18. Cognitive models and neural basis of speech perception Flashcards
Speech perception uses a s____ s____ m____ that operates separately from perceiving n____-s____ sounds
specialised speech module
non-speech sounds
P____ listening to meaningless monosyllables activates m____ and p____ areas
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over p____ areas interferes with p____ discrimination in noise but not c____ discrimination
Two pieces of evidence against the motor theory of speech perception are:
1. Categorical perception can also be demonstrated for n____-s____ sounds
2. With training, chinchillas show the same phoneme b____ for /da/-/ta/ c____ as humans
- non-speech sounds
- boundary, continuum
Superior temporal gyrus is associated with speech p____
Inferior frontal gyrus is associated with speech p____
Ventral stream is associated with w____ r____
Dorsal stream is associated with linking p____ with p____
speech perception
speech production
word recognition
linking perception with production
Two pieces of evidence for the ventral stream are:
1. Anterior temporal damage associated with s____ i____
2. Inferior temporal damage associated with c____ d____
- semantic impairment
- Comprehension deficits
What are two pieces of evidence for dorsal stream?
1. Listening to syllables activates m____ and p____ areas
2. TMS over premotor areas interferes with p____ d____ in n____ but not c____ d____
- motor and premotor areas
- phoneme discrimination in noise but not colour discrimination
Define Uniqueness point (UP)
When only o____ w____ becomes c____ with the s____ i____
When only one word becomes consistent with the speech input
Learning new words slows down…
recognition of existing words