15-Animal Husbandary Flashcards
I. Animal Nutrition:Partitioning of food energy within the animal,
1.1 Partitioning of food energy within the animal. Directand indirect calorimetry. Carbon-nitrogen balanceand comparative slaughter methods. Systems forexpressing energy value of foods in ruminants, pigsand poullry. Energy requirements for maintenance,growth, pregnancy, lactation, egg, wool, and meaLproduction.1.2 Latest advances in protein nutrition. Energy proLe ininLer-relaLionships. Evaluation ofproLein quality. Useof NPN compounds in ruminant diets. Proteinrequirements for maintenance, growth, pregnancy,lacLaLion, egg, wool and meaL production.1.3 Major and trace minerals- Their sources,physiological functions and deficiency symptoms.Toxic minerals. Mineral interactions. Role offaLsoluble and water-soluble vitamins in the body,their sources and deficiency symptoms.1.4 Feed additives-methane inhibitors, probiotics,enzymes, antibiotics, hormones, oligosaccharides,antioxidants, emulsifiers, mould inhibitors, buffersetc. Use and abuse of growth promoters likeharmones and antibioLics-laLesL concepts.1.5 Conservation of fodders. Storage of feed<> and feedingredienL<>. Recent advances in feed Lechnology andfeed processing. Anti-nutritional and toxic fac torspresent in livestock feeds. Feed analysis and qualitycontrol. Digestibility trials-direct, indirect andindicator methods. Predicting feed intake in grazinganimals.1.6 Advances in ruminant nutrition. NutrientrequiremenL<>. Balanced rations. Feeding of calves,pregnant, work animals and breeding bulls. StraLegiesfor feeding milch animals during different stages oflacLation cycle. Effect of feeding on milk composition.Feeding of goats for meal and milk production.Feeding of sheep for meal and wool production.1.7 Swine Nutrition. Nutrient requirements. Creep, starter,grower and finisher rations. Feeding of pigs for leanmeal production. Low cost rations for swine.1.8 Poultry nutrition. Special features of poultry nutrition.N utrienl requirements for meal and egg production.Formulation of rations for different classes oflayersand broilers.ANIMAL HUSBANDARY & VETERINARY SCIENCE
2.Animal Physiology : Physiology of blood and iLs circulation, respiration;excreLion
2.1 Physiology of blood and iLs circulation, respiration;excreLion. Endocrine glands in heallh and disease.2.2 Blood consliluenls.-Properties and funclions-bloodcell formaLion-Haemoglobin synLhesis andchemisLry-plasma pro Leins produclion, classificationand properties, coagulation ofblood; Haemorrhagicdisorders-anli -coagulanls-blood groups-Bloodvolume-Plasma expanders-Buffer sysLems in blood.Biochemical Lesls and Lheir significance in diseasediagnosis.2.3 CirculaLion.-Physiology of hearl, cardiac cycle,hearl sounds, hearl beal, eleclrocardiograms. Workand efficiency of hearL-effecL of ions on hearlfuncLion-meLabolism of cardiac muscle, nervous andchemical regulation of hearl, effecl of Lemperalureand slress on hearL, blood pressuer andhyperlension, osmoLic regulaLion, arLerial pulse,va.:;omolor regulation of circulation, shock. Coronaryand pulmonary circulaLion, Blood-Brain barrierCerebrospinal fluid-circulation in bird.:;.2.4 Respiration.-Mechanism ofrespiraLion, Transporland exchange of gases-neural conlrol of respiraLionChemo-recepLors-hypoxia-respiraLion in birds.2.5 Excretion.-Slruclure and funcLion of kidneyformaLionof urine-melhods of sludying renalfunclion-renal regulaLion of acid-base balance :physiological consLiLuenls of urine-renal failurepassivevenous congesLion-Urinary secrelion inchicken-Sweal glands and Lheir funcLion. BiochemicalLesl for urinary dysfunction.2.6 Endocrine glands.-Functional disorders-theirsymploms and diagnosis. SynLhesis of hormones,mechanism and conlrol of secretion-hormonalreceplors-classificaLion and funclion.2.7 Growlh and Animal Production.-PrenaLal andposLnaLal growlh, maluraLion, growlh curves,measures of growlh, faclors affecling growlh,conformaLion, body composition, meal qualiLy.2.8 Physiology of Milk Produclion, Reproduclion andDigesLion.-CurrenL slalus of hormonal conlrol ofmammary developmenl, milk secreLion and milkejection. Male and Female reproductive organs, Lheircomponenls and funcLions. DigesLive organs andLheir functions.2.9EnvironmenLal Physiology.-Physiological relaLionsand Lheir regulation; mechanisms of adaplalion,environmenLal faclors and regulaLory mechanismsinvolved in animal behaviour, climalology-variousparamelers and Lheir imparLance. Animal ecology.Physiology of behaviour. Effecl of slress on heallhand producLion.ANIMAL HUSBANDARY & VETERINARY SCIENCE 2
1 .Anatomy, Pharmacology and Hygiene: Histology and Histological Techniques
