17 Restructuring the Postwar World, 1945-Present Flashcards
United Nations
world organization formed to prevent war
Iron Curtain
division between Eastern and Western Europe during the Cold War; coined by Winston Churchill
policy aimed at preventing the spread of communism
Truman Doctrine
policy of giving aid to countries threatened by communism
Marshall Plan
plan to give aid to European countries to help them recover from WWII
Berlin Airlift
flying of food and supplies into West Berlin by Britain and the US to break a Soviet blockade
Cold War
state of tension and mistrust between the US and the Soviet Union after WWII
military alliance including the US, Canada, and several countries in Western Europe
Warsaw Pact
military alliance between the Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe
willingness on the part of the superpowers to go the brink, or edge, of war
Mao Zedong
communist leader who defeated the Nationalists and led the People’s Republic of China
Jiang Jieshi
Nationalist leader who set up a new government in Taiwan
also known as the Republic of China (ROC)
large farm setup in China in which many families work the land and live together
Cultural Revolution
uprising in China between 1966 and 1976 that aimed to establish a society of peasants and workers in which all were equal
Red Guards
young Chinese students who carried out the Cultural Revolution
38th Parallel
line that separated North Korea and South Korea
Douglas MacArthur
leader of the UN forces during the Korean War
capital of South Korea
Yalu River
natural border between China and North Korea
Ho Chi Minh
Vietnamese nationalist who drove the French out of Vietnam and who led North Vietnam
domino theory
idea that the fall of one country to communism would lead other countries to become communist
Ngo Dinh Diem
leader of the anticommunist government of South Vietnam
communist rebels in South Vietnam who were supported by North Vietnam
Nixon’s plan for gradually withdrawing US troops from Vietnam and replacing them with South Vietnamese troops
Khmer Rouge
Communist rebels who set up a brutal government in Cambodia
Russian secret police
Third World
developing nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
nonaligned nations
countries that did not take sides with either the US or the Soviet Union
Fidel Castro
communist leader of Cuba
Nikita Khrushchev
leader of the Soviet Union after Stalin
John F. Kennedy
president of the US from 1961 to 1963
Anastazio Somoza
Nicaraguan dictator
Daniel Ortega
leader of communist rebels in Nicaragua
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Muslim leader who overthrew the Shah of Iran
Imre Nagy
Hungarian leader
Alexander Dubček
Czechoslovakian leader
Lyndon Johnson
president of the US from 1963 to 1969
Richard M. Nixon
president of the US from 1969 to 1974
talks to limit nuclear arms in the US and the Soviet Union
Ronald Reagan
president of the US from 1981 to 1989
Mutually Assured Destruction
the doctrine that a universally catastrophic nuclear war was not worth starting by either side
“openness” instead of government secrecy
“restructuring” of the Soviet political and economic system
Joseph McCarthy
persecuted alleged Communists in the US
Red Scare
hysteria surrounding the presence of Communists in the US