17b. Development of the organ of hearing. Flashcards
Development of the membranous labyrinth
-> What will develop into membranous labyrinth? When?
Otic vesicle
-> 4th week
Development of the membranous labyrinth (4th week)
-> Identify
What happen during Development of the vestibular and cochlear ganglia
The statoacustic = vestibulocochlear ganglion later splits into vestibular and cochlear parts.
development of the otic vesicle
-> What happen during 6th week?
Semicircular canals develop from the utricular vesicle
Development of the bony labyrinth
-> Identify
Development of the bony labyrinth
-> What happen during 6th month?
Development of the bony labyrinth
-> What happen during 10th week?
cavitation of the otic capsule
-> Scala tympany and scala vestibuli
The pharyngeal apparatus
-> Each pharyngeal arch has its own ___ (4 things)
aortic arch artery
cranial nerve
Development of the middle ear
-> What arises from 1st Pharyngeal cleft?
External acustic meatus
Development of the middle ear
-> What arises from 1st Pharyngeal pouch?
- Tubotympanic recess
- Tympanic membrane
Development of the middle ear
-> What arises from Tubotympanic recess (1st pharyngeal pouch)?
- Distal part – tympanic cavity antrum mastoideum
- Proximal part - tuba auditiva
Development of the middle ear
-> What arises from Tympanic membrane (1st Pharyngeal pouch)?
- Outer ectoderm layer
- Middle mesodermal layer
- Inner endodermal layer
Development of the middle ear
-> What are the 2 types of cartilage?
I. Meckel cartilage
II. Reichert cartilage
Development of the middle ear
-> Meckel cartilage gives off ___ (2 structures)
- Malleus
- Incus
Development of the middle ear
-> Reichert cartilage gives off ___
Development of the middle ear
-> Mesenchyme filling the tympanic cavity till which month?
the 8th month
Development of the middle ear
-> Identify
auditory ossicles
What give rise to tympanic muscle?
1st pharyngeal arch myoblast (n.V.)
What give rise to stapedius muscle?
2nd pharyngeal arch myoblast (n. VII)
What do mensenchymes give rise to?
Tympanic cavity at birth and first years of age
-> What are included in dorsal extension?
antrum tympanicum – pneumatization - mastoid cells
Development of the pinna (6th week)
-> What do 1 -> 6 arise from?
What happen during Development of the pinna?
During development the auricle moves from the neck to its final location. Developing ear remnants (preauricular tags) are congenital anomalies seen along this route.