineering :(i) Water requirements of crops : consumptive use,duly and della, irrigation methods and theirefficiencies.(ii) Canals: Distribution systems for canna! inigaLion,canal capacity, canal losses, alignment of mainand distributory canals, most efficient section,lined canals, their design, regime theory, criticalshear stress, bed load.(iii) Water logging : causes and control, salinity.(iv) Canal structures : Design of head regulators,canal falls, aqueducts, metering flumes and canaloutlets.(v) Diversion head work: Principles and design ofweirs on permeable and impermeable foundation,Khosla’s theory, energy dissipation.(vi) Storage works: Types of dams, design, principlesof rigid gravity stability analysis.(vii) Spillways: Spillway types, energy dissipation.(viii) River training : Objectives of river training,methods of river training.CIVIL ENGINEERING 7
- EnvironrnentalEngineering
- EnvironrnentalEngineering4.1 Water Supply:Predicting demand for water, impurities of waterand their significance, physical, chemical andbacteriological analysis, waterborne diseases,standards for potable water.4.2 Intake ofWater:Water treatment: principles of coagulation,flocculation and sedimentation; slow-, rapid-,pressure-, filters; chlorination, softening, removalof taste, odour and salinity.4.3 Sewerage Systems :Domestic and industrial wastes, store sewageseparateand combined systems, Dow throughsewers, design of sewers.4.4 Sewage Characterisation:BOD, COD, solids, dissolved oxygen, nitrogenand TOC. Standard, mines, river valley project.