16 World War II, 1939–1945 Flashcards
nonaggression pact
agreement between countries to not attack or invade each other
warfare in which surprise air attacks are followed by massive land attacks
Charles de Gaulle
leader of the French government-in-exile
Winston Churchill
leader of Britain
Battle of Britain
battle of British and German air forces fought over Britain during 1940-41
city from which 300,000 trapped Allied troops were rescued by sea
Erwin Rommel
German general who led troops in North Africa; the “Desert Fox”
Atlantic Charter
declaration of principles issued by Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941
country that resisted annexation by Russia
Phony War
a lack of actual fighting after Britain and France declared war on Germany
Maginot Line
fortifications along France’s border with Germany
country through which Germany invaded France
German air force
decoding machine for encrypted German messages
Operation Barbarossa
German invasion of Russia
Isoroku Yamamoto
Japanese admiral who decided that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had to be destroyed
Pearl Harbor
US Navy base in Hawaii
Battle of Midway
sea and air battle in which American forces defeated Japanese forces near Midway Island in the Pacific
Douglas MacArthur
US general who commanded Allied forces in the Pacific
Battle of Guadalcanal
six-month island battle in which American and Australian troops defeated Japanese defenders
a person of Caucasian race not of Jewish descent
systematic mass killings of Jews and other groups considered inferior by Nazis
Night of Broken Glass, when Nazis attacked Jews throughout Germany
neighborhoods in which European Jews were forced to live
Final Solution
Hitler’s plan to kill as many Jews as possible
systematic killing of an entire people group
Hitler’s elite security force
the largest of the extermination camps
Dwight D. Eisenhower
US general who helped drive the Germans out of Africa
Battle of Stalingrad
battle during which the Red Army forced the Germans out of this city named after their leader
huge Allied invasion mounted to retake France from the Germans
Battle of the Bulge
final large-scale attack by German troops that was forced back by the Allies
Japanese suicide pilots
Nuremburg Trials
where Nazi leaders were tried for crimes against humanity
process of breaking down armed forces
process of creating a government elected by the people