21 - Behavior Flashcards
someone’s character
a child with a happy, easy-going nature
somebody’s nature
It’s just not in my nature to lie.
by nature
She was by nature a very affectionate person.
She’s a bit jealous. But it’s just human nature.
the education and care that you are given as a child
Why do we behave the way we do? Is it a case of nature or nurture?
impact (on sth)
an effect or influence of sth
We need to assess the impact on climate change.
major/significant/profound etc impact
Higher mortgage rates have already had a major impact on spending.
impact of
an international meeting to consider the environmental impacts of global warming
play a part (in sth)
if something or someone plays a part in something else, they are involved in it
play a part in
Health education will play a part in preparing us for old age.
Britain should play its full part in the negotiations.
play a big/important part in something
Pictures play an important part in publishing.
extremely important
This aid money is crucial to the government’s economic policies.
The work of monks was crucial in spreading Christianity.
having a lot of influence and therefore changing the way people think and behave
He had influential friends.
a highly influential art magazine
peer pressure
a strong feeling that you must do the same things as other people of your age if you want them to like you
Teenagers often start smoking because of peer pressure.
incentive (to do sth)
something that encourages you to work harder, start a new activity etc
As an added incentive, there’s a bottle of champagne for the best team.
Farmers lack any incentive to manage their land organically.
broken home
a family that no longer lives together because the parents have divorced
The majority of offenders do not come from broken homes.
not having the things that are necessary for a comfortable or happy life
Deprived children tend to do less well at school.
causing physical harm to someone or something
the damaging effects of sunlight
having a good effect OPP detrimental
a drug that has a beneficial effect on the immune system
win a place (in sth)
He might even win a place in England’s amateur boxing team.
adolescent (n, adj)
a young person, usually between the ages of 12 and 18, who is developing into an adult
An estimated 62 million Americans smoke, including 4.1 million adolescents aged 12-17.
When adolescents are making the transition to adulthood, their conduct can change a lot.
adolescent girls
transition (from sth to sth)
when something changes from one form or state to another
the smooth transition from full-time work to full retirement
Making the transition from youth to adulthood can be very painful.
a society that is in transition (=changing)
the period of transition to full democracy