1.1 Histology and Histological Techniques : Paraffinembedding technique of tissue processing and H.E.sLaining-Freezing microtomy-Microscopy Brightfield microscope and electron microscope. Cytologystructureof cell organells and inclusions; celldivision-cell types-Tissues and their classificationembryonicand adult tissues-Comparativehistology of organs-Vascular, Nervous, digestive,respiratory, musculo-skeletal and urogenitalsystems-Endocrine glands-lute guments-senseorgans.1.2 Embryology.-Embryology of vertebrates withspecial reference to aves and domestic mammalsgametogenesis-fertilization-germ layers-foetalmembranes and placentation-types of placenta indomestic mammals-Teratology-twins and twinningorganogenesis-germ layer deri vatives-endodermal,mesodermal and ectodermal derivatives.1.3 Bovine Anatomy.-Regional Anatomy : Paranasalsinuses of OX-surface anatomy of salivary gland<>.Regional anatomy of infraorbital, maxillary, mandibuloalveolar,mental and cmannal nerve block.Regional anatomy of paravertebral nerves, pudentalnerve, median, ulnar and radial nervestibial, fibularand digital nerves-Cranial nerves-structuresinvolved in epidural anaesthesia-superficial lymphnodes-surface anatomy of visceral organs of thoracic,abdominal and pel vic cavities-comparative-featuresof locomotor apparatus and their application in thebiomechanics of mammalian body.1.4 Anatomy of FowL-Musculo-skeletal systemfunctionalanatomy in relation to respiration andflying, digestion and egg production.1.5 Pharmacology and therapeutics drugs.—Cellularlevel of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.Drugs acting on fluid<> and electrolyte balance. Drugsacting on Autonomic nervous system. Modernconcepts of anaesthesia and dissociativeanaesthetics. Autocoids. Antimicrobials andprinciples of chemotherapy in microbial infections.Use ofhormones in therapeutics-chemotherapy ofparasitic infections. Drug and economic concems inthe Edible tissues of animals-chemotherapy ofNeoplastic diseases. Toxicity due to “insecticides,plants, metals, non-metals, zootoxins andmycotoxins”.1.6 Veterinary Hygiene with reference to water, air andhabitation.-Assessment of pollution of water, airand soil-Importance of climate in animal healtheffectof environment on animal function andperformance relationship between industrialisationand animal agticulture-animal housing requiremenL<>for specific categories of domestic animals viz.pregnant cows and sows, milking cows, broilerbirds-stress, strain and productivity in relation toanimal habitation.ANIMAL HUSBANDARY & VETERINARY SCIENCE 3
- Animal Diseases :
2.1 Etiology, epidemiology pathogenesis, symptoms,post-moretem lesions, diagnosis, and control ofinfectious diseases of caule, sheep and goat, horses,pigs and poultry.2.2 Etiology, epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis,treatment of production diseases of cattle, horse,pig and poultry.2.3 Deficiency diseases of domestic animals and birds.2.4 Diagnosis and treatment of non-specific conditionslike impaction, Bloat, Diarrhoea, Indigestion,dehydration, stroke, poisioning.2.5 Diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.2.6 Principles and methods ofimmunisation of animalsagainst specific diseases-hard immunitydiseasefree zones-‘zero’ disease concept- chemoprophylaxis.2.7 Anaesthesia.-local, regional and general-prenesthetic medication. Symptoms and surgicalinterference in fractures and dislocation. Hemia,choking abomassal displacement-Caesarianoperations. Rumenotomy–Castrations.2.8 Disease investigation techniques.-Materials forlaboratory investigation-Establishment. AnimalHealth Centres-Disease free zone.ANIMAL HUSBANDARY & VETERINARY SCIENCE 4
3 Veterinary Public Health :
3.1 Zoonoses.-Classification, definition, role of animalsand birds in prevalence and transmission of zoonoticdiseases-occupational zoonotic diseases.3.2 Epidemiology.-Principle, definition of epidemiologicalterms, application of epidemiologicalmeasures in the study of diseases and disease control.Epidemiological features of air, water and food borneinfections. OlE regulation, WTO, sanitary andphytosanitary measures.3.3 Veterinary Jurisprudence.-Rules and Regulationsfor improvement of animal quality and prevention ofanimal diseases-State and Central Rules forprevention of animal and animal product bornediseases-S.P. C.A.-Yelerolegal casesCertificates-Materials and Methods of collectionof samples for veterolegal investigation.ANIMAL HUSBANDARY & VETERINARY SCIENCE 5
4 Mlk and Mlk Products Technology :
4.1 Market Milk.-Quality, testing and grading of rawmilk. Processing, packaging, storing, distribution,marketing defects and their control. Preparation ofthe following milks: Pasteurized, standardized, toned,double toned, sterilized, homogenized, reconstituted,recombined and flavoured milks. Preparation ofcultured milks, cultures and their management,yoghurt, Dahi, Lassi and Srikhand. Preparation offlavoured and sterilized milks. Legal standards.Sanitation requirement for clean and safe milk andfor the milk plant equipment.4.2 Milk Products Technology.-Selection of rawmaterials , processing, storing, di stributing andmarketing milk products such as Cream, Butter, Ghee,Khoa, Channa, Cheese, condensed, evaporated, driedmilk and baby food, Ice cream and Kulfi; by-producL
- MatHygieneand Technology:
5.1 MatHygiene5.1.1 Ante mortem care and management of food animals,stunning, slaughter and dressing operations; abattoirrequirements and designs; Meat inspectionprocedures and judgement of carcass meat cutsgradingof carcass meal cuts–duties and functionsof Veterinarians in wholesome meal production.5.1.2 Hygienic methods ofhandling production ofmeat.Spoilageof meal and control measures-Postslaughterphysicochemical changes in meat andfactors that influence them–Quality improvementmethods-Adulteration of meal and detectionRegulatoryprovisions in MeaLLrade and Industry.5.2 Mat Technology5.2.1 Physical and chemical characteristics ofmeat.Meatemulsions-Methods of preservation ofmeaL—Cudng, canning, itmdiation, packaging of meatand meal producL