1.5.4 CFGC - Moreau Flashcards
I go down.
You (t) do not go down.
Je descends.
Tu ne descends pas.
the horizon
You (v) have died.
They (m) have not died.
Vous êtes mort(s).
Ils ne sont pas morts.
there are, they are
ce sont
It is 5:50 p.m. (24)
Il est dix sept heures cinquante.
deux mille
the whole year
- not use article -
toute l’année
You have to take …..
Il faut prendre ….
the mussel
-shell fish
la moule
You (v) will never stay.
Vous ne resterez jamais.
the dungeon
le cachot
He was falling.
She was not falling.
Il tombait.
Elle ne tombait pas.
the hate
la haine
This is the man that I love.
C’est l’homme que j’aime.
The perfume that I adore is no longer in stock.
* en stock *
Le parfum que j’adore n’est plus en stock.
Verb following QUE in the Passe Compose conjugated with AVOIR – then the past participle does decline !!
**The vacation that I booked is cancelled.
Les vacances que j’ai réservées sont annulées.
I know (c) a restaurant that you’re going to love. (adorer)
** tu **
Je connais un restaurant que tu vas adorer.
Here is the homework that I just finished.
Voici les devoirs que je viens de finir.
Is that why you made me come?
“it’s for that that you me have made to come”
C’est pour ça que tu m’as fait venir ?
The movie that I am watching is horrible.
Le film que je regarde est horrible.
You have not opened the letter that I wrote you.
** tu **
Tu n’as pas ouvert la lettre que je t’ai écrite.
The car that I bought is already broken down.
La voiture que j’ai achetée est déjà en panne.
The champagne that you bought is good.
** tu **
Le champagne que tu as acheté est bon.
The living room that we (ON) have set up is comfortable.
Le salon qu’on a installé est confortable.
The hat that you were wearing yesterday suited (aller) you very well.
Le chapeau que tu portais hier t’allait très bien.
The couple that I met is a bit weird.
Le couple que j’ai rencontré est un peu bizarre.
of which, of whom, that
2 points …….
- replaces Object or Person WHEN it includes “de”
- prep. “de” goes with the verb
This is the person “that” I talked to you about.
** parler de
C’est la personne dont je t’ai parlé.
- parler de
The yard/garden “that” I am taking care of is in a bad state.
s’occuper de
Le jardin dont je m’occupe est en mauvais état.
Here is what I need. ===
Here is “that” “of which” I have need.
Voici ce dont j’ai besoin !
- avoir besoin de
It’s something of which he is proud.
C’est quelque chose dont il est fier.
- être fier de