19.2 The political, economic and social effect of the war Flashcards
How did Stalin view the ethnic variety in Russia and what did he do as a consequence?
++Where did he start?
+++How many survived the uprootment
Stalin saw the multinational nature of the Russian empire as a threat and started from August 1941 to disperse these groups
++ Starting with the dissolvement of the Volga German autonomous republic sent these people to the East and others like the Karachai, Kalmyks to around 1.5m were deported
+++ Only 1/3 survived the uprootment.
How did WW2 change the composition of the Party and why?
++ stats
++ composition by 1945 vs 1941
There was greater influence on political education within the military and ranks were reintroduced - led to an increase in military members joining the party
++ 5m candidate members and 3.6m new members joined the party
+++ By 1945 ¼ of those in the armed forces were communists and 20% were in the Komsomol versus 15% in 1941
What impact did the war have on communist ideology?
The war had a positive impact on reinforcing communist ideology despite nationalism being promoted more than the communism. By May 1945 Stalin could declare that the socialist system had worked.
What % of German seizure of Russian assets?
- Iron
- Coal
- Steel
- Railways
- Arable land
Iron = 68
Coal = 63
Steel = 58
Railways = 45
Arable land = 41
Since when had Russia been transitioning into a wartime economy?
30th June 1941
Methods in which Russia had prepared industry in the event of war (4)
- ‘Scorched earth’ policy had rendered lots of land useless
- 1523 Soviet factories including workers had moved from Western Russia (Ukraine) to the East (Urals) between June-November 1941
- Industrial growth had been capitalised upon during the 5 year plans with production geared towards the military
- New railways were built to the frontlines and from industrial areas
Methods in which Russia had advantage over most Western countries (4)
- The existing framework of a central planning economy meant that there was little change as used to it
- People’s Commissars created to supervise different sections of wartime production
- Compulsory state orders allowed for changes to occurs in a short time
- The population was ready and maximum efficiency was ensured through tight labour controls
What were positive economic impacts of the Great Patriotic War? (4)
- National expenditure shifted towards the military – by 1942 it had risen 28%
- Munitions manufacturing was 76% of all production
- 3,500 new industrial enterprises
- 1943 industrial output had surpassed Germany’s and the goods were of a better quality – some best ever
What were negative impacts of the Great Patriotic War? (2)
- Food problems were not solved as quickly especially since the 1942 grain harvest had only been 1/3 of 1940’s
- Stalin aimed to resolve this through harsh requisitioning, rationing and quotas
What kind of goods were provided through Western Aid to Russia during WW2?
- 1.75m tonnes of military equipment and food was shipped from the West - 94% from America
- $11bn under the Lend-Lease scheme
- 1/2 of cards in the USSR by 1945 came from overseas
What was the impact of WW2 on Soldiers and workers? (6)
- Wave of patriotism through the shock announcement of the invasion – 120k signed up for the military in Moscow alone
- Marshal control over labour to survive the harsh conditions imposed by war BUT this had been normalised in the 1930’s purges so little resistance
- December 1941 a law was passed in which all men 16-55 and women 16-45 had to work towards the war effort. Overtime was obliged and holidays suspended. 12 hour working days were normal
- 8.6 million soldiers were killed between 1941-45
- Food shortage accountable for 1/4 of 25m deaths
- Gulag labour was used producing 15% of all Soviet ammunition
What was the law passed in December 1941 to help labour during the war?
All men 16-55 and women 16-45 had to work towards the war effort. Overtime was obliged and holidays suspended. 12 hour working days were normal
How many soldiers were killed between 1941-41
What was the impact of WW2 on propaganda and culture? (4)
- Deeply patriotic and violent Anti-German articles were published in the Pravda
- 1943 the national anthem was replaced
- Artists were given more freedom in the interest of national reconciliation
- Musicians were allowed to perform and Maria Yudina was even flown in to Leningrad during the siege in 1943
What was the impact of WW2 on the Church? (3)
- Persecution on the church was halted
- Stalin manipulated the church to gain morale with prayers called for victory and praise of Stalin
- The church had little autonomy like before and was effectively an extension of the Government
What was the impact of WW2 on Women and the family? (5)
- Greater emphasis was placed on the family = greater burden on women
- Title ‘heroines of the soviet union’ bestowed upon women that had more than one child.
- 1945 +1/2 of soviet workers and 4/5 of land workers were female
- 1.5m fought in the Soviet forces
What was the impact of WW2 on Partisans?
Some Soviet citizens and Red army soldiers were left behind German lines after their rapid invasion in 1941
- 1943 estimated 300k and 1m+ by 1945
- Disrupted German operations like Zoya who cut telephone wires and was hailed as a Hero