10-Geography Flashcards
PRINCIPLES OF GEOGRAPHYPhysical Geography:1. Geomorphology :
Factors control1ing landformdevelopment; endogenetic and exogenetic forces;Origin and evolution of the earth’s crusts;Fundamentals of geomagnetism; Physical conditionsofthe earth’s interior; Geosynclines; Continental drift;Isostasy; Plate tectonics; Recent views on mountainbuilding; Volcanicity; Earthquakes and Tsunamis;Concepts of geomorphic cycles and Land scapedevelopment; Denudation chronology; Channelmorphology; Erosion surfaces; Slope development;Applied Geomorphology; Geomorphology, economicgeology and environment.GEOGRAPHY 1
- Climatology :
Temperature and pressure belts oftheworld; Heat budget of the earth; Atmosphericcirculation; Atmospheric stability and instability.Planetary and local winds; Monsoons and jetstreams; Air masses and fronto; Temperate andtropical cyclones; Types and distribution ofprecipitation; Weather and C1imate; Koppen’sThomthwaite’s and Trewar Tha’s classitication ofworld c1imate; Hydrological cyc1e; Global c1imaticchange, and role and response of man in c1imaticchanges Applied c1imato1ogy and Urban c1imate.GEOGRAPHY 2
- Oceanography :
Bottom topography oftheAtlantic,Indian and Pacitic Oceans; Temperature and salinityof the oceans; Heat and salt budget~ . Ocean depos i t~;Waves, currents and tides; Marine resources; biotic,mineral and energy resources; Coral reefs coralbleaching; Sea-level changes; Law of the sea andmarine pollution.GEOGRAPHY 3
- Biogeography :
Genesis of soils; Classification anddistribution of soils; Soil protile; Soil erosion, Degradationand conservation; Factors intluencing worlddistribution of plants and animals; Problems ofdeforestation and conservation measures; Socialforestry, agro-forestry; Wild life; Major gene poolcentres.GEOGRAPHY 4
- Environmental Geography :
Principle ecology;Human ecological adaptations; lnt1uence of man onecology and environment; Global and regionalecological changes and imbalances; Ecosystem theirmanagement and conservation; Environmentaldegradation, management and conservation;Biodiversity and sustainable development;Environmental policy; Environmental hazards andremedial measures; Environmental education andlegislation.GEOGRAPHY 5
Human Geography:1. Perspectives in Human Geography :
Arealdifferentiation; Regional synthesis; Dichotomy anddualism; Environmentalism; Quantitative revolutionand locational analysis; Radical, behavioural, humanand welfare approaches; Languages, religions andsecularisation; Cultural regions of the world; Humandevelopment indix.GEOGRAPHY 6
- Economic Geography :
World economicdevelopment: measurement and problems; Worldresources and their distribution; Energy crisis; thelimits to growth; World agriculture: typology ofagricultural regions; Agricultural inputs andproductivity; Food and nutritions problems; Foodsecurity; famine: causes, effects and remedies; Worldindustries: location patterns and problems; Patternsof world trade.GEOGRAPHY 7
- Population and Settlement Geography :
Growth anddistribution of world population; Demographicattributes; Causes and consequences of migration;Concepts of over-under-and optimum population;Population theories, world population problems andpo1icies, Socia] we11-being and qua1ity of 1ife;Population as social capitaLTypes and patterns of rura] settlements;Environmental issues in rura] settlements; Hierarchyof urban settlements; Urban morphology; Conceptof primate city and rank-size rule; Functionalc1assification of towns; Sphere of urban int1uence;Rural-urban fringe; Sate11ite towns; Problems andremedies of urbanization; Sustainable developmentof cities.GEOGRAPHY 8
- Regional Planning :
Concept of a region; Types ofregions and methods of regionalisation; Growthcentres and growth poles; Regional imbalances;Regional development strategies; Environmentalissues in regional planning; Planning for sustainabledevelopment.GEOGRAPHY 9
- Models, Theories and Laws in Hwnan Geography:
System analysis in Human geography; Malthusian,Marxian and demographic transition models; CentralPlace theories ofChristaller and Losch; Perroux andBoudeville; Von Thunen’s model of agriculturallocation; Weber ‘s model of industrial location;Ostov’s model of stages of growth. Heart-land andRim land theories; Laws of international boundariesand frontiers.GEOGRAPHY10
GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA1. Physical Setting :
Space relationship oflndia withneighbouring countries; Structure and relief;Drainage system and watersheds; Physiographicregions; Mechanism oflndian monsoons and rainfallpatterns; Tropical cyclones and westerndisturbances; Floods and droughts; Climaticregions; Natural vegetation, Soil types and theirdistributions.GEOGRAPHY 11
- Resources :
Land, surface and ground water,energy, minerals, biotic and marine resources, Forestand wild life resources and their conservation;Energy crisis.GEOGRAPHY12
- Agriculture :
Infrastructure: irrigation, seeds,fertilizers, power; Institutional factors; land holdings,land tenure and land reforms; Cropping pattern,agricultural productivity, agricultural intensity, cropcombination, land capability; Agro and socialforestry;Green revolution and its socio-economicand ecological implications; Significance of dryfarming; Livestock resources and white revolution;Aqua-culture; Sericulture, Agriculture and poultry;Agricultural regionalisation; Agro-climatic zones;Agro-ecological regions.GEOGRAPHY13
- Industry :
Evolu tion of industries; Locational factorsof cotton, jute, textile, iron and steel, aluminium,fertiliser, paper, chemical and pharmaceutical,automobile, cottage and ago-based industries;Industrial houses and complexes including publicsector underkings; Industrial regionalisation; Newindustrial policy; Multinationals and liberalisation;Special Economic Zones; Tourism includingecotourism.GEOGRAPHY14
- Transport, Communication and Trade :
Road, railway,waterway, airway and pipeline net works and theircomplementary roles in regional development;Growing importance of port<> on national and foreigntrade; Trade balance; Trade Policy; E xportprocessing zones; Development<> in communicationand information technology and their impact<> oneconomy and society; Indian space programme.GEOGRAPHY15