04 The Atlantic World, 1492-1800 Flashcards
Christopher Columbus
Italian explorer who landed in the Americas for Spain
land controlled by another nation
Hernando Cortés
conquistador who defeated the Aztec
Spanish explorers in the Americas
Francisco Pizarro
conquistador who defeated the Inca
last Incan emperor
person with mixed Spanish and Native American blood
system of mining and farming using natives as slave labor
Aztec Empire
great empire in the valley of Mexico that had strong religious beliefs and a powerful army
Inca Empire
largest empire ever in the Americas, located in the Andes
New France
area of the Americas explored and claimed by France
first permanent English settlement in America
group of English people who founded a colony in Plymouth
people who did not agree with the practices of the Church of England
New Netherland
Dutch colony begun in present-day New York City
French and Indian War
war between Britain and France over land in North America
Native American leader who led an attack on the villages of Massachusetts; also called King Philip
Atlantic slave trade
buying and selling of Africans for work in the Americas
triangular trade
European trade between the Americas, Africa, and Europe involving slaves and other goods
middle passage
voyage that brought captured Africans to the West Indies and the Americas
Columbian Exchange
global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of the Americas
economic system based on private ownership and the investment of wealth for profit
joint-stock company
company in which people pooled their wealth for a common purpose
economic policy of increasing wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and selling more goods than are bought
favorable balance of trade
condition resulting from selling more goods than are bought
brought into one country from another