1-Anthropology Flashcards
Anthropology–Meaning, Scope and development-1
1.1 Meaning, Scope and development of Anthropology.1.2 Relationships with other disciplines : Social Sciences,behavioural Sciences, Life Sciences, MedicalSciences, Earth Sciences and Humanities.1.3 Main branches of Anthropology, their scope andrelevance:(a) Social-cultural Anthropology.(b) Biological Anthropology.(c) Archaeological Anthropology.(d) Linguistic Anthropology.1.4 Human Evolution and emergence of Man :(a) Biological and Cultural factors in humanevolution.(b) Theories of Organic E vol uti on (Pre-Darwinian,Darwinian and Post-Darwinian).(c) Synthetic theory of evolution; Brief outline ofterms and concepts of evolutionary biology(Doll’s rule, Cope’s rule, Gause’s rule,parallelism, convergence, adaptive radiation,and mosaic evolution).1.5 Characteristics of Primates; Evolutionary Trend andPrimate Taxonomy; Primate Adaptations; (Arborealand Terrestrial) Primate Taxonomy; PrimateBehaviour; Tertiary and Quaternary fossil primates;Living Major Ptimates; Comparative Anatomy of Manand Apes; Skeletal changes due to erect posture andiL<> implications.1.6 Phylogenetic status, characteristics andgeographical distribution of the following:(a) Plio-preleistocene hominids in South and EastAfrica-Austral opi thee ines.(b) Homo erectus: A (rica (Paranthrovus ), Europe(Homo erectus (heidelbergensis), Asia (Homoerectus iavanicus, Homo erectus pekinensis.(c) Neanderthal man-La-chapelle-aux-saints(Cla
Anthropology–Meaning, Scope and development-1
2.1 The Nature of Culture : The concept andCharacteris ti cs of c ul ture and ci vi l ization ;Elhnocenuaism vis-a-vis cultural Relativism.2.2 The Natmae of Society : Concept of Society; Societyand Culture; Social Institution; Social groups; andSocial stratification.2.3 Marriage : Definition and uni versality; Laws ofmarriage (endogamy, exogamy, hypergamy,h ypogamy, incest taboo); Type of marriage(monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, group marriage).Functions of marriage; Marriage reg ula tions(preferential, prescriptive and proscriptive); Marriagepayments (bride wealth and dowry).2.4 Family : Definition and universality; Family,household and domestic groups; functions of family;Types of family (from the perspectives of structure,blood re lation, marriage, residence and succession);Impact of urbanization, indusuaializati on and feministmovemenLc; on family.2.5 Kinship : Consanguinity andAffinity; Principles andtypes of descent (Unilinea l, Double, BilateralAmbilineal); Forms of descent groups (lineage, clan,phrauay, moiety and kindred); Kinship terminology(descriptive and classificatory); Descent, Filiationand Complimentary Filiation;Decent and Alliance.Anthropology 2
- Economic Organization :
Meaning, scope andrelevance of economic anlhropology; FormalisL andS ub sLanLi vi sL debaLe; Principles governingproducti on, di sLribution and exchange (reciprociLy,redisuaibution and markel), in communi Lies, subsistingon huming and gaLhering, fishing, swiddening,pas Lo rali sm, honicullure, and agricullure;globaliLaLion and indigenous economic sysLems.Anthropology 3
- PoJiticaJ Organization and Socia] Control :
Band,tribe, chiefdom, kingdom and state; concepts ofpower, authori ty and legitimacy; social control, lawand justice in simple Societies.Anthropology 4
- Religion :
Anthropological approaches to the studyof religion (evolutionary, psycholog ical andfunctional); monotheism and polytheism; sacred andprofane; myths and rituals; forms of religion in tribaland peasant Societies (animism, animalism, fetishism,naturism and totemism); religion, magic and sciencedistingui shed; magico-religious functionaries (priest,shaman, medicine man, sorcerer and witch).Anthropology 5
- Anthtaopological theories :
(a) Classical evolutionism (Tylor, Morgan andFra.Ler)(b) Histori cal particulari sm (Boas) Diffusionism(British, German and American)(c) F unctionalism (Malinowski) ; Structural-Function) ism (Radcliffe-Brown)(d) Suaucturalism (L’evi-Suaauss and E. Leach)(e) Culture and personality (Benedict, Mead,Linton, Kardiner and Cora-duBois)(1) Neo-evolulionism (Childe, White, Steward,Sahlins and Service)(g) Cultural matelialism (Hanis)(h) Symbolic and interpretive theories (Turner,Schneider and Geertz)(i) Cognitive theories (Tyler, Conklin)G) Post-modemism in anthropoloyg.Anthropology 6
- Culture, Language and Communication:
Nalure, origin and characterist.ics of language; verbaland non- verbal communicaLion; social conLex oflang uage use.Anthropology 7
- Research methods inAnthropology :
(a) Fieldwork LradiLion in anthropology(b) DisLincLion beLween Lechnique, method andmeLhodology(c) Tools of daLa collecLion: observaLion, inLerview,schedules, quesLionnaire, case sLudy, genealogy,life-hisLory, oral hisLory, secondary sources ofinformaLion, parLicipaLory meLhod<>.(d) Analysis, imerpreLaLion and presenLaLion of daLa.Anthropology 8
9.Anthropology- Human Genetics
9.1 Human Genetics : Methods and Application :Melhod
- ConceptofhumangrowthandDevelopment -1:
