14.1 The Consolidation of Bolshevik authority; political developments 1917-1924 Flashcards
How did the Bolsheviks survive at the start of their control in 1917-1918? (6)
- Strikes were overcome; some city working class people favored soviet rule
- By-passed the Soviet to create a Bolshevik only government (some leftwing SR’s)
- Other political groups were barred
- Decrees were passed to gain support for the regime
- Constituent assembly was dissolved in January 1918
- Treaty of Brest-Litovsk gave the peace needed to survive
What were some important decrees from October 1917-February 1918?
- Max 8 hour work day
- Decree on Land and Peace
- Cheka established
- Church control reduced
When were the Decree’s on Land and Peace given?
October 1917
When were the Decree’s on abolition of ranks and title given?
November 1917
When was the Cheka established?
December 1917
When was the Russian Soviet proclaimed as part of a new constitution?
July 1918
The 1918 Constitution looked democratic but what were some of its limitations? (4)
- The former ‘exploiting classes’ could not vote
- The workers vote was weighted 5 to 1 against peasants
- Sovnarkom was elected by the Bolsheviks rather than congress
- Congress met at intervals; authority remained in the Sovnarkom
Who were the Whites?
Anger at the concessions made in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk merged with existing political opposition and were known as the ‘whites’.
Why did some of Russia’s previous allies side with the whites?
- They opposed communist ideology
- They wanted Russia to rejoin WW1
- Bolsheviks had refused to pay back their loans
What triggered the Russian civil war of 1918-1920?
- Spring 1918 – An anti-Bolshevik Volunteer Army had formed in the south
- March 1918 – Bolsheviks moved their capital to Moscow; Conflict with the Czech Legion
What was the Red’s geographical advantage to the whites?
Commanded strategic locations like armaments factories and Most densely populated areas
The whites were more dispersed
Where the Red’s or White’s more unified?
Red’s had a unified structure
White generals fought for different objectives
What were other reasons for the Red’s winning?
- Xenophobia gave the Red’s a platform of propaganda
- The White’s who had been receiving Foreign aid, it was not extensive and was withdrawn once the war was over
What was the situation in 1921 against the poles?
- What was the hope it would spark?
- In 1921 the war was now against Polish armies who had reached Kiev in 1920 – this was countered by Lenin’s army.
- 1921 Treaty of Riga granted Poland self-rule
- There had been hope that a communist revolution would be sparked in Poland triggering more across Europe which didn’t occur
What did the Russian civil war lead to?
The Russian Civil war led to an increased centralization and Party control
What was the Nomenklatura?
1923 – Nomenklatura held 5,500 key administrative positions and could only be granted through approval of the Communist party
What happened in Georgia in 1922?
In 1922 demands from Georgia for greater independence led to violence and was crushed
When was the USSR established?
1922 constitution
Who was at the top of the soviet government structure?
Central committee
Who was at the top of the Communist party structure?
Central committee
When did Lenin impose a ban on factions and what did this do?
1921 Lenin imposed a ban on factions which made it difficult to oppose the Party