14 - Illness Flashcards
small and not very important or serious, especially when compared with other things OPP major
We have made some minor changes to the program.
a relatively minor error
a minor road
They played only a minor role in local government.
minor injury/illness/operation etc (=one that is not very serious or dangerous)
He escaped with only minor injuries.
hay fever
a medical condition, like a bad cold that is caused by breathing in pollen (=dust from plants)
a fine powder produced by flowers, which is carried by the wind or by insects to other flowers of the same type, making them produce seeds
1 usually or by most people SYN widely
Sodium chloride is more commonly known as salt.
a commonly used industrial chemical
2 often, in many places, or in large numbers SYN widely
Lung cancer is the most commonly found cancer in men.
commonly available software packages
a lot of red spots on someone’s skin, caused by an illness
She had a nasty rash on her arm.
I’m allergic to shrimps. I get a rash on my face if I eat one.
come/break out in a rash (=get a rash)
My mother comes out in a rash if she eats seafood.
diaper rash American English
Most babies get diaper rash at some stage.
a medical condition that causes difficulties in breathing
She’s coped with asthma and she’s sure her children could.
a serious disease in which there is too much sugar in your blood
Diabetes is linked to obesity.
the fact of being unable to do something
inability to do something
Alcoholism can result in an inability to cope.
the government’s inability to enforce the ceasefire
1 a small piece of something solid, without a particular shape
Strain the custard to remove lumps.
lump of
Melt a lump of butter in your frying-pan.
2 a small hard swollen area that sticks out from someone’s skin or grows in their body, usually because of an illness
You should never ignore a breast lump.
3 a small square block of sugar
One lump or two?
something that is potentially dangerous, useful etc is not dangerous etc now, but may become so in the future
a potentially dangerous situation
resulting in someone’s death
potentially fatal diseases
fatal accident/illness/injury etc
a fatal climbing accident
If it is not treated correctly, the condition can prove fatal (=be fatal).
heart attack
a sudden serious medical condition in which someone’s heart stops working normally, causing them great pain
have/suffer a heart attack
if a solid dissolves, or if you dissolve it, it mixes with a liquid and becomes part of it
Stir until the sugar dissolves.
dissolve in
Sugar dissolves in water.
dissolve something in something
Dissolve the tablet in water.
continuing for only a short time, or relating only to the period that is not very far into the future OPP long-term
The treatment may bring short-term benefits to AIDS sufferers.
Most of the staff are on short-term contracts.
She’s suffering from short-term memory loss.
exceed vs excess
1) to go beyond what rules or laws say you are allowed to do
He was fined for exceeding the speed limit.
The riot police had exceeded their authority.
Do not exceed the stated dose.
2) to be more than a particular number or amount
The cost won’t exceed $5000
The cost won’t be in excess of $5000.