14-Agriculture Flashcards
Ecology and its relevance to man,
natural resources,their sustainable management and conservation. Physical andsocial environment as factors of crop distribution andproduction. Agro ecology; cropping pattem as indicators ofenvironmenL<>. Environmental pollution and associated hazardsto crops, animals and humans. Climate change-Internationalconventions and global initiatives. Green house effect andglobal warming. Advance tools for ecosystem analysisRemoteSensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems(GIS).
Cropping patterns in different agro-climatic zones ofthe country.
Impact of high-yielding and short-durationvarieties on shifts in cropping pattems. Concepts of variouscropping, and farming systems. Organic and Precision fatming.Package of practices for production ofimportant cereals, pulses,oil seed<>, fibres, sugar, commercial and fodder crops.
Important features, and scope of various types of farestry plantations such as
social forestry, agro-forestry , andnatural forests: Propagation of forest planL<>. Forest products.Agro-forestry and value addition. Conservation of forest Doraand fauna.
Weeds, their characteristics,
dissemination and association with various crops; their multiplications; cultural, biological, and chemical control of weeds.
Soil-physical, chemical and biological properties.
Processesand factors of soil formation. Soils of India. Mineral andorganic constituents of soils and their role in maintaining soiI productivity. Essential plant nutrients and other beneficialelements in soils and plants. Principles of soil fertility, soiltesting and fertiliser recommendations, integrated nutrientmanagement B iofertilizers. Losses of nitrogen in soil, nitrogenuseefficiency in submerged rice soils, nitrogen fixation insoils. Efficient phosphoruse and potassium use. Problem soilsand their reclamation. Soil factors affecting green house gasemission.
Soil conservation,
integrated watershed management.Soil erosion and its management. Dry land agriculture and itsproblems. Technology for stabilising agriculture productionin rainfed areas.
Water-use efficiency in relation to crop production,
criteria for scheduling irrigations, ways and means of reducingrun-off losses of irrigation water. Rainwater harvesting. Dripand sptinkler irrigation. Drainage of water-logged soils, qualityof irrigation water, effect of industrial efnuenL
Farm management, scope, importance andcharacteristics, farm planning.
Optimum resource use andbudgeting. Economics of different types of farming systems.Marketing management strategies for development, marketintelligence. Price fluctuations and their cost; role of cooperativesin agricultural economy; types and systems offarming and factors affecting them. Agricultural price policy.Crop Insurance.
Agricultural extension, its importance and role,
methods of evaluation of extension programmes, socio-economicsurvey and status of big, small and marginal farmers andlandless agricultural labourers; Training programmes forextension workers. Role of Krishi Yigyan Kendra’s (KVK) indissemination of Agricultural technologies. Non-GovernmentOrganisation (NGO) and self-help group approach for ruraldevelopment.AGRICULTURE G & E 1
Cell structun:. function ami cell cycle. SynLhesis, Slruclureand funcLion of gene Lic maLerial.
Laws of herediLy. Chromosome sLrucLure, chromosomal aberra lions, linkage and cross-over, and Lheir significance in recombinaLion breeding. Polyploidy, euploid<> and ane uploid<>. MuLaLion- and their roIe in crop imp rovement HeriLabiliLy, sLedliLy andincompaLibiliLy, cla<>sificaLion and Lheir applicaLion in cropimprovement CyLoplasmic inheriLance, sex-l inked, sex influencedand sex-limiLed characLers.
HisLory of plam breeding. Modes of reproducLion,
selfing and crossing Lechniques. Origin, evoluLion anddomesLicaLion of c rop planls, cenLer of origin , law ofhomologous series, crop geneLic resources- conservaLionand uLilizaLion. ApplicaLi on of principles of plam breeding,improvemenL of crop planls. Molecular markers and LheirapplicaLion in planL improvement Pure-line selecLion, pedigree,mass and recu rrenL selecLions, combining abil iLy, iLssignificance in planL breedin g. HeLerosis and iL<> exploiLaLion.Soma Lic h ybrid izaLi on. Breeding for disease and p esLresisLance. Role of inLerspecifi c and inLergeneric hybridizalion.Role of geneLic en gineering and bioLechnology in cropimprovemenLGerneLically modified crop plant<>.
Seed producLion and processing Lechnologies.
SeedcerLificaLion, Seed LesLing and sLorage. DNA finger prinLingand seed regisLraLion. Role of public and privale secLOrs inseed p roducLion, and markeLing.lnLellecLual ProperLy RighLs(IPR) issues, WTO issues and iLs impacL on AgricuiLure.
Principles of PlanL Physiology wiLh reference to
plamnuLriLi on, absorpLion, LranslocaLion and meLaboli sm ofnutrienLs. Soil-waLer-planL relaLionship.
Enzymes and plant pigment<>; photosynthesis- modem concept<> and facLOrs affecling Lhe process,
aerobic andanaerobic respiralion; C3, C4 and CAM mechanisms. CarbohydraLe, proLein and faL meLabolism. Growlh and developmenL; phoLOperiodism and vemalizaLion. PlanL growlh subsLances and their role in crop producLion. Physiology ofseed developmen L and germinaLion; dormancy. SLressphysiology-draughL, saiL and waLer stress.
Major fruits, plantation crops, vegeLables, spices and Dower crops.
Package pracLices of major horLiculLural crops.ProLecLed cuiLi vaLion and high Lech horLiculLure.PosL-harvesLLechnology and val ue addiLion of fruiLs and vegeLables.Land<>caping and commercial Ooricullure. Medicinal and aromaLic plant<>. Role of fruils and vegeLables in human nutr ilion.
Diagnosis of pesL<> and diseases of field c rops,
vegeLables, orchard and planLaLion crops and Lheir economicimporLance. Classificalion of pest<> and diseases and theirmanagement lnLergraLed pesL and diseases managementSLorage pest<> and their management Biological conLrol ofpest<> and disea<>es. Epidemiology and forecasLing of majorcrop pesL<> and diseases. PlanL quaranline measures. PesLicides,Lheir formulaLion and modes of acLion.
Food production and consumption trends in India. Food securily and growing populaLion- vision 2020.
Reasons for grain surplus. N alional and lnLemaLional food policies. ProducLion, procuremenL, disuaibuLion consLrainL<>. AvailabiliLy of foodguaains, per capiLa expendilure on food. Trends in poverLy,Public DisLribuLion SysLem and Below PoverLy Line populaLion, TargeLed Public DisuaibuLion SysLem (PDS), policyimplemenLa Lion in conLexL Lo globa li zaLion. ProcessingconsLraint<>. Re laLion of food produc Lion Lo NaLional DieLaryGuidelines and food consumplion paLLem. Food ba..ed dieLaryapproaches Lo eliminaLe hunger. Nuui enLdeficiency- MicronuLrienL deficiency : ProLein Energy MalnuuaiLion or ProLeinCalorie MalnuuaiLion (PEM or PCM), Micro nuuaienL deficiencyand HRD in conLexL of work capaciLy of women and children.Food grain producLiviLy and food securiLy.AGRICULTURE G & E 2