Stagesof growlh-pre-nalal, nalal, infanl, childhood,adolescence, maLuriLy, senescence.-Faclors affecling growlh and developmenl genelic,environmental, biochemical, nulrilional, cullural andsocio-economic.-Ageing and senescence. Theories andobservalions-Biological and chronological longevily. Humanphysique and somalolypes. Melhodologies forgrowlh sludies.Anthropology 10
- ConceptofhumangrowthandDevelopment -2:
11.1 Relevance of menarche, menopause andother bioevenLs Lo fertilely. fertilely poorness anddifferentials.11.2 Demographic Lheories-biological, social and cullural.11.3 Biological and socio-ecological facLors influencingfecundiLy, ferLiliLy, naLaliLy andmorLaliLy.Anthropology 11
- Applications of Anthropology :
Anthropology ofsporls, Nulrilional anlhropology, Anlhroplogy indesigning of defence and other equipmenL<>, ForensicAnLhroplogy, MeLhods and principles of personalidenLificaLion and reconslruclion, Applied humangeneLics-Palernily diagnosis, genetic counsellingand eugenics, DNA Lechnology in diseases andmedicine, serogeneLics and cyLogeneLics inreproduclive biology.Anthropology 12
13-Evolution ofthe Indian Culture and Civilization
1.1 Evolution ofthe Indian Culture and CivilizationPrehistoric(Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic andNeolithic-Chalcolithic), Protohistoric (IndusCivilization). Pre-Harappan, Harappan and postHarappancultures. Contributions of the tribalcultures to Indian civilization.1.2 Palaeo-Anlhropological evidences from Indiawith special reference to Siwaliks and Narmada basin(Ramapithecus, Sivapithecus and Narmada Man).1.3. Ethno-archaeology in India: The concept of ethnoarchaeology;Survivals and Parallels among thehunting, foraging, fishing, pastoral and peasantcommunities including arts and crafts producingcommunities.Anthropology 13
2.Demographic profile of lndia-
Ethnic and linguisticelements in Lhe Indian population and theirdistribution. Indian population-factors influencingits structure and growlh.Anthropology 14
3.The structure and nature of traditional India-
3.1 The structure and nature of traditional Indian socialsystem-Vamashram, Purushartha, Karma, Rinaand Rebirth.3.2 Caste system in India- S trucLure and characteristicsVarna and caste, Theories of origin of caste system,Dominant caste, Caste mobility, Future of castesystem, Jajmani system. Tribe-case continuum.3.3 Sacred Complex andNature-Man-SpiritComplex.3.4. Impact of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianityof Indian society.Anthropology 15
- Emergence, growth and development in lndia-
Contribulions of the 18th, 19th and early 20th Centuryscholar-administraLOrs. Contribu tions of IndiananthropologisL<> to tribal and caste studies.Anthropology 16
- Significane of village study in India-
5.1 Indian Village-Significane of village study in India;Indian village as a social system; Traditional andchanging patterns of settlement and inter-casterelations; Agrarian relations in Indian villages; Impactof globali z.a ti on on Indian villages.5.2 Linguistic and religious minorities and their social,political and economic status.5.3 Indigenous and exogenous processes of socioculturalchange in Indian society: Sanskritization,Westernization, Modemization; Inter-play ofliule andgreat uaaditions; Panchayati Raj and social change;Media and Social change.Anthropology 17
- Tribal situation in India
6.1 Tribal situation in India-Bio-genet.ic variability,linguistic and socio-economic characterist.ics of thetribal populat.ions and their distribution.6.2 Problems of the tribal Communities-Landalienation, poverty, indebtedness, low literacy, pooreducational facilities, unemployment, underemployment,health and nutrit.ion.6.3 Developmental projects and their impact on tribaldisplacement and problems of rehabilitation.Development of forest policy and tribals. Impact ofurbanisation and industrialization on tribalpopulations.Anthropology 18
- Problems of exploita.t.ion and deprivation of
7.1 Problems of exploita.t.ion and deprivation ofScheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and OtherBackward Classes. Constitutional safeguards forScheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes.7.2 Social change and contemporary tribal societies :Impact of modern democratic institutions,development programmes and welfare measures ontribals and weaker sections.7.3 The concept of elhnicity; Ethnic conOicL
8.Impact of Religions on-
8.1 Impact of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islamand oLher religions on tribal societies.8.2 Tribe and nation sLate-a comparative study of tribalcommunities in India and other countries.Anthropology 20
9.History of administration of tribal areas
9.1 History of administration of tribal areas. tribal policies,plans, programmes of tribal development and theirimplementation. The concept of PTGs (PrimitiveTribal Groups), their distribution, special programmesfor their development. Role of N.G.O.s in tribaldevelopment.9.2 Role of anthropology in tribal and rural development.9.3 Contributions of anthropology to the understandingof regionalism, communalism and ethnic andpolilicalmovemenL<>.Anthropology